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  1. Peugeot Jet Force/Servicii de diagnoza/Cip-uri/Service Diagnoza cu tester special pentru toata gama moto Peugeot Ati pierdut cheia?nici o problema , gasim codul din immo si facem alt cip pt urmatoarele tipuri de immobilizatoare: MAGNETI MARELLI ACI100 / ACI50x / ACI60x with MC68HC05B8/B16 inside MAGNETI MARELLI IMM003/IMM006 with MC68HC05E6 (0F82B / 0G72G) inside MAGNETI MARELLI MIU1.XX / MIU2.XX with ST10F269-T3 inside MAGNETI MARELLI MIU G3 with Infineon SAK-XC2060 and 95320 inside MAGNETI MARELLI IAW15 with MC68HC11F1 (2E87J) inside EFI TECHNOLOGY ACII/AC2I/AC5I/AC8I/AC21I/AC23I with ST72 and 95040 EFI TECHNOLOGY AC19I / AC20I / AC25I / AC32I with ST72 MCU and 95080 Deblocare limitator de viteza din soft de la 45km/h la free Pt detalii sunati la 0740170767 Claudiu
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