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Orice postat de rideordye
Am fost si eu pe traseul descris de l.u.v. acum vreo 2 saptamani. A fost foarte frumos. Merita incercat.
Plimbau mortul probabil...o ultima dorinta ?
During an IRS audit, the auditor looked at the tax payer and exclaimed... ... "Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, which you explain by saying that you win money gambling. I'm not sure the IRS finds that believable." "I'm a great gambler, and I can prove it," says Ralph. "How about a demonstration?" The auditor thinks for a moment and said, "Okay. Go ahead." Ralph says, "I'll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye." The auditor thinks a moment and says, "No way! It's a bet." Ralph removes his glass eye and bites it. The auditor's jaw drops. Ralph says, "Now, I'll bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye." The auditor can tell Ralph isn't blind, so he takes the bet. Ralph removes his dentures and bites his good eye. The stunned auditor now realizes he has wagered and lost three grand, with Ralph's attorney as a witness. He starts to get nervous. "Want to go double or nothing?" Ralph asks. "I'll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on one side of your desk, and pee into that wastebasket on the other side, and never get a drop anywhere in between." The auditor, twice burned, is cautious now, but he looks carefully and decides there's no way this guy can manage that stunt, so he agrees again. Ralph stands beside the desk and unzips his pants, and urinates all over the desk. The auditor leaps with joy, realizing that he has just turned a major loss into a huge win. But Ralph's attorney moans and puts his head in his hands. "Are you okay?" the auditor asks. "Not really," says the attorney. "This morning, when Ralph told me he'd been summoned for an audit, he bet me twenty thousand dollars that he could come in here and pee all over your desk and that you'd be happy about it."
http://www.bluntcard.com/randomizer.html http://www.mceinsurance.com/resources/worlds-best-motorcycle-routes/ You had one job ! ) http://geeknation.com/blog/best-of-the-you-had-one-job-to-do-meme/
Astea nu le-am incercat inca. Eu mi-as lua Tech7.
Daca nu te-ai uitat deja poti se cauti pe google sa vezi cam ce diferente sunt. Asta am gasit eu. http://www.oxford-shop.co.uk/item3252.htm http://www.busters-accessories.co.uk/productInfo.aspx?catRef=593433&kw=shadow+cover
Thalamus -
Pe mine ori ma vad toti si imi fac loc ori imi deschide unul usa chiar cand sunt in dreptul lui, el fiind oprit la stop in coloana. You can never be too careful.
Suzuki DR 600/650/ Big 750/800
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în sebi drul Totul despre motocicletele de enduro touring & adventure
Se potriveste oare un cric central de la un DR 650 la un DR 800 ? Mi-as lua unul. -
Alabama Thunderpussy - Motor Ready
Concert Karma To Burn sI RoadkillSoda
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în rideordyeul Evenimente, excursii
Sunt foarte misto baietii. Te asteptam cu drag la concert . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0szV88_EOkc&list=PL13597E7308C0955D -
Bucuresti-Tabla Butii 06.07.2013
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în crazy_mouse_87ul Evenimente, excursii
Scuze, nu am prea intrat pe mail si am ratat ocazia. 'Till next time. -
Salut! Va invit pe data de 10 iulie (Miercuri) ora 20:00 la concertul trupei de stoner rock Karma To Burn (SUA) "Heavy rocking, Goat-Esque, Ins(a)t(an)rumental Hits" https://www.facebook.com/pages/Karma-To-Burn/118432638215095?directed_target_id=0 In deschidere vor canta RoadkillSoda (Ro). https://www.facebook.com/RoadKillSoda http://www.metalhead.ro/concerte/concert-karma-to-burn-si-roadkillsoda-in-private-hell-pe-10-iulie-201-aid121587-l-1 Intrare 20 lei. Stoner rock/metal combina elemente din heavy metal, psychedelic rock, blues rock, acid rock si doom metal. Va asteptam ! \m/
Plimbare enduro-touring Bucuresti-Cabana Babele si retur
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în Phoenix_Harleyul Evenimente, excursii
Plimbare enduro-touring Bucuresti-Cabana Babele si retur
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în Phoenix_Harleyul Evenimente, excursii
Chiar este o idee excelenta -
Plimbare enduro-touring Bucuresti-Cabana Babele si retur
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în Phoenix_Harleyul Evenimente, excursii
Salut, am ajuns si eu cu bine acasa. Mi-a placut plimbarea, poate mai iesim si altadata. -
Plimbare enduro-touring Bucuresti-Cabana Babele si retur
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în Phoenix_Harleyul Evenimente, excursii
E perfect asa -
Plimbare enduro-touring Bucuresti-Cabana Babele si retur
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în Phoenix_Harleyul Evenimente, excursii
Bun. Ne vedem sambata. -
Plimbare enduro-touring Bucuresti-Cabana Babele si retur
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în Phoenix_Harleyul Evenimente, excursii
Salut ! As vrea sa stiu daca s-a decis ce a intrebat TheHawk fiindca m-as baga si eu. -
Noua legislatie 2013 pentru categoriile A, A1, A2, AM
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în Festerul Legislatie, acte, vama
Asta inseamna ca la orele de practica viitorul motociclist va trebui sa invete sa mearga cu pasager in spate.- 1.843 răspunsuri
- motocicleta 35 kw a2
- categoria a2
(și 1 alții)
Setat cu taguri:
Donatii - dar nu in bani
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în Inger`Albastruul Actiuni caritabile si de sustinere
Donez piesele de Minsk atasate in poza. Pentru detalii vorbim pe PM. -
Suzuki DR 600/650/ Big 750/800
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în sebi drul Totul despre motocicletele de enduro touring & adventure
Am gasit scarite. Multumesc Louis. -
Suzuki DR 600/650/ Big 750/800
topic a răspuns lui rideordye în sebi drul Totul despre motocicletele de enduro touring & adventure
Vreau sa schimb scaritele pentru pasager la DR. Aveti idee unde as putea gasi unele mai ieftine ? Caut unele cu un grip mai bun ca ii cam aluneca picioarele sotiei de pe ele.