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Vin si eu sa-mi incerc norocul incepatorului
Nu mai am motoreta, i-a crapat blocul motor. Poti posta pozele, pentru fanii mei. Dar selecteaza-le cu grija
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Bine ai venit si mult succes in continuare! Vezi ca nu e prea bine sa ai numarul scris la numar. Aceeasi greseala am facut-o si eu. O sa te strige toti taranii la semafor anca... ancuta...
Eu nu mai am motocicleta. Am iesit cu baietii. Uite si ceva sa completeze http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~ccryder...snotmiserly.pdf ABSTRACT—Misery is not miserly: Sadness increases the amount of money that decision makers give up to acquire a commodity. In one study, for example, decision makers who received a sadness induction subsequently gave up 30% more money to acquire a commodity than did those who received a neutral induction. According to these theories, negative moods lead people to globally devalue what they perceive. Such devaluation could appear in contexts such as stock-market decisions or life-satisfaction judgments. Empirically, however, the effects of sadness on buying run counter to the predicted pattern. Even though sadness is negatively valenced, it leads people to increase, rather than decrease, their valuation of commodities that they might purchase. Self-devaluation, in turn, triggers an implicit desire to enhance the self. Finally, the desire to enhance the self elicits increased valuation of possessions that one might acquire. In sum, we predicted that when self-focus is high, sad individuals experience an implicit devaluation of the self, which in turn triggers increased valuation of new commodities. Our working model proposes that sad and self-focused individuals spend more on commodities than other people do because they seek self-enhancement. Another possible model is that sad and self-focused individuals experience reduced selfvalue or reduced sense of entitlement, and therefore value other things more by contrast. Mai multe in pdf-ul din link
Buna dimineata, dragi coforumisti Niste baieti destepti spun ca ar durea mai mult cuvintele decat obiectele contondente http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/...80827164140.htm According to some researchers, words may pack a harder punch that we realize. Psychologists [...] found that the pain of physical events may fade with time, while the pain of social occurrences can be re-instantiated through memory retrievals. The results [...] are clear. Participants who had to recall a socially painful experience reported stronger feelings of pain and relived the experience more intensely than those who had to recall a physically painful event. Furthermore, participants who only had to recall a physically painful event performed better on the difficult mental tasks in comparison to those who had to relive a socially painful event.
Cu Cristinica? Daca apare o domnisoara simpatica cu camasa galben-verde, da-mi si mie pozele
Trist esti tu... Am fost la Bikers' in Otopeni, am mancat mici moca si am calarit taurul mecanic A trantit cu mine de pamant
Hai ma, baiete, spune ma, spune ma tot ca bestiile astea te omoara si e pacat.
Respira, spune o rugaciune. Ce esti asa exclusivist?
Am dat de un user monsteristu' si e urat din ce vad in avatar. Dar nu inteleg ce e cu el.
Azi 28 august 2008, la 28 de zile calendaristice dupa angajarea la noul loc de munca, declar ca am clacat. Mi-am instalat client de ym. The Internet does not forget.
Hubble's latest view of an expanding halo of light around a distant star, named V838 Monocerotis (V838 Mon). This Hubble image was obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on February 8, 2004. The illumination of interstellar dust comes from the red supergiant star at the middle of the image, which gave off a flashbulb-like pulse of light two years ago. V838 Mon is located about 20,000 light-years away from Earth in the direction of the constellation Monoceros, placing the star at the outer edge of our Milky Way galaxy.
Discutie la mine la birou intre sef si un coleg care incearca sa isi faca credit pentru casa: - aici cel mai puternic invinge! citeste vechiul testament sa vezi care era mai puternic! Goliat sau David? - da, da' ei nu aveau nevoie de credit
Da... si kali mi-a zis ca as putea inlocui alergatul de seara + berea de adormit cu un prieten Daca printu pe cal alb nu vine... ce sa faca fetita?
Neata, bai! Sunt un copil fericit A inceput sa imi treaca explozia de pe fata Ma uitam eu asa in oglinda din lift in timp ce urca spre birou si ma minunam ce frumoasa sunt poopeec
Eu ies la alergat si dau si-un ocol pe la bariera sa vad ce e p-acolo. Cius
Sa ne bem mintile
Patruane, ce devreme te-ai trezit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcBnDIH2tm8
Cracky, te-ai infiltrat in militari si ancuta nu stia
Prietene... eu ma joc cu primejdia Din cauza asta incerc sa fac un plan de dominare a lumii In momentul de fata sunt de parere ca nu renteaza. Dar cum zi de zi traiesc cate o drama , cine stie
Sa visezi nu costa nimic
Neata baietii si fetele. Mi-e somn si trebuie sa compun eseuri. Az'noapte visam numai variante de leasing si motorete
Nu stiu ce-ati facut voi ieri, dar vad ca v-ati inchis spirala si nu ati anuntat si copilul nacajit Colo, vezi ca mai sunt oameni iubitori de animale pe aici, poate iesiti in grup cu latratorii cosmin, eu am colaborat pentru carene o data cu un baiat din Bistrita pe care in cazul de fata nu am cum sa ti-l recomand, ca trebuie sa stai sa trimiti pachet la Bistrita A doua oara am colaborat cu Gabi din Afumati care a facut treaba buna, dar din cate stiu e destul de ocupat! Ca pret a fost foarte ok pentru mine, dar am insistat asupra faptului ca sunt copil parlit Gabi 0723 909 564 Treaba buna mai fac si Pic si Poc 0728 054 558 'pare rau pentru baietel.