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Postări postat de pstefan

  1. am cumparat in august un J300 model 2019  (nou) cu care fac naveta , aprox 15 km zilnic.

    Acum dupa 3 saptamani de stat a pornit foarte greu , dupa cel putin 10 incercari (contact oprit/pornit buton, etc).

    Are probleme generale cu pornitul la frig ? (frig rau nu e , cam -2 grade , mai jos nu prea scade si nici in astea 3 saptamani nu a scazut)

  2. "Scary moment on the m8 just outside Glasgow this evening. 70mph, middle lane cruising along and bang!

    Terminal final drive failure. Managed to keep control and get to the hard shoulder to avoid being mown down.
    Never seen anything like it before. Anyone had this problem?
    2013 R1200GSW, 6200 miles, serviced and MOT'd by BMW motorrad East Kilbride on the 10th February 2016.Scary moment on the m8 just outside Glasgow this evening. 70mph, middle lane cruising along and bang!

    Terminal final drive failure. Managed to keep control and get to the hard shoulder to avoid being mown down.
    Never seen anything like it before. Anyone had this problem?
    2013 R1200GSW, 6200 miles, serviced and MOT'd by BMW motorrad East Kilbride on the 10th February 2016."



    si partea buna daca iei moto de noua :


    "Update - got to say I've had excellent service from Douglas Park BMW Motorrad East Kilbride, Scotland.

    They picked up the bike next day, their communication has been excellent throughout and a full investigation is underway as to the cause. I'll update on final conclusion when all is said and done.
    Shaft drive is being returned to BMW Germany via their 'PUMA' internal fast track investigation service.
    BMW very quickly authorised full replacement of all parts in anyway affected by the incident and provided me with a brand new R1200RS to use whilst my GS is off the road."

  3. post-18160-0-71231300-1459434300_thumb.jpg

    Da , se poate .

    Am facut Bucuresti - Viena intr-o zi , fara pasager . Si in Viena am ajuns pe la un 17 si am mai iesit si in oras la o bere.

    Cu pasager probabil ajungeam cu o ora-doua mai tarziu ca nu mai mergeam asa tare prin RO.


    » Post actualizat in 31 Mar 2016 14:37

    Intre Budapesta si Viena am mai incetinit ritmul pentru ca ajungeam prea devreme:)).

  4. Salut, mi-am comandat o pereche de Tourance insa mi-a ajuns doar spatele . Fata cica nu mai au pe stoc. Mi-au dat urmatoarele alternative:

    Pirelli Scorpion Trail Front


    Bridgestone A 40 F


    Bridgestone BW501


    Full_Bore_USA M40 Adventure Sport


    Heidenau K76



    Sa iau ceva din astea sau sa caut totusi un Tourance pt fața?

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