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Kristian K

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Acum 1 oră, Lucian_M a spus:

Yep. Nu era split, dar tot frumoasă. Și ce mi-a mai plăcut (o să vă umfle râsul), a fost HF-ul alb, pe care soția nu a dat doi lei. Am gusturi cretine, știu.


Deloc,e preferata mea de la italience! :)

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Soția nici nu a băgat-o în seamă, dar de cum am văzut fața, mi-am dat seama ce este și ce legendă Rally am in față. În plus, părea pregătită de cursă, cu roll-cage, scaune și tot tacâmul. Dar nici când i-am zis că e rachetă chiar și pe timpurile astea nu a părut interesată, dimpotrivă. Parcă are 2 litri și 310 cai, tracțiune integrală și un demaraj de invidiat, chiar și pentru 2021.

Deci am reținut binișor datele...

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We remain forever obsessed with this image of a woman terrifying the devil himself with her vulva but did you know there's context? And the context is weirder than the picture itself...

It's an 1896 illustration by Charles Eisen of the poem "The Devil of Pope Fig Island" by Jean de la Fontaine, a 17th century French fabulist. In the story, the devil has turned up on this island, and he's going around terrorising the villagers, as devils do. You know, cuckolding husbands, nicking people's crops, generally making life crappy. One day he decides to screw with a farmer called Phil, and demands the guy gives him half of his crops. The farmer decides to trick the devil by giving him what he asked for, literally - the half that's basically leaves rather than the actual veg. The devil is annoyed and embarrassed by this and resolves to punish the farmer. The farmer is obviously quite frightened by this, and goes crying to his wife. His wife is like "babe, chill, I've got this, I have more power in my little finger than that jerk". (we paraphrase - she actually says "My little finger, if I like can show / More malice than his head and body know.")

When the devil turns up, the farmer goes and hides in a vat of holy water because he's scared and has made the very good decision to just let his wife handle the whole thing. The wife (her name is Perretta) turns on the tears and cries to the devil about how her husband is a very strong and scary man who beats her. She's like "he is SO scary, look at this wound he gave me".

And she lifts up her skirts and shows the devil her vulva.

The devil has never seen a vulva before (presumably when he was off cuckolding he was doing it in the dark or with his eyes closed or something). He is HORRIFIED by this enormous wound this poor lady has. And he's like "holy crap, I screwed with the wrong guy, this man is scary af" So he goes away, and leaves that village alone, and then everybody claps and Perretta is a hero.


If you like this image even more now you have context, you can buy it on bookmarks, greeting cards and more in our gift shop! You can get 10% off everything in our shop until 14th December using the code MERRYCLITMAS


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Vizitator _Raul_
Acum 3 ore, VyXxer a spus:


We remain forever obsessed with this image of a woman terrifying the devil himself with her vulva but did you know there's context? And the context is weirder than the picture itself...

It's an 1896 illustration by Charles Eisen of the poem "The Devil of Pope Fig Island" by Jean de la Fontaine, a 17th century French fabulist. In the story, the devil has turned up on this island, and he's going around terrorising the villagers, as devils do. You know, cuckolding husbands, nicking people's crops, generally making life crappy. One day he decides to screw with a farmer called Phil, and demands the guy gives him half of his crops. The farmer decides to trick the devil by giving him what he asked for, literally - the half that's basically leaves rather than the actual veg. The devil is annoyed and embarrassed by this and resolves to punish the farmer. The farmer is obviously quite frightened by this, and goes crying to his wife. His wife is like "babe, chill, I've got this, I have more power in my little finger than that jerk". (we paraphrase - she actually says "My little finger, if I like can show / More malice than his head and body know.")

When the devil turns up, the farmer goes and hides in a vat of holy water because he's scared and has made the very good decision to just let his wife handle the whole thing. The wife (her name is Perretta) turns on the tears and cries to the devil about how her husband is a very strong and scary man who beats her. She's like "he is SO scary, look at this wound he gave me".

And she lifts up her skirts and shows the devil her vulva.

The devil has never seen a vulva before (presumably when he was off cuckolding he was doing it in the dark or with his eyes closed or something). He is HORRIFIED by this enormous wound this poor lady has. And he's like "holy crap, I screwed with the wrong guy, this man is scary af" So he goes away, and leaves that village alone, and then everybody claps and Perretta is a hero.


If you like this image even more now you have context, you can buy it on bookmarks, greeting cards and more in our gift shop! You can get 10% off everything in our shop until 14th December using the code MERRYCLITMAS



Diavol tanar. 


Magazin online interesant.


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La 02.12.2021 la 20:35, Lucian_M a spus:

Mi-a plăcut bijuteria asta, dar nu era patronul acasă și nu am putut face schimb... De trei ori m-am întors la ea, a fost singura din colecție care mi-a furat inima, deși erau altele mult mai frumoase.






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Acum 4 minute, Lucian_M a spus:

Frumos, lucrătură old-school. 👍

Alte vremuri Luciene,alte vremuri... :




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Distribuie pe alte site-uri un sapun excelent, pt cei ce nu suporta gelurile si sapunurile ce lasa pe piele resturi uleioase. Se da usor jos cu apa calduta, si curata foarte bine. Se gaseste la magazinele DM. mi-a spus o prietena de firma asta, nu o stiam. Sunt mai scumpe periutele decat alte marci dar sunt bune bune. Se gasesc si la magazinele DM.


Berea anului, o descoperire in excursie la Poiana Marului, berea Scorilo. Se gaseste si in MegaImage, sau sus la fabrica in poiana. Sau pe comanda online.


Albumul anului


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