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Orice postat de motofreak

  1. I was successful by looking for moto-events in Romania, at the last two weeks of august. There is the Heavy Riders-Bike-Fest at 29-31.8. And a Ouartermile-Race in Baia Mare. But I can´t find informations, where exactly is the: - 29-31 august 2008 * Eveniment: Intrunire moto * Locatie: Zalau * Organizator: Meses Moto Club And what´s going on there. Who know details?
  2. Hallo remijaru. Sorry. I couldn´t read your message. I haven´t a translation program for my computer. And a Spanish speaking friend couldn´t translate it too.
  3. I´m not really a good off-road rider. This time I have a problem with the gearbox of my BMW 1100GS. But i´m sure it will be reparable till august. Than I take this “enduro” for this trip. If you know interesting places, you think it´s possible to a reach them with it, I will be grateful for a few tips.
  4. Vama Veche is a good Idea. I´ve heard about this. In internet I found a festival there too. But exactly this time we are at the sziget in Budapest. I read, there is a meeting place for party-people, all the summer long. What do you mean with “Schassburg….since it´s a german city”? I know: there were living a lot of Germans for a few hundred years. But I think, the very most of them are gone, the last 15 years.
  5. No. I didn’t plan a special itinerary. The week before, we will be in Budapest, to celebrate on the sziget-festival there. After this, my friends ride back home to Germany. And I want to drive in the south-eastly direction. So I will come in, from the Hungarian border. Maybe I sometime visit an other German friend who life’s partly in Constanza. This time I’m looking for information’s about interesting things to watch. I didn’t must see every old monastery, or whatever all other tourist want to see. By my last trip to Romania in 2005 I saw pelicans in Tulcea, or a bear in Brasov, or a giant power works by potile de fier. This was much more interesting. If you have a tip, please tell it me. Thanks for your kindness, Jethro Tull. Why not? I will come in from Hungary, and want go out to Slovakia. Between this I haven´t planned a special tour. Maybe only a short visit in Constanza. Where in Romania are you?
  6. Thank you for this information’s. They are helpful for me. I suppose the Romanian word ”Intruniere” means “meeting”. I think, it´s not a problem, to find the event in Zaulau. But I futile searched in the internet for the location of the Pro-Bike-Event. Do you know, where in Bucuresti this will be.
  7. Hallo. In the time from august the 18th to the first week in september, i´d like to travel across romania by motorcycle, again. So i´m looking for motorcycle- or music-events, that time. To meet other motorcyclists or rock/metal-music-fans for celebrate a little. Greets motofreak
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