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Orice postat de shpixy

  1. Eu acu ca am fost luminat ca n-am elastic la cardan, GATA ! , o vand draq si imi iau ceva cu patratele de cauciuc.
  2. Din pacate nu mai stiu unde am citit cu ceva timp in urma... ! Pe de alta parte, exact asa s-a intamplat ! Din curiozitate am incercat sa citesc din urma dar curiozitatea s-a transformat in altceva si am renuntat !
  3. Just found this on pistonheads: <<I did a piece on Kevin for Bikerglory, he was incredibly positive and helpful from the start. Bg is investigative orientated and Kevin knew that mainstream bike journalism was at heart very conservative (which over the years provided an uncritical environment for smooth operators). Put it this way. Kevin got it. I've been in touch with contacts in SA. Kevin crashed off road, got up and was hit by the following rider. This probably isn't the time or place to get into a debate about the new GS's abilities off road but it does highlight the fact that this class of machine is essentially a sports tourer in adventure drag: no 21 inch front wheel, over 200 kilos and so on. BMW withdrew all the launch bikes for technical examination as one would expect and again, as one would expect, are not commenting. There will of course be an inquest. We're all vulnerable, irrespective of age or experience, and that is the bottom line. Kevin:>>
  4. Se pare ca din cauza unghiului schimbat la furca la modelul nou directia e mai usoara ( nu vb din experienta ) si se pare ca s-ar simti nevoia... ! am inteles ca are nu stiu cate reglaje-pozitii pt tarie
  5. Vezi ca e in pozele puse de mine. Acolo unde ii multumeam lui Capone ! ASTA
  6. Dupa mine astea cred ca sunt cele mai frumoase ! De gustibus non disputandum !
  7. .
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