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Bucuresti - Nadlac - Budapesta - Viena - Graz - Villach - Tarvisio - Venetia - Bologna - Baberino di Mugello - si inapoi


Daca esti pregatit sa parcurgi un astfel de drum in luna iunie, te astept cu un raspuns aici sau pe privat.



"16 races all over the world, but only one event in Italy.On June 6th, at Mugello Circuit.

These are the 'data' of MotoGP Championship, a great show. How to forget the 2003 Italian Cinzano Grand Prix with three dream races, especially in the MotoGP one with the three Italian heroes - Rossi, Capirossi, Biaggi - on a gold rostrum. We have to prepare for the next appointment, on June 6th, because, you know, Mugello is always able to offer you a big show!

Valentino Rossi and his new heat with Yamaha, while Honda factory answers with six bikes, especially with Max Biaggi the knight. The new Ducati, after his fantastic 2003, is ready for the attak on the Championship. But don't forget the will of revenge of Aprilia, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Proton ed Harris Wcm.

125 race will be rich of surprises, while the 'school' for MotoGp will start in 250 class. Do not miss these pages: you'lll be always on pole position for the news of Mugello Circuit."



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da Doamne o minune (doua, trei daca se poate) pentru zahei...


iar ca sa aveti o idee despre costuri:


costul biletului pentru 2 zile - sambata si duminica:


Pe circuit = 103 euro

Tribuna Poggio Secco = 156 euro

Tribuna Materassi = 156 euro

Tribuna Centrale = 197 euro


+ Taxa shipping bilet in romania = 20 euro (pentru toate biletele)

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dar exista si un avantaj :D :



Camping inside the 'green areas' of the circuit is free; there are no organized and attended camping areas for vans. Gates will open on Thursday 3rd June at 2:00 p.m., vans' and tents' entrance will be allowed for free as long as places are available. The circuit's staff will be at the entrance to check and will stop vans with unauthorized materials."

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daca se intampla o minune financiara.. de ce nu?


e cale ferata pana acolo? :D

cale ferata da ,dar nu ajungi cu pantograful la liniile de tensiune :D

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