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Devil Sagaris

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Postări postat de Devil Sagaris

  1. i know

    but is it really importat to discuss about the qualities of top level performance enduro??


    SFX is not the right competitor

    and also EXC is less powerfull and with less finishing and quality parts.


    HM is seriously the best in his category.

    Never seen something better.


    If you want someting different there is TM Racing :huh:

    but HM is on another planet for all teh caracteristics. :cheers:

  2. Mika Ahola - world champion Enduro 2 2007 :wink:

    KTM - world champion Enduro 1 si Enduro 2 2007 :bier: :huh:

    Nu am zis ca nu e bun HM. Am zis ca trebuie sa fie f buna ca sa merite 2000E peste KTM (to be precise la pret trebuie sa comparam cu SXF nu cu EXCF)


    Deci, daca e sa comparam corect la bani si la greutate trebuie sa comparam HM 250 cu KTM 250SXF. Pentru ca e un motor de cross cu far. Si SXF e mai usoara cu 3 kile. Si are 6 viteze :kiss:. Si ambreiaj hidraulic.

    KTM 250 EXC F e mai grea cu 4 kile, intr-adevar, dar asta pentru ca are E-Starter si baterie. Ceea ce HM nu are :huh:


    Cat despre "less powerfull" .... e powerful enough. Caii aia de pe hartie chiar nu conteaza in teren. Insa eu cred ca cutia de KTM e mult mai bine etajata. Si ambreiajul hidraulic face banii.

    Sunt sigur ca HM e mai buna pe suspensii, insa cat de buna sa fie sa merite 2000 E in plus trebuie sa decida fiecare.


    nu este 2000 euro more! :ok:


    electric starter to have more quality of a HM?? i think is a :eek: :P :cheers: justification. ;)

  3. unde ai vazut bre 95 de kile? La 250-ul din 2008 e dat acolo 101,2 kg. De fapt e un motor de cross cu far. Crossul 250 in 4 timpi de la KTM are 98kg. Ii mai pui un far de 3 kile :ok: si ai motor de 101 daca vrei :huh:

    Si ai si 6 viteze ;) si ramai si cu 2000 de euroi in buzunar


    Acu singura jmekerie la Hondele asta ar fi sa aiba suspensiile foarte misto. Trebuie sa ne dam cu una sa vedem cum e.




    but at the end HM is world champion! :huh:


    that's close any discussion :cheers:


    PS: KTM is heavier and less powerfull and cost 1200 euro less to eb precise. And obvously less exclusive!

  4. imi da de gandit motorul ala de enduro de 250 din 2008..e foarte usor ..95 kg.dar pretul e mai mare ca la un ktm din clasa lui.. :huh: :cheers:


    yes it is more expensive than a KTM but it is better than a KTM!


    Also BENTLEY is more expensive than a AUDI A8........ :huh:


    ALSO it is time to give more choise on Romanian market!

    only KTM? boooorinG!!!

  5. HM is very famous i n Italy and in the world for the high quality of the products.

    It has Honda base but preprared in italy from ZERO in adifferent factory.

    A really wonderfull reputation.

    For me the best enduro/motard in his class today.


    As weel they are based near me in Italy

    so i thought

    let's import in Romania!! :cheers:


    closed the deal.

    Soon here! :huh:


    let's see! :huh:



    here the site



  6. Pai si daca nu stim engleza ce facem? Eu cand ma duc in italia nu ma astept ca in semn de respect oamenii sa vorbeasca in romana cu mine; incerc sa invatz cateva vorbe in limba lor. Nu e un forum romanesc? Eu zic ca respectuos ar fi sa se scrie in romana sa inteleaga toata lumea.



    english is an universal language


    i dont think that noone should have problem.........well i think........but the real world is different! :wink:

  7. * Hi! Gianluca,

    the connections with the authorities should be reached via Asociatia Motociclistilor din Romania (Romanian Motorcyclers Association), I know the vicepresident there and the secretary and I am a member myself, but we need to discuss in details. Let me know when you have time and the draft of the plan, an overview at least.



    Many thanks Cria


    i will contact you! :D



    --- Mesaj completat în 03 Feb 2008 12:59 -------------

    Dear Devil Sagaris,

    we just read your post, and from the start we have to salute your initiative.

    I've seen myself to be obligate to inform you that all races have to be coordonate approved by Romanian Motorcycle Federation (FRM) afiliated to International Motorcycle Federation (FIM), atherwise the race will be declared ILLEGAL, will be stoped by policemans, the racers will get financial penalties and the organisators will be subject of law in the competent Court.


    Myself and our club (MTH Tehnosport - Bucharest) are in position to fight with all that law sistem (the same all around Europa) and learn to live with this pain. We organise from few years Rally Raid Races in Rally Raid Romanian National Championship (one or two races every year), long inaf (betwen 700-1200 km each) and we start to be good in cooperation with local and national authorities.

    For example we have in organisoation a MULTISPORT EVENT in BUcharest and Constanta (major city at Black Sea) in 1- 4 May 2008 with: rally raid, motocross, enduro (for auto and moto - stages in National Championship) and also motocycle meeting, waterskijet and motorboat race Dobrogea Trophy). All will be together in the same beach area !!


    Please let me know in private masseage your contat details in order for a little information exchange, to guide you to the responsable persons in Romanian Motorcycle Federation.


    all the best

    Dan Popescu


    Dear DAN

    thanks for your explanation

    We don't want do anything illegal

    we want create an event that can also work as school for some rumenian drivers during the day.

    My idea was the city because there are more people and supermoto track at the end is not so big.


    i will contact you!


    PA Gianluca

  8. Ciao


    i'm starting to work at the project to get an exhibition + race with Supermotard in Bucuresti.


    I have friends that can support me in Italy with 20 KTM and 2 camion + organization.


    My idea is to have a circuit in the city, for 4 days, during the day teaching to rumenian biker some secret of supermotard and at the evening racing!!!


    entrance is in my mind for free.


    do you think it works???


    any idea for the location??? :bigstar:

  9. Hello


    to get any bike or masina from italy is not difficult

    the only problem is about the plates


    if you buy any motors in italy you need to get the certificate of export

    that means that you need to give back to the authorities the 2 plates, libretto di circolazione si certificato di proprieta'.


    you cannot drive a car with italian plates because the responsbility is of the owner of the plates.

    So who let you drive something at his risk?

    the only think is get a VAN or Camion and delivery it!!



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