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MTM Moto

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Postări postat de MTM Moto

  1. Salutare si multumesc pentru raspunsuri, am inceput sa adun piese, pe fata am luat un sahara 3 iar pe spate un tkc 80, am luat un cric central de la baietii din Cluj, HeavyDuties si am dat comanda tot la ei de crashbaruri. O sa merg la Cezar pentru o revizie generala. Vreau sa mai iau niste HandGuards, insa nu prea stiu de unde. As vrea din acelea de aluminiu sa protejeze cat mai bine in urma unei cazaturi. Va rog sa imi dati un sfat. Multumesc mult

    am eu ceva.Hai pe privat.

  2. Pornita si cu ambreiajul tras, daca bag a 1-a nu misca. Prima data cand mi s-a intamplat sa nu intre in neutru eram intr-o rampa si mi-a murit motorul, vrand sa opresc. M-am chinuit vreo 3 minute cu apasat si ridicat pedala si a intrat.



    Am plecat de la serviciu si pe drum, la un semafor am patit-o iar. Am stat cu ambreiaju tras 1 minut pana s-a facut verde ca nu intra in neutru...

    ti belita harta,din cutie sau selectoarele.

  3. Pai cate motociclete ai?

    Vezi ca desi seamana... multe chestii nu corespund la dimensiuni intre motorul 1987-1989 si restul mai noi.

    Lanturile de distrib difera, axele cu came si parca si ceva pe la ambreiaj. Nici carcasele nu cred ca-s la fel.. cele vechi au o tevusca de ulei in exterior care duce spre chiulase, cele mai noi au canalul pe interior.

    Modelul vechi are roata spate cu tambur, cele mai noi au disc.

    Stiu,multumesc de sfat!M-am documentat si eu putin:




    1987/1988 - The Transalp was introduced in 1987. The 1987 model was available in white/blue, goldenbrown, silvergrey and white/red. It had a rear drum brake and a front disk brake. The 1987 and 1988 models were identical. Maybe the only difference was in the colour schemes.

    1989/1990 - Identical to the 1987/1988 except for the number of horse power and the colouring. The noise/sound from the bike is more smooth.

    1991/1993 - The rear drum brake had been replaced by a disk brake. It was available in blue/white and ... The 1992 model was light/dark maroon (dark red, purple red), light/dark green and light/dark blue. The 1991 and up models were never imported in the USA. The older 1987/1990 models were even brought to Europe as parallel imports because the appreciation of the Transalp was better. This does not mean that there are no Transalps in the US. There are several very dedicated (addicted?) Transalp owners. You can find some of them through the Transalp Mailinglist.

    1994/1995 - The 1994-model has had some cosmetical changes. It got a nose-job, the head light changed shape in the process, the hand protectors are different, etc. From 1995 the rims are silver coloured instead of gold. The engine did not change. It seems that the 1994 model has smaller (bobines) then before. The 1995 model has larger (bobines).

    1996 - The ignition changed. A throttle position valve was added.

    1997 - The front break is a double-disk now. And the duo now has two grips/grasps beheind the buddy seat to hld on to.

    1998 - The 1998 model has not changed compared to the previous year.

    1999 - The 1999 model has not changed compared to the previous year.

    2000 - The 650cc model was introduced.


    Este oficial: /index.php?/topic/696065-dezmembrez-honda-transalp-pd06-1987-1996toate-piesele/

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