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Orice postat de gabibyte

  1. gabibyte


    Prezent numai fratemio. Eu revin de luni cel mai probabil.
  2. gabibyte


    1. Bogdan 2. Ema 3. Aron 4. Mihai 5. Radu 6. Buru 7. Traian 8. Gabi 9. Paul 1o.Sos 11. 12. 2 LOCURI LIBERE Daca ar veni si Sebi cu Gabi am fi lot complet. Eu zic sa va mai dati o sansa unul altuia.
  3. gabibyte


    Am pus mana pe documentele cu tactica echipei adverse! E de rau diseara..
  4. gabibyte


    Echipa armoniei, a pacii si a fericirii eterne: Aron Cuki Sos Sebi Radu Bogdan Aia care tac: Mihai Ema Dedics Gabi Buru Gabi
  5. gabibyte


    12.Gabi sau Paul Care nu mai vine e inlocuit de celalalt frate
  6. gabibyte


    1. Mitza 2. Cuki 3. Buru 4. Traian 5. Ema 6. Aron 7. Radu 8.adimicu 9.adimicu2 10.Gabi 11.Paul 12. Eu propun sa incepem meciu de la si jumate Cei care vin dupa noi nu se strang la ora fixa, deci jucam mai mult fotbal.
  7. gabibyte


    Prezent si 99% refacut + fratemio!
  8. gabibyte


    Sefu, te-ai impiedicat, nu-s eu de vina. Eu nu vin joi ca prietenul meu bun cuki o intrat cu talpa si mi-e mi so parut o idee buna sa stau pe directia lui, deci si prin urmare de abia umblu. Prezent NUMAI fratemio
  9. gabibyte


    a zis si fratemio daca se elibereaza loc vine daca nu, nu . 6-6 e cel mai bine. a veni si el joi.
  10. gabibyte


    Prezent numa eu ca se pare ca nu mai este loc. Care se retrage pana maine considerati-l automat inlocuit cu fratemio.
  11. gabibyte


    1. Mihai 2. Aron 3. Radu 4. Adi 5. Ema 6. cuki 7. Buru 8. Traian 9.DOG 1o.Gabi 11.Paul 12.
  12. gabibyte


    Prezent + fratemio
  13. gabibyte


    Prezent + fratemio
  14. gabibyte


    Prezent + fratemio
  15. gabibyte


    Prezent + fratemio!
  16. gabibyte


    Prezent + fratemio Mesaj completat Pleaca fratioru din cluj deci: 1. Radu 2. Buru 3. Cuki (cu semnu intrebarii, nu arata prea bine picioru lovit de mitza unsure.gif ) 4. Mitza 5. Autosos 6. Bogdan 7. Aron 8. Buji 9. Sebi 1o. Gabriel 11.Gabi 12. Mesaj completat UPDATE: 1. Radu 2. Buru 3. Cuki (cu semnu intrebarii, nu arata prea bine picioru lovit de mitza unsure.gif ) 4. Mitza 5. Autosos 6. Bogdan 7. Aron 8. Buji 9. Sebi 1o. Gabriel 11.Gabi 12. Matei LISTA INCHISA
  17. gabibyte


    Prezent + fratemio! Prezent joi! 1. Cuki 2. Buru 3. Bogdan 4. Aron 5. Radu 6.Gabi 7.Paul 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 Sa clarificam 2 aspecte: 1.Cornerul Acest surplus de vopsea pe teren se numeste corner. Observati urmatorul aspect: mingea NU se pune pe linie, ci in interiorul acelei magnifice forme geometrice. 2.Handball What is 'deliberate' handball? Gary O'Neil contests a penalty decision The challenging decisions are if the defending player spreads their arms to make themselves bigger Former Premier League referee David Elleray "Hand to ball or ball to hand?" Nothing stirs the passion like a controversial handball decision. You've only got to look at players and managers jumping up and down enraged at a dodgy penalty to know that. A ball slams into a player's arm and one team is screaming for a penalty, while the others are claiming it was an accident. It's a tricky one for the referee to call in the heat of the moment. So what is 'deliberate' handball? In Fifa's Laws of the Game 2005, Law 12 says a free-kick or penalty will be awarded if a player "handles the ball deliberately (except for the goalkeeper within his own penalty area)". Page 67 of the document gives "additional information for referees, assistant referees and fourth officials". It adds: "Referees are reminded that deliberately handling the ball is normally punished only by a direct free-kick or penalty kick if the offence occurred inside the penalty area. "A caution or dismissal is not normally required." However, the document fails to describe what constitutes deliberate handball, which places the responsibility firmly on the referee and referees' assistants. Former Premier League referee David Elleray said the referee's interpretation depends on whether the hand or arm is in an "unnatural" position at the point of contact. David Elleray consults his assistant during a club Referees often consult their assistants on decisions "Referees look at two specifics - did the hand or arm go towards the ball or in a manner which would block the ball, or is the hand in a position where it would not normally be?" Elleray told BBC Sport. "The challenging decisions are if the defending player spreads their arms to make themselves bigger. "If the ball hits the arm then the referee must decide whether this action was to deliberately block the ball or whether the player has raised their arms to protect themselves - especially if the ball is hit at speed." The referee and referees' assistants, therefore, have a matter of seconds to weigh up these factors, and take the appropriate action. And there will always be at least one manager, 11 players and thousands of fans who will insist they have been hard done by. LINKUL ORIGINAL:
  18. gabibyte


    Prezent + Fratemio! 1. Cuki 2. Toni 3. Buru (da cu semnu intrebarii) 4. Radu 5. Mihai 6. Bogdan 7. Aron 8. Ema 9.Gabi 1o.Paul 11. 12. 2 LOCURI LIBERE
  19. gabibyte


    Prezent + fratemio
  20. gabibyte


    Prezent si fratemio: 1.Gabi 2.Paul 3.Aron 4.Cuki 5.Buru 6.Finta 7.Radu 8.Mita 9.Sos 10.Kirk 11.Bogdan 12. 1 LOC LIBER
  21. gabibyte


    Prezenti pe luni Gabi Kuki Finta Aron Radu
  22. gabibyte


    da mah nu inchideti lista ca toata lumea e invitata joi
  23. gabibyte


    Evident ca prezenti si eu si paul.
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