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  • Locatie
    Varna, Bulgaria
  • Numar Moto
    SST 20
  • Club
    Motorex Motoboom

Informații profil

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SRAD's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. "La multi ani!" cu sanatate si noroc!!!

  2. Here is the list with Biker Meeting in Bulgaria 2007: 1. Yambol, 11-13 May 2. Haskovo, 25-27 May 3. Sofia, 8-10 June 4. Kazanlak, 15-17 June 5. Ruse, 22-24 June 6. Varna, 25 June - 1 July 7. Plovdiv, 6-8 July 8. Kyustendil, 13-15 July 9. Razgrad, 20-22 July 10. Stara Zagora, 27-29 July 11. Harmanli, 3-5 August 12. Obzor, 6-12 August 13. Gabrovo, 17-19 August 14. Veliko Tarnovo, 24-26 August 15. Svilengrad, 31 August - 2 September 16. Burgas, 6-9 September 17. Troyan, 14-16 September 18. Sopot, 28-30 September You can find the places at the following map:
  3. In momentul asta sunt 400 de motociclete si vor mai veni de peste tot! Din Romania, deocamdata, e decat Silviu "URSU" da la Gloria Brotherhood. Pe curand!
  4. Pavel, the others pictures are not for everybody ask Dobrescu for them!
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