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Postări postat de atash

  1. sfinte kakat! unde dai si unde crapa...adminule, sterge te rog postul meu de mai inainte ca ma linseaza lumea :) fie-mi iertate cele zise acolo, dar nu credeam sa starneasca asemenea pasiuni. promit sa nu se mai intample.


    - am facut eu la ei in vara. pret sub un milion, iar domnu' inspectoru' a inghitit instant povestea ca numarul e montat in lateralul rotii ca e model pt piata americana ;) Merita incercata statia, se pare ca se trece relativ usor fara respingeri aiurea.



    - va riscati pe pielea si banii vostrii. Dar e o optiune in cazul cand aveti de trecut vreo raie penala la care nu corespunde nici macar seria. Pentru suma corecta nea butica poate fi convins ca gixeru' e hard enduro.



    - e statia lui Zaharia de a lucrat la RAR pana acu' vreo 2 ani. Cere de la obraz ca asa e invatat. Avand in vedere trecutul, daca ai recomandare buna devine suficient de miop sa nu-l intereseze latimea anvelopei sau cate gauri ai in toba. Daca n-aveti alte aranjamente, e o optiune de luat in calcul.



    -habar n-am



    -habar n-am



    -daca dai peste adi tanasescu se poate discuta. Mai pui tu ceva, mai uita el ceva... Una peste alta, merita incercat daca nu gasesti nimic interesant in Cta.



    -habar n-am


    8. SC ZED DIAGNOSIS SRL, str. Verde nr. 31, CONSTANTA

    -baieti de treaba, preturi cinstite. Atentie ca cel putin unul se pricepe la motoare pe bune (chiar daca ii place sa faca pe prostul uneori), iar patronul a lucrat la RAR si are ochiul ager. Daca motorul e 99% road legal recomandabil de incercat pentru ca vorbesc civilizat si nu pierd timpul aiurea. Daca ai modificari radicale (mai ales pe la serii) incearca in alta parte.



    -habar n-am


    Sper sa va foloseasca la ceva cele de mai sus.

  3. e intr-un mare fel. dar parca prea te loveste in retina.


    si unde e bascula spate triunghiulara ce dadea impresia de rigid frame, si unde sunt aripile fata care pareau a fi la locul lor nu ca asta ce pare agatata intr-un popic de parcare, si mai ales spitele clasice? ca sa nu mai amintesc de esapamentul dublu...


    xvs my ass. orice altceva, doar xvs nu. uite asa mai moare un clasic si se transforma intr-o chestie trendy. zicea cineva mai sus ca poate fi customizata. poate...schimband-o cu un dragstar mai vechi


    dar e criza nene, si banii vorbeste. asta e in tendinte, asta construim.


    prin comparatie cu chestia din imagini, vulcanul 900 custom e monument de design...

  4. Dupa ce am reperat bubele facute in noiembrie (deh, mai cade omul cand nu gandeste), m-a apucat cheful sa mut comenzile mai in fata. Intai m-am speriat de preturile unui set de comenzi avansate de firma, dar cum am picioarele cam lungi trebuie sa fac cumva. Asa ca am cautat si am gasit in niste poze ( solutia avansarii folosind o placa ce transfera pur si simplu prinderile de pe cadru ale suportilor cu pana la 120mm mai in fata, folosindu-se apoi ansamblele suport/pedala/scarita originale. Mai trebuie confectionate alte tije de comanda ale cutiei si franei spate mai lungi, dar e simplu iar material se gaseste usor la magazinele cu specific de inox (bara 6mm pentru cutie si teava 16mm parca pentru frana, cam 20RON bucata la lungimile necesare).


    Problema initiala a fost procurarea si prelucrarea tablei de otel cu grosime de 8-10 mm, dar s-a rezolvat in cadrul unui service de camioane (grosimea respectiva de tabla fiind folosita curent la repararea picioarelor de sprijin ale remorcilor :scratch: )


    Modificarea e destul de simpla si in primul rand la un pret "romanesc". Estetica, in schimb, cam lasa de dorit pentru ca se modifica important aspectul partii inferioare a cadrului ( si Voi ce opinie aveti?


  5. adevar graieste robby, dupa cum ne-a obisnuit...

    la dragstar e simplu. daca partea de jos a cadrului si cardanul sunt paralele cu solul e ok. inseamana ca suspensiile sunt la inaltimea standard. pe asfalt corect are garda ultra suficienta. in rest...situatia devine mai deosebita nitel, dar asta e farmecul yahturilor de dimensiuni medii si mari pe sosea :yikes:

  6. Conform zicalei ca prostia daca nu doare costa, am reusit sa trantesc motorul spectaculos dar cu mult noroc am scapat relativ intreg. Pantalonii, geaca si ghetele se repara cu ceva petice si vopsea. Ar mai fi nevoie de un suport oglinda dreapta (surprinzator oglinda a scapat nesparta), o maneta frana fata, o scarita fata dreapta (eventual si suportul aferent) si inaltatoare ghidon standard pentru Dragstar 650 Custom '98. Are cineva de vanzare? Nu mai intreb de un dispozitiv de indreptat orgoliu teribil de sifonat, ca din ala sigur nu gasesc...

  7. cum schimb si eu discurile de ambreiaj?

    are cineva o catre tehnica ceva?

    sau deemontez si ved eu ce e acolo :)


    bro, ce an e motorul tau? pentru alea pana in 2003 am eu un manual de service complet in format electronic. dai un user de mess in pm si se rezolva. banuiesc ca merge si pentru modele mai noi, dar nu sunt sigur.

  8. AMIN ROBBY! ca bine le mai zici...

    imi permit sa completez, daca se mai poate dupa robby :unsure:


    chopper calaresti pentru ca vrei si cum vrei...

    daca nu poti chopper adevarat, te cobori la un cruiser de fabrica :)

    daca iti plac cu adevarat genul asta de motoare nu conteaza parerea nimanui despre cum arata sau cum ar trebui sa arate, atat timp cat tie iti place.


    roata groasa e mai manevrabila...

    roata "de bicicleta" e mai cool...



    iti place roata groasa? ia-ti!

    iti place subtire? ia-ti!


    nu de alta, dar dupa cum ziceau niste clasici, la categoria asta de motoare conteaza mai mult cat km ai mers decat viteza cu care ai facut-o.

    ride long and ride hard...indiferent cat de lata e roata fata...

  9. Salutare

    Permiteti-mi sa ma prezint sunt Sorin am 25 de ani si o mare dilema....mai sunt cateva saptamani si trebuie sa-mi vina si mie dupa indelungi asteptari si sacrificii facute, motoreta, am inceput sa realizez ca nu am unde sa o tin, multi m-au sfatuit sa nu o tin in aer liber ca romanu' are simtul proprietatii f dezvoltat si se poate servi oricand, deci o solutie ar fi un garaj asa ca daca e cineva care sta in Tomis Nord pe Badea

    Cartan sau in apropiere sau care stie pe stie pe cineva care ar fi dispus sa ma primeasca si pe mine in barlogul lui (contra cost bineinteles) i-as fi f recunoscator

    voi de altfel unde va tineti motoretele? :wink:


    shefule daca gasesti si mai are loc una ma primiti si pe mine? cotizez la timp si corect.

  10. yup , sunt f curios.Pe mine un plin fara sa inttru pe rezerva m-a tinut in jur de 150-180 km.Adevarul e ca plec primul de la bucur de cuplul dragutei :kiss: ...probabil si din cauza ca sunt incepator si nu schimb la timp treptele sau poate ptr ca am mers mult cu ea prin buc.


    la tine defectiunea e simpla! de vina e tacanitu' dintre ghidon si sa :wink:

  11. vezi ca gasesti pe youtube ceva exemple audio de tobe gaurite, dar parca nu se merita sa strici frumusete de tobe stock. o sa sune ceva mai strident dar tot subtirel daca treci doar de primul perete. goale complet ar fi intr-un mare fel, doar ca la cum sunt compartimentate finalele stock nu prea vad cum ar putea fi golite fara sa le faci feliute mici mici cu flexu' si pacat de cromul de pe ele. din pacate niste tobe bune aftermarket te usureaza lejer de 300+ iepuroi...

  12. asa ca putem declara dragstaru' un fel de tractoras ce am constatat vara trecuta ca nu suporta benzinele de fitze gen omv carrera 100. cel putin al meu e cel mai fericit cu petrom/rompetrol de 95. asa ca nu prea face gaura in buget. o merge oare sa-l trec pe gpl sa devina culmea economiei si zgarceniei? cu o bricheta de 1 leu cred ca ma duc pana la serviciu si inapoi...

  13. fara fonlfleuri de vitezana la plecarea de la stop si vrajeli de supermoto prin trafic, indiferent de incarcare, am trecut mereu de 300Km fara sa intru pe rezerva. si asta in trafic de litoral plin de turistopiteci habauci. la drum intins cu mine 90kg+ea50kg+bagaje20-25kg, iar am depasit 300km fara sa intru pe rezerva. daca imi amintesc bine chiar 320. tinand cont ca fara sa intri pe rezerva dispui de vreo 14 litri de benzina fa tu calculele. iese pe la 4%?

    viteza? croaziera 110-120, excese spre 140+ in depasiri. in oras, cat de repede se poate. daca reusesc sa gasesc loc sa trec de 50 vara e sarbatoare...

  14. Referitor la MC-uri uite o chestie interesanta, cred eu, pusa pe net de un club care s-a desfiintat. Cine se stie tare la engleza e invitat sa faca o traducere corecta.


    This set of 1%er MC Club bylaws and rules of conduct was submitted for use in the effort to help educate. Remember, just like with everything else on this web site, different club in different areas can vary widely. This is just one of the many different ways a club's bylaws are set up.

    Special thanks to Bulldog and all the former members of the Devils Breed MC for sharing this.


    Aloha Teacher,

    Here is for you to use on your site if you like, the By-Laws Regs and SOP of a 1% Club, Devils Breed MC Honolulu Hawaii.

    We retired our club last year after 30 years (1976-2006), we are all getting to old. Feel Free to use it, and you may post My name as Ref.

    Take care.



    Improvise, Adapt, And Overcome!


    Semper Fidelis,




    Vice Prez Ret. DBMC 1%er






    Revised DRAFT (8/00) Devils Breed Club Constitution.




    Devils Breed M.C. is a motorcycle club and a non-profit organization. President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are all elected officers, along with two additional elected members, who are not club officers for the Executive Board. All others appointed by the President with a confidence vote from patch-holders in good standing is required.






    The executive duties of the president are as follows:




    1. To preside over meetings of both the Executive Board and the club as a whole.


    2. To judge items not covered in the constitution or in the rules regulations.


    3. Directorship gives the president authority to judge items not in the constitution.


    4. To act as the personal representative of the club in the area of public relations; as a liaison between the DBMC and local-law enforcement agencies; and as a connecting link between the DBMC and other outlaw motorcycle clubs.


    5. To represent the club in any club business contacts and to supervise major economic transactions.


    6. To assist DBMC officers in the interpretation of their club responsibilities, and to promote club life among members in general.






    The executive duties of the vice president are to assume the responsibilities of the presidency when the president is unable to do so.






    The executive duties of the secretary are as follows:


    1. To record and safeguard the minutes of the club meetings.


    2. To maintain the Club Constitution, recording any additions, deletions, or modifications.


    3. To handle any club correspondence.






    The executive duties of the treasurer are as follows:


    1. To monitor and record the club's income and expenditures.


    2. To collect the dues and fines owing by members.






    The executive board consists of those members who were elected as officers of the club along with two additional elected members who are not club officers. The board holds scheduled meetings every two weeks. Emergency meetings can be called if a situation arises that demands immediate attention. The executive board is responsible for:


    1. The monitoring of conflicts within the club.


    2. The application of disciplinary procedures.


    3. The evaluation of prospects and their progress.


    4. The presentation of summarized assessments of the overall club situation to the membership (court).






    The executive duties of the road captain are as follows:


    1. To plan the travel routes and organize the basic itinerary of the club prior to going on a 'run' (tour).


    2. To lead the club in formation while riding on tour.


    3. To enforce club rules and procedures for group riding.


    4. Designate a maintenance supervisor for all club vehicles.






    The executive duties of the sergeant at arms are as follows:


    1. To maintain order at club meetings in particular, and club activities in general.


    2. To ensure that members adhere to club rulings, policies, and expected models of conduct when dealing with other members or outsiders.


    3. To defend club members, property, or territory from outside threats.






    Court will consist of all patch holders that are eligible to vote.






    Officers of the club serve a twelve-month term of office, annual elections are held at the last regular meeting of the year, in December.


    1. In order to be eligible for office, a patch holder has to have been an active member in good standing for a minimum of one year.


    2. Patch holders who aspire towards a particular position will campaign informally for one month prior to the elections.


    3. Electioneering is conducted on an interpersonal face to face basis.


    4. Hopeful candidate will approach a member, inform them what he is willing to stand for office if nominated, ask for member's opinion of his qualifications, and solicit the member's support.






    1. One organized meeting per month.


    2. Majority rules.


    3. If a vote is taken at a meeting and a member is not there, his vote is void.


    4. Meetings will be closed except for prospective members and anyone there on business.


    5. All meetings will be run on a parliamentary basis. Members will be evicted for unruly conduct.


    6. Quorum for a meeting is sixty percent of membership and eighty percent for membership votes.


    7. Everyone will attend the meeting on his bike if it is favorable weather, unless his bike is broken down or not running at the time. If the club calls a ride/meeting, all members will attend. If a member is working, sick, bike not running, he will be excused.


    However, if a Devils Breed repeatedly uses work as an excuse for not 'being there,' he will be 'talked to'.


    8. Members must have colors with him when attending meetings.


    9. Members must be of sound mine (straight) when attending meetings.


    10. If a member attends a meeting and is fouled-up, he will be FINED.


    11. There will be absolutely no booze or drugs consumed during meetings.


    12. During a meeting there will be no talking among members until they get the floor through the president. A sergeant-at-arms, if not present, will be appointed and anyone not abiding by the above will be evicted.


    13. Miss three (3) meetings in a row and you're out of the club.


    14. Anyone missing meetings even if at work gets fined $50.00 except for guys in hospital or jail or out of town for a period of time, including prospects.


    15. Members must attend meetings to leave club and turn in his colors and everything that has the name Devils Breed on it (T-shirts, wrist bands, mugs, etc.).


    16. If a member is thrown out of the club or quits without attending meetings, he loses his colors, motorcycle, and anything else that says Devils Breed on it, and probably an ass kicking.


    Membership qualifications/ Prospects


    1. Prospects must be at least 18 years old.


    2. Prospects must have a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.


    3. Prospects cannot do any drugs.


    4. Prospects must show a sincere interest in club and bikes.


    5. Prospects on the road with bike equipped for the road.


    6. Prospect must be sponsored by one member who has known him at least one year (may be waived by vote).


    7. Sponsor is responsible for prospect.


    8. Sponsor can pull a prospect's rockers at his discretion.


    9. Prospects must attend all meetings and club functions.


    10. Prospects must do anything another member tells him to do, that a member has done or would be willing to do himself.


    11. Prospect will stand behind club and members.


    12. No stealing from prospects.


    13. Prospect must ride his bike to meeting at time of being voted into club.


    14. Prospect must pay that day $125.00 for his colors before receiving them. Prospect fee is $325.00: $200.00 is for annual dues, $100.00 is for the patch and $25.00 is for first month dues. The balance is due in 90 days. This amount is not refundable.


    15. Prospect members must be voted in. Two 'no' votes equal a rejection. One 'no' vote must be explained.


    16. Prospective member's prospecting period is at the discretion of sponsor and the club. Directorship shall decide when vote is necessary.


    17. Every patch holder on Island must vote for prospect to make center patch. Vote must be unanimous.


    18. No prospect will be voted for center-patch with outstanding loan.


    19. Only the sponsor or an officer may hand out a patch to a prospect. This will be done at a meeting with only patch holders present.






    The rules of the club will be strictly enforced. If anyone breaks them, executive board will deal them with. If these rules and regulations are broken, it could mean either immediate dismissal or suspension, whatever the executive board sees fit.


    Breaking any of the following Rules will be reason for immediately kick-out from club and probably an Ass Kicking:


    1. Failure to pay his dues according to the section dealing with the paying of dues.


    2. No hype. No use of heroin in any form. Anyone using a needle for any reason other than having a doctor use it on you will be considered hype. (Automatic kick-out from club)


    3. If any brother gets hooked on any drug that is dangerous to the club he will be helped first. Then he will be dealt by the executive board.


    4. No narcotics burn. When making deals, persons get what they are promised or the deal is called off (Automatic kick-out from club).


    5. If you're selling dope you don't do it as a club member, you don't wear your colors, you don't wear your club T-shirts (Automatic kick-out from club).


    6. There will be no stealing among members. Anyone caught will get an ass kicking and be kicked out of the club (Automatic kick-out from club).


    7. If a patch holder or prospect throws his colors or quits, colors are pulled (Automatic kick-out from club).


    8. Members cannot belong to any other clubs.


    9. If a group or individual attacks any member, the whole club shall stand behind him and fight if necessary. If, however, the member is drunk and aggressive and purposely starts an argument, the rest of the members will escort him away, or step between before trouble starts.


    10. No member will disgrace the club by being yellow. (The above rules will be put forward to applicants. If they cannot abide by these rules and are not in favor of them, they will be denied membership to the club.)


    11. No member will destroy club property purposely.


    12. No member will take the attitude that he doesn't have to help other members and other members don't have to help him


    13. No member will go against anything the club has voted for and passed.


    14. No member will get together on their own and plan something for themselves on club rides. It will be brought up to the whole club and the whole club will participate in anything that is decided upon.


    15. The club will always stay together on rides, runs, parties, field meets etc. and will not fraternize with club's rival clubs. The only way a member will be permitted to leave the main group will be to notify the president or whoever is in charge. When the time comes that the majority feels it is time to leave, we will all leave together. Anyone staying behind for a good reason will do so at his own risk and can expect no help.


    16. Members will have good attendance. Members must have a good reason for not attending meetings or rides, such as working, sickness, no transportation, and bike not running.






    General Rules (SOP)


    If anyone breaks general rules, executive board will deal with them and/or voted by the court.


    1. No explosives of any kind will be thrown into the fire where there is one or more Devils Breed in the area. FINE: Ass whipping and subject to the executive board.


    2. Brother shall not fight each other with weapons; when any Devils Breed fights another Devils Breed, it is one on one, prospects same as members. FINE: $100.00 for breaking above rule or possible loss of patch.


    3. If you don't help out the Club in its activities and you use the Club solely for your benefit, you will be warned. No second chance.


    4. Do as you say or walk the line.


    5. Devils Breed losing privilege of wearing colors will also lose privilege of voting and ruling over prospects.


    6. The treasurer shall keep a clear record of all money paid in and out during the week and will balance it before every meeting; the books will be gone over once a week.


    7. All Devils Breed fines will be paid within 30 days. Fines will be paid to the treasurer.


    8. Members with extra parts will loan them to members. They must be replaced or paid for.


    9. If you get busted and or go to jail, notify an officer or member so he can arrange for your bail.


    10. Where we go on our rides will be voted upon by the entire membership.


    11. Each patch holder/prospect is required to maintain a valid motor vehicle license, which includes the authorization to operate motorcycle.


    12. Everyone must have an American bike. Consideration will be give to any member who is in between bikes but he must sincerely intend to get another bike in the near future.


    13. If for some reason, such as a license suspension, a member can't ride on the road for a long period of time, or if he is without a bike for a short time, he will turn in his patch and upon getting back on the road, the patch will be returned.


    14. If a member's bike is not running for a period of thirty days, unless he is in jail or hospital, his colors will be confiscated. A member's bike must be running for at least one week (e.g., not fifteen minutes), to be exempt from the above rule. This period is subject to change at the discretion of the executive board. This is a MOTORCYCLE CLUB!


    15. Confirmation vote is required for all new patch-holders at their 12-month point. Unanimous vote from all good standing members is required.


    16. Absolutely no talking about Club business to persons outside the Club. No talking about Club business over any telephone.


    17. If you are told you are too drunk to drive, you will turn over your keys to a brother. You and your scooter will be taken care of.


    18. If the Road Captain or an Officer determines your bike is unsafe to ride, you are grounded until it is safe.


    19. During funeral runs, no one will pack a passenger, patch must be seen.


    20. The run for "Beer with Bob" and Jimbo is mandatory, no excuses.


    21. All Club vehicles will be returned with all fluids full and in good condition. Maintenance will be done under the supervision of the maintenance supervisor; a patch holder designated by the Road Captain.


    22. There shall be a wrecking crew consisting of the Sergeant at Arms, the Junior Patch, and whomever the Senior Patch may designate. The purpose of the wrecking crew is to check out bars, etc. prior to entry by President, Vice President, or Senior Patch.


    23. Prospect will watch all bikes when members are at Club functions, in bars, and anywhere the senior member present deems necessary.


    24. There will be a Club run on a Sunday once a month. Whoever picks the run route will lead the pack.






    1. Club dues will be paid each month, due by the first.


    2. Two months overdue is the limit.


    3. They are $25.00 per month and $200.00 yearly.


    4. Dues will be $25.00 per month payable every meeting or every second meeting.


    5. Annual Dues of $200.00 will be paid 1 October.


    6. Upon failure of paying dues within two weeks, member shall be suspended and turn in his colors.


    7. If within two months dues still aren't paid, the colors will be forfeited to pay them and member will no longer be considered a member. The only exception to this shall be if a member is in jail or if he is out of town for a period of time. If he is in jail, dues won't be expected, but if he is out of town dues will be paid when he returns.


    8. All loans or debts will be secured by collateral. Members will agree upon payment. Two patch holders must be present in any personal loan transaction.






    1. Respect is to be shown to all club members, officers, members, members', bikes, OL', ladies, house, job, etc. In other words, if it's not yours, 'Don't Mess with it.


    2. Respect your colors.


    3. No stealing from members.


    4. No fighting among each other is allowed, any punches to be thrown will be done by the Sgt At Arms.






    1. President gets colors from mother club in area when new member is voted in.


    2. When a member leaves club, member turns over colors to president of chapter.


    3. Respect your colors; don't let anyone take them from you except the president of the chapter.


    4. No colors are worn in a cage, except during funerals and loading or unloading a bike from a truck.


    5. No hippie shit on the front.


    6. Nothing will be worn on the back of your jacket except colors.


    7. Colors must be worn at all times when riding or at Club functions. Only one of your brothers or your OL' lady can babysit your colors. Colors are not required to be worn to and from employment if not allowed by employer. If patch is lost or stolen, patch holder will be judged by court.


    8. The only way a member of Devils Breed can retire and keep his patch is if local officers authorize him. Minimum time for retirement is 5 years.




    OL' ladies


    1. Don't fuck around with brother's OL' lady. (Probably an Ass Kicking and kick-out from club).


    2. Property patches will be brought up before all patch holders for input. Majority vote from all eligible patch holders is required.


    3. Members are responsible for their OL' ladies.


    4. Members may have more than one (1) OL ' lady.


    5. Members must state who his OL ' lady is.


    6. Members may not discuss club business with their OL' lady.


    7. No OL' ladies allowed at meetings.


    8. OL' ladies are allowed unescorted at clubhouse only by prior arrangement by OL' man.


    9. Property patch is worn optional on an OL ' lady. So if you see a chick you better ask before you leap.




    Era sa uit! Asta e link-ul catre pagina unde am gasit chestia de mai sus:

  15. Toate excursiile merita locul I...Dar daca e sa tin cont de materialul rulant folosit si de destinatie...Mihai si Nipra lui m-am impresionat cel mai mult. E genul de excursie logic imposibila si totusi unul a fost suficient de "alt fel" incat sa o faca. Cred ca daca ar fi avut parte si de o promovare/prezentare echivalenta cu a celorlate excursii ar fi condus detasat.

    Concluzia... Mihai, R E S P E C T!

  16. Fratilor de suferinta in ale dragutzelor nu aveti de aruncat sau contra unor sume rezonabile niste tobe de 650? Nu conteaza starea lor pentru ca pastrez doar capatul de langa cilindri...Incerc sa fac niste tobe mai altfel si ma termina razele de curbura foarte mici de la prinderea pe cilindri. Vai de urechile circulistilor si ale vecinilor daca reusesc sa le fac :ok: ;)

  17. fratilor hai sa ne aruncam la gunoi copiile nenorocite de tipul dragstar sau shadow...



    ce sa facem sir plac noua japonezele...asta e.

    daca poti pricepe chestia asta bine...daca apropos, cum se face ca singurii bikeri care uita sa raspunda la salut calarasc HD?....or fi prea grabiti catre intalnirile HOG...



    scuze pentru off topic da m-a enervat complit snobul asta!

  18. de ce sa-l editeze? lasa sa vada tot motoristu' numarul idiotului...poate se gaseste unul suficient de dus sa-i aplice "sfantul calcai" in frumoasa lui Dacia Lighean...


    si ca un conservar cu multi km la activ ii doresc sa primeasca acelasi tratament de la un un camion de 40 de tone... :finger:

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