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Postări postat de rvltng_bstrd

  1. Considerind exclusiv productia de serie:


    -pentru mine-i dezamagitor ca nu l-au lasat pe Erik Buell sa continue - poate motorul Rotax a fost prea greu de inghitit.


    -vad ca evolutii pozitive platforma VRod care are totusi potential sa fie mai mult decit un power cruiser si revitalizarea standardului XR 1200 care trebuia facuta mai devreme, cum ar fi fost cazul si petru viteza a 6-a introdusa standard abia din 2006.


    -mi-ar place sa faca un Road King cu controale in pozitie mediana si sa mai inalta

  2. E si asta un punct de vedere.

    Desi nu exclud unu fata de altu, consider ca e mai important pentru "supravietuire" sa ai "skill".

    Daca ai indemanare iesi din situatii destul de riscante, insa daca nu ai indemanare orice situatie poate sa devina una riscanta.

    Sunt de acord cu cristidb, primul factor de protectie e strategia si in teorie te poate proteja complet(cu atat mai mult cu cat Ozzy a stabilit ca suntem un popor needucat, care nu respecta reguli); o decizie extrema e sa stai acasa - putine sanse sa mai ai un accident de motocicleta.


    Vezi Three Degrees of Separation, Pat Hahn


    "On your motorcycle, your riding strategy, physical skills, and protective gear—in that order—are what separate you from the ground. These are the three degrees of separation. By themselves, each of the three degrees can save you. Combined, they create a nearly impenetrable defense against the hazards motorcyclists face every day."



  3. Intai, n-am facut nici o apreciere despre calitatile produselor Harley, iar motorul in sine, chiar imi place - de asta am si un Buell.

    Daca ai Harley, crezi ca restu sunt scutere, nu? Se vede ca imaginea (foarte bine ca te ajuta sa-ti alungi monotonia) vine la pachet cu atitudinea marlaneasca.

    Tehnicile de vanzare, foarte eficinte fara indoiala, sunt insa cel putin ridicole/penibile, mai ales ca sunt puse intr-un manual.

  4. Primo:am F650 de la BMW nu de la Ford


    nu-i tocmai pursange, cum ai putea crede:


    "BMW F650 ... were jointly designed by BMW and Aprilia, who launched their model as the Pegaso.The BMW bikes, which were built in Italy by Aprilia, were powered by an Austrian 652 cc single cylinder Rotax engine....When the F650GS was launched, the full process was brought back in-house."-wikipedia

  5. pentru soferi, copy/paste din hfl



    7. si 10. mi se par mai importante decit ar sugera ordinea


    1. There are many more cars and trucks than motorcycles on the road and some drivers don’t “recognize” motorcyclists. They ignore them, usually unintentionally. Look for motorcycles, especially when checking traffic at an intersection.


    2. A motorcyclist may look farther away than he or she is in actuality. It may also be difficult to judge a motorcycle’s speed. When checking traffic to turn at an intersection or into (or out of) a driveway, estimate that a motorcycle is closer than it looks.


    3. A motorcycle can be easily hidden in a car’s blind spots or masked by objects or backgrounds outside the car. Thoroughly check traffic, whether you’re changing lanes or turning at intersections.


    4. A motorcycle may seem to be moving faster than it really is. Again, don’t immediately rely on your perceptions.


    5. Motorcyclists sometimes slow down by downshifting or merely rolling off the throttle, thus not activating the brake light. Don’t tailgate motorcyclists. At intersections, anticipate that motorcyclists may slow down without any visual warning.


    6. Turn signals on a motorcycle are not often automatically self-canceling. Some riders, (especially beginners) sometimes forget to turn them off. Try to determine whether a motorcycle’s turn signal is for real. And if you’re driving a car, remember to use your turn signals too. They’re a great communication tool for riders and drivers when used properly.


    7. Motorcyclists often adjust position within a lane to be seen more easily, to avoid road debris, and deal with passing vehicles and wind. Understand that motorcyclists often adjust lane position for a purpose, and it’s not an invitation for a car to share the lane with them.


    8. Maneuverability can be one advantage for a motorcycle, but don’t expect that motorcyclist can always steer or swerve out of harm’s way. Please leave motorcyclists room on the road, wherever they are around you.


    9. Stopping distance for motorcycles can be nearly the same or better than that of cars. But wet or slippery pavement can put motorcyclists at a disadvantage. Don’t violate a motorcyclist’s right of way, especially in bad conditions.


    10. Don’t think of it as a motorcycle, a machine: Think of the rider; the person on board is someone’s son, daughter, spouse or parent. Unlike other motorists, protected by doors, roofs and airbags, motorcyclists have only their safety gear and are at greater risk from distracted drivers.


    We’d like to add our own:


    11. Put the fucking cellphone down and pay attention to the road. You’re operating a goddamn 2-ton murder machine, take some responsibility for your own actions for christ’s sake.


    Nu am vrut sa fac o referire la vreo cauza directa a decesului ci mai degraba la falsitatea unor presupuneri in legatura cu nivelul de inspiratie a celor care i-au scos casca, in acelasi mod in care tu consideri suspecte sau nerelevante parerile unor martori despre standardul de siguranta pe care si-l asuma Petru Grigore Tulbure.

  7. Nu cred ca ar fi trebuit sa-i scoata aia casca pentru ca nu avea caile respiratorii obstructionate. O operatie gresita ar putea agrava catastrofal o trauma a coloanei.


    Reprodus din


    "Motor cyclists’ helmets MUST NOT be removed unless the airway is obstructed or the casualty is not breathing.


    Casualties should remove their own helmets wherever possible. If a helmet has to be removed, it requires two rescuers to do so, and it should be done carefully with no movement of the neck"



    Exista un thread pe advrider cu tema asta:

  8. Si io cred ca faci bine, uite ce are de zis Pat Hahn in "Ride Hard, Ride Smart" despre intersectii si semafoare cu semnal galben:



    "Lightly dragging your brakes when approaching busy intersections on a yellow light - especially if you won a taillight modulator - always puts you at a relative advantage and can greatly decrease your risk. For one thing, you flashily alert the vehicle behind you that you intend to stop and therefore they should too. Without an extra effort on your part, your rear lens lights up repeatedly as if you're speaking directly to that person, "Stopping! Stopping! Don't hurt me! Yellow light! Yellow light!"


    It doesn't matter whether you intend to stop or not. You're keeping your options open. I'll tell you why.


    By lightly fanning the brake you're not only sending a strong signal to the driver behind you but by braking only imperceptibly, you're also sending a message to the oncoming cars. "Coming through! Rider trying to clear the intersection! Please wait your turn! Right of way!" You're giving those ahead of you a reason to stop, at the same time you're giving the vehicle behind you a reason to stop. This leaves you the most possible options when deciding whether to stop for, or run, a yellow. You now have the option: you can stop or you go. Note: braking and dipping your headlight in heave traffic is just begging for the Other Guy to make his or her move. Be careful about being too enthusiastic when covering your brakes.


    But here's the rub: lightly using the brakes to alert the driver behind you has more than one benefit. By dragging the brakes you've already begun the process of stopping the bike. Part of the transition from moving forward to being stopped has been accomplished. The oncoming vehicle is your bigger risk factor, but in dragging your brakes you've also eliminated the half - second reaction time of getting your fingers to the lever, and you've begun to compress the forks and build traction on the front tire. Your bike is just aching for a quick stop, and you're ready for either stop or go. Your options are open. If one of the vehicles makes a bad move, you get to make the choice rather than being forced into it."

  9. "... numai ca cerea el plata prea multa pentru-nvatatura, dupa cum s-au si plins kir Sofron Plostina cindu au mers cu fie-su sa-l vire la carte. Ca, mergindu la dinsul, i-au cerut Tanase taleri doozeci, de s-au si spe­riat boierul, zicindu, pe drept cuvint, ca pe banii-aceia putea sa cumpere un bou.— Ba ca chiar, arhonda, zice sa fi zis Tanase. Asa sa faci, c-ai sa te-alegi c-o pereche!" -Silviu Angelescu, Calpuzanii

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