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Don Leoncio

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Postări postat de Don Leoncio

  1. Mi-ai raspuns ca aceste randuri sunt bullshituri si apreciez fiindca asta ti-am si cerut, sa le comentezi.

    Ca sa ma intelegi mai bine:

    Nu ma intereseaza nici Bandidos mai mult decat HA dar ma deranjeaza daca un civil nevinovat pateste ceva datorita unui razboi strain de el.

    Nu atrageam atentia sau comentam negativ barurile sau strip-jointurile fiindca sunt un fan al acestor locuri de pierzanie. :cheers: :friends:

    Eu am facut o chestie ilegala chiar f. naspa cu care, din fericire, am scapat.

    In concluzie:

    Cineva exagereaza: ori societatea civila ducand pana la extrem comentariile privind activitatea infractionala a HA, ori HA minimalizand aceasta activitate si reducand toata problema la un grup de bikeri care se strang la bere.

  2. Salut, night81angel! Intr-un alt post spuneai ca fenomenul "HA" va capata amploare si in Romanica. Sa zicem ca intotdeauna trebuie sa asculti ambele pareri (sa zicem!). Asa ca m-ar interesa daca admiri si care este pozitia ta, ca viitor membru HA asupra a celor ce voi posta mai jos si cat de cool, marfa, benga, super ar fi ele ptr. tara asta care s'asa e de c.acat. Invit, de asemenea, pe toti ceilalti sa va expuneti parerea. Am selectat din articolul pe care il gasiti aici si subliniat partile care mi s-au parut mai importante:


    WILLIAM IVAN GRONDALSKI had grown weary of the drugs, but he especially wanted to stop the killing.


    He had a wife, a 16-year-old stepson and a 5-year-old daughter. In truth, his loyalty to Hells Angels had fizzled out long ago. He never informed on them; he just wanted to take his family away from the whole ugly scene.


    Accounts of what he did vary--did he ask permission, or did he just up and move his family farther north of San Francisco? The questions just double back on other questions, but apparently he knew too much, and maybe the Angels figured his 5-year-old daughter would remember the faces of the men who forced their way in, because Grondalski's entire family was shot execution-style before their house was set ablaze.


    The Angels are mainly into the drug business, and they take pride in their product: They manufacture and transport 100 percent pure methamphetamine. They also make big bucks through prostitution. With so much money available, Hells Angels has bought off cops and regulators, thereby evading prosecution, according to Tait and other intelligence sources. They invest their laundered money in legitimate businesses, such as a lush resort in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and ski resorts in British Columbia. They were close to buying a seat on the Vancouver Stock Exchange before the embarrassed Canadian authorities managed to halt the deal.


    Innocents were definitely injured in two airports in Copenhagen and Norway, where Hells Angels opened fire on members of a rival motorcycle club called the Bandidos. In Finland, club members used rocket-propelled grenades on a local police station. (am subliniat Finland fiindca eu aveam vaga si naiva impresie ca asta se intampla doar in State!)

  3. as prefera etrusco in vechea locatie daca e posibil ...


    in afara de etrusco ... unde ne mai intalnim ???

    1. O sa aiba aceasi locatie.


    2. Cred ca vroiai sa intrebi "Unde VA mai intalniti" fiindca tu cu prezenta.... :cheers: :banana:

  4. Am primit un telefon de la Adi (cred ca nu sunt singurul) pentru a ne anunta ca se redeschide Etrusco. Practic, el ar vrea sa stie daca am fi dispusi sa il facem, din nou, loc de adunare vineri seara, eventual sa investeasca si ceva in design spre a-l face "bar de motociclisti".

  5. ......un harley nu e nimic altceva decit o dnepr mai mare ...


    exact. ceea ce ramane de stabilit este daca afirmatia de mai sus reprezinta un compliment ptr dnepr sau o jignire ptr harley! sau invers :cheers:


    Dar ca sa vezi ce chestie tot Nemtii sunt inainte Rusilor de ce oare?


    De la ce te doare capul mai tare? De la vodca sau de la bere? Asta e explicatia diferentelor intre tehnologia rusa si cea germana! :banana:

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