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Postări postat de ravenshield

  1. Merg de 7 ani cu xenon pe faza scurta. Niciodata nu am fost oprit noaptea de politie... ba odata, in preajma unui bar moto (Ursu). Voia musai sa suflu in fiola, Era 1 noaptea. I-am facut pe plac si m-a amendat ca nu aveam permisul la mine. Dar la veriificarea dupa CNP am iesit ok... Amenda am platit-o, clar. Nici o discutie de faruri.

  2. Vrei lumina pune xenon pe FAZA SCURTA cum am eu.


    Sa vezi ce flashuri iti iei apoi noaptea... sexy grav :D


    Faza lunga las-o in pace. Nu ajungi sa o folosesti mai mult de 2 ore pe an iti garantez.


    Analizez sa pun un proiector led pe crash bar, dar tocmai pentru ca efectiv nu exista drum gol noaptea, mi se pare inutil.

  3. Eu am chestia de genul asta, dar cu microfon. Are o mufa pe care am ascuns-o in captuseala.


    Evrika! Exact la acest obiect ma gandeam.

    Si e disponibil :D

    Am si comandat. Mersi mult


    pentru altii care au acceasi problema rewiev-ul de pe louis:


    "adequate volume

    Written on 30.03.2018 15:32


    I use the LS for the sat nav and now and then to listen to the music on the phone next to it. For both purposes they are absolutely sufficient for me and loud enough. I was able to install them well in a Schuberth C3 PRO, since there are enough large recesses under the pad for this helmet. You then feel nothing of the headphones then. We do not need to talk about sound here. At most in the state the sound is ok. But I understand the Naviansagen also despite wind noise.


    Plus point of these headphones: the place where you disconnect the cable (male-female), is placed correctly. One should keep in mind that one drives sometimes without connecting the headphones somewhere. So the plug must be stowed with the cable in the helmet lining. Other manufacturers have the point plug / socket only after 1m cable length or more, so that the cable bead can not be accommodated easily. These headphones have been thought of.

    I give 5 stars, because I'm completely satisfied for my purpose. I did not look for sound and did not expect it."

  4. Salutare. Daca cineva stie ce casti over ear wired se pot pune in buzunarele unei casti C3 Pro, microfonul e absolut optional, va rog luminati-ma.

    Uneori am nevoie de indicatii gps, uneori am chef de o muzica...



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