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Postări postat de SOCKY

  1. bai, nu-l mai lasati pe utza sa participe la concursul cu "mainile". ca e prea mare...


    Inca odata Pitesti-ul v-a lasat fara premii ;) :smoke: :lol:


    Cat despre Uta ..este deja celebru pentru premiile castigate :nono:


    Una peste alta Road Riders s-a super distrat, thank you Dac Motors :lol:


    P.S O mana de oameni,o gramada de

  2. Salutare VALAH M.C anul trecut nu am putut sa particip pt ca in acelasi timp cu intrunirea eu m-a insurat !


    Da da m-am insurat in acel wekend si cu greu am tinut 10 bickeri cu mine sa facem alai la nunta.


    Totusi cativa au fost prezenti totusi : Marian(fretele),Conu si inca cativa.


    Anul asta nu va ratez !!! :grinbandit: :bigstar: :baldy:


    P.S.Sa vedem daca o sa reusim si noi ceva !





    P.S2 Pt eventuale plimbari : tel 0788277308, id messanger : georgemt10


    Asfalt uscat.

  3. Bai George, sa dai copy-paste e usor bre, mai greu e sa cauti. Acum ma scuzi ca m-am bagat in seama si am incercat sa te ajut, promit sa nu se mai intample.


    Nenea LupAlb nu fiti prea serios :lol: .


    Poate a aratat aiurea chestia cu VN88 dar mi-am adus aminte ca m-am mai contrazis odata cu tine ! :haha:


    Nu ar fi trebuit sa aiba efectul asupra ta acel post, mai ales ca puteai sa ma intrebi pe mess.


    In fine te supara pt o denumire ! :lol: :crack: :moron:


    P.S Multumesc pt ajutor, ma revansez cand vi in Pitesti.



    nea socatul cu vn-ul de 1500, vezi ca se gasesc pe la bazar(cel putin la noi)

    semnalizari la fel ca cele de vn de 750, 1500.singura diferenta este la lungimea

    bratului acestora.costa vreo 35 ron perechea in vara.

    si lasati dreacu barfa asta de mizde.


    Nea madcox, iti multumesc pt atentia de care ai dat dovada urmarindu-mi posturile,dar din pacate..daca vroiam semnalizari de bazar sau alte tipuri nu mai tipam pe forum dupa preturi la cele originale.

    Cine tine la ce are si mai si stie, cauta ce-i mai bun pt motorul lui.


    Respect ! :P

  4. Salut,piese ORIGINALE noi cu garantie! :crack:

    HOLDER-BRAKE,SILVER 43034-1102 Pret cu TVA:171.62 Ron

    COVER EXHAUST PIPE,FR 49106-1095 Pret cu TVA:291.27 Ron

    COVER EXHAUST PIPE,FR 49106-1096 Pret cu TVA:493.47 Ron

    COVER MUFFLER 49106-1107 Pret cu TVA:362.64 Ron

    LAMP-ASSY-SIGN,FR 23037-1243 Pret cu TVA:214.63 Ron

    LAMP-ASSY-SIGN,RR 23037-1244 Pret cu TVA:214.63 Ron

    Transport gratuit .

    Asta e ....

    Multumesc omule :lol:

    Daca poti sa imi trimiti un pm cu nr de tel, ar fi super !


    Concluzia: o banala cazatura poate sa te coste si 1500,00 ron :lol:


    Sa traiasca primaru cu gropile lui ! :moron:


    Cui crezi tu ca-i plac ciorile? :lol:

    Vezi mah ca merge la orice motor care are butoiasul pt lichidul de frana pe rotund.

    Scrie bah dracu in romaneste, sa vedem cum putem sa rezolvam. La semnalizari de ce nu iei de la Romica, cred ca sunt la fel.

    First Ride - 1995 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500


    Zero to 100 - In Top Gear!

    By Tom Fortune, Contributing Editor


    Kawasaki's Vulcan 1500 is a study in excess. Excessive torque, that is. But then, Kawasaki has never been one to be out-done in the power department. Remember the 750-H2 triple? The original Z-1? How about the Ninja 900 or the ZX-10 and ZX-11? Memorable bikes, all of them. Kawasaki's largest entry in the cruiser class has got to be considered among them. It is, after all, the reigning King of Torque.

    At 1,470cc (88 cubic inches) the Vulcan 88 is the largest production V-twin cruiser on the market today. It's probably the longest, too. At 557 pounds dry with a 63.2 inch wheelbase, the big Kawasaki is the stretch limo of cruisers! Fortunately, it's as comfy as one. The huge seat is well contoured and pillowy soft, while the bars have a tall rise and reach back to the rider. Footpegs are mounted well forward, adding to the spacious feel. The long wheelbase allows for plenty of passenger room, and our resident pillion tester reported the thickly-padded seat and backrest to be among the most comfortable in the cruiser class.

    Fit and finish is good, with tons of chrome everywhere. Even the coolant tank, which is mounted directly behind the engine on the right side, has a highly-polished chrome cover. Kawasaki did a good job of giving the liquid-cooled V-twin motor an air-cooled appearance, an important styling feature in the highly competitive cruiser market. Nice styling touches, like the braided-wire covers for the four spark-plug leads (it has dual-plug heads), abound on this bike. Switches and controls are typical Kawasaki fare, familiar and easy to use.


    Domnu LupAlp mare vulcanolog mai cititi niste "almanahe" despre VN 88. :P

    Pai nu ai decat sa atepti mult si bine, ca nu o sa-şli mai piarda oamenii timp sa caute, iar tu sa nu-i bagi in seama. :lol:

    Ce faci tu aici se numeste: ca te bagi in seama :lol:



    Cui crezi tu ca-i plac ciorile? :lol:

    Vezi mah ca merge la orice motor care are butoiasul pt lichidul de frana pe rotund.

    Scrie bah dracu in romaneste, sa vedem cum putem sa rezolvam. La semnalizari de ce nu iei de la Romica, cred ca sunt la fel.


    Pt tine LupAlb care le sti pe toate :lol: ,mai citeste aici :


    You won't find a tachometer on the Vulcan 88, but with this bike's prodigious power spread, who needs one? You shift when you suddenly realize that you've been in the same gear for the last hour or so. Mounted above a cluster of warning lights in a heavily chromed panel is the speedometer, out in the wind and easy to read. The only other gauge on the Vulcan is a nice, large fuel gauge mounted in, you guessed it, a heavily chromed console on top of the fuel tank. You'll have to keep a close eye on this gauge though, as the needle sweeps quite rapidly from Full to Empty. The big Kawasaki can suck the 4.2 gallon tank dry in as little as 120 miles or so of spirited riding.

    And with the kind of roll-on power the Vulcan 88 has, who can resist? Equipped with four-valve twin-plug heads, 36mm carbs, and an effective counter balancer, the deep-breathing V-twin (with a stroke of 90mm) produces V-8 sized power pulses from V-8 size pistons, and provides arm-stretching acceleration anytime you wind up the throttle -- in any gear, from any speed. The monster motor feeds its power through a beefy four-speed transmission -- the power spread is unbelievably wide, and four gears is more than enough to handle the load. There is so much available torque that you could stick the Vulcan in third gear and ride around town without ever having to change gears.

    Which is fortunate, as we found the gearbox to be a little notchy during upshifts. Kawasaki fitted the Vulcan 88 with it's Positive Neutral Finder system which is a device that prevents the transmission from shifting from first into second when it is at a standstill. Once the bike is under way, the centrifugal force of a spinning transmission shaft disengages the device, ideally allowing unhindered upshifts. It's a nice feature to have when you're trying to shift into neutral with one foot while attempting to balance the beast with the other. But we kept finding ourselves hitting neutral during first-to-second gear changes. This may be contributed to parts that have not broken in yet, or that magazine test bikes lead a harder-than-normal life. A firm, deliberate prod with your left boot on the large gear lever is required to overcome the neutral finder system and make it safely into second gear. This is not a light-shifting, snick-snick style gearbox. And while we're complaining, we would have like to see a much wider ratio gearbox -- the Vulcan is spinning (relatively) high rpms at 70 mph while droning around the freeway, and we constantly nudged the shifter up, looking for a taller gear.

    The awesome torque and acceleration of the big Vulcan, though, will easily overwhelm the suspension. Both front and rear ends of the bike are tuned for a smooth ride. The front forks are unadjustable, and the twin rear shocks, adjustable for spring preload only, are too under-sprung and under-damped for anything above a boulevard pace. Riding the Vulcan on your favorite back road will have you quickly retreating back to familiar urban jungles.

    The brakes are also easily overwhelmed by the Vulcan's substantial size. The single front disc works acceptably well while stylin' downtown, but fades quickly when trying to slow down in a hurry. It also tends to twist the forks a little. The rear disc, with it's single-action caliper, is surprisingly weak, offering little stopping power.

    Overall though, the Vulcan 88 works exceptionally well in the confines of the city, where it delivers quite an impressive profile during those Friday night cruises downtown and everyday riding and commuting chores. Kept within its element, the Vulcan is a force to be reckoned with. The amazing motor is almost enough to overshadow the rest of the bike's shortcomings -- Kawasaki has seen fit to once again provide it in copious amounts, this time to the cruiser class. The 88 is the Power Cruiser. If "Big," "Flashy," and "Dominant" are words you have to have in your cruiser vocabulary, then the Vulcan 88 is for you.



    1. Tom Fortune, Contributing Editor

    This bike is the Arnold Swartzenegger of motorcycles. Beefy, brawny, and strong, everything about the Vulcan 88 spells B-I-G. Too big for me. And, like Arnold, it's also not the best looking cruiser around. I'll give that distinction to Yamaha's 1100 Virago. In a straight line, though, the Vulcan has no equal. This thing is a torque monster! But limp suspension and poor back road performance really hurt the Vulcan's overall appeal. Based solely on the grin factor from the big Kawi's sheer acceleration and power, I'll give the Vulcan 88 three stars.


    Mda... :lol:

  5. Salut,piese ORIGINALE noi cu garantie! :crack:

    HOLDER-BRAKE,SILVER 43034-1102 Pret cu TVA:171.62 Ron

    COVER EXHAUST PIPE,FR 49106-1095 Pret cu TVA:291.27 Ron

    COVER EXHAUST PIPE,FR 49106-1096 Pret cu TVA:493.47 Ron

    COVER MUFFLER 49106-1107 Pret cu TVA:362.64 Ron

    LAMP-ASSY-SIGN,FR 23037-1243 Pret cu TVA:214.63 Ron

    LAMP-ASSY-SIGN,RR 23037-1244 Pret cu TVA:214.63 Ron

    Transport gratuit .

    Asta e ....

    Multumesc mult, astept daca se poate un pm cu nr de tel !Dupa cum se pare o banala cazatura costa cat un wekend cu motorul la mare !

    Sa traiasca primarul cu gropile lui.



    Pai nu ai decat sa atepti mult si bine, ca nu o sa-Âşli mai piarda oamenii timp sa caute, iar tu sa nu-i bagi in seama. :lol:

    Mai Cici(LupAlb) tu te intelegi mai bine cu tine insuti asadar iti multumesc pt ajutor dar totusi frate mai are omu treaba !

  6. Help !!!

    Am avut accident cu VN-ul[vn 88 -'95], si sunt disperat sa gasesc urmatoarele piese :

    HOLDER-BRAKE,SILVER 43034-1102

    COVER EXHAUST PIPE,FR 49106-1095

    COVER EXHAUST PIPE,FR 49106-1096

    COVER MUFFLER 49106-1107

    LAMP-ASSY-SIGN,FR 23037-1243

    LAMP-ASSY-SIGN,RR 23037-1244

    Ma intereseaza preturile dar si optiuni second hand.

    De asemeni va rog sa imi spuneti daca exista o pasta de slefuit suprafete cromate.


    Astept si oferte second pt crashbar(bari protectie),capac dreapta filtru aer,semnalizari dreapta,si chiar tobe.


    Va multumesc,

    Tel: 0788277308

    Id mess : georgemt10


  7. E destul de important cand spui/scrii un lucru sa te tii de cuvant . . . sau macar sa incerci si daca nu reusesti, sa dai un motiv. :crack:


    Cu scuzele de rigoare tin sa precizez sa tarifele pt cazare respectiv intrare nu le pot inca comunica deorece exista 2 sponsori care daca vor vira o anumita suma de bani aceste tarife vor suporta reduceri semnificative !

    Astazi aflam sigur iar pana diseara voi posta informatiile respective !

    Multumim pt intelegere !

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