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Postări postat de 9fingers

  1. 2016 MotoGP Rules Clarified: 7 Engines, 22 Liters, 157kg, & Performance Balancing

    The Grand Prix Commission have filled in the last question marks over the 2016 MotoGP regulations.

    While the decision on the amount of fuel the bikes would be allowed to run had already been decided last year, the rules on a minimum weight, the number of engines to be used, and how and whether the concessions allowed to manufacturers without a win would be extended into 2016 and beyond.

    All of these questions were settled at Qatar.

    The GPC meeting, where Dorma, the FIM, the manufacturers and the teams meet to agree a set of rules, confirmed that all bikes in MotoGP next year will use 22 liters of fuel.

    They also agreed that the minimum weight would be 157kg, and that each rider would be allowed a maximum of 7 engines to last the year.

    Both these measures were compromises: originally, there was a proposal to reduce the minimum to 156kg, but after a reduction to 158kg for this year, it was felt that may be too fast.

    As for the number of engines, the Italian manufacturers found themselves pitted against the Japanese. Honda, Suzuki, and Yamaha all wanted the number reduced to 6 engines per season, while Ducati and Aprilia lobbied for 9 engines.

    As the MSMA could not reach a unanimous conclusion, Dorna proposed a compromise, and the figure of 7 engines a season was accepted. Engine development will remain frozen, as before.

    This does not apply to all of the manufacturers, however. Factories without a dry win between 2013 and 2015 will still be allowed to use 12 engines, as well as the other concessions currently granted to Ducati, Aprilia and Suzuki.

    Those factories will be free to test as often as they like with contracted riders, and engine development will still be allowed.

    Manufacturers can lose concessions, however, and a more formal system of point scoring has been introduced. With 3 points for a win, 2 for second and 1 for third, any manufacturer racking up a total of 6 concession points will lose the right to unlimited testing with immediate effect, and all concessions for the following season.

    If, for example, Ducati do not win a dry race in 2015, and score a total of 6 concession points in 2016, then they will have to compete with 7 engines, no development and restricted testing from the 2017 season onwards.

    Two interesting twists have been added to the new concession points system. The first is that concessions can be granted as well as lost. Any manufacturer not scoring a single podium (and therefore no concession points) during a season will have the full set of concessions granted for the following season.

    And to level the playing field a little, podiums scored in the wet will count towards losing concessions or not. So far, only results in they dry have counted.

    The aim of the concession system is clear. By allowing factories that have so far been unsuccessful free development, more engines and more testing, they have the chance to catch up with the factories which are winning.

    Successful factories will not be able to extend their advantage over the rest too far during the season. It is a rather broad scale form of performance balancing, but implemented over the medium term, rather than the short term.

    The GPC also discussed the matter of electronics. Honda and Yamaha had reportedly been unhappy with the current state of development, and had wanted more input into the spec software which is due to be introduced for 2016.

    The three manufacturers who in 2014 accepted the proposal to introduce of spec software for 2016 – Honda, Yamaha, and Ducati – have been given a veto over the software.

    Any changes which Magneti Marelli wishes to make to the software must be unanimously agreed to by the three factories. Conversely, if the three factories unanimously propose a change to the software, then that change must be made. The cost of doing so, however, must be borne by the three factories.

    The change means that the spec software is likely to be more complex than was envisaged originally. The real intrigue will come from whether the three factories will remain unanimous in their demands.

    Over the past couple of years, Ducati has shown itself to be more than willing to break ranks with Honda and Yamaha, while the Japanese factories have always acted as a single front. This arrangement puts a lot of power into the hands of Ducati, and its racing boss Gigi Dall’Igna.

  2. Nici eu n-am ascultat niste casti high-end, doar ti-am zis ca sunt audiolac. Dar modelele astea de care vorbeam, care sunt la niste preturi mai mult decat rezonabile, mie mi se pare ca nu duc lipsa de soundstage in comparatie cu sisteme de boxe care se invart tot pe aici ca pret. Am avut cateva modele de la Sennheiser, ultimul un HD448 inchis care ma multumeste ca soundstage desi am observat ca tocmai aici nu satisface cand e comparat cu alte mdoele mai pretentioase, deci exista destul loc de mai bine. Mai demult aveam un ATH-M50 "inghesuit" in privinta asta si dezamagitor ca medii. Ocazional si SRH750 care chiar m-a impresionat ca soundstage si mai pe placul meu in rest, de aici si SRH840 ca un pas urmator.


    Stiu ca niste casti inchise erau dezastruoase acum 15 ani. Au evoluat mult de atunci si au aparut si tot felul de amplificatoare compacte, cu crossfeed printre alte functii.


    I'd prefer listening on a good speaker system, but headphones have advantages as well.

    The high-end of dynamics and imaging is on speakers, headphones will never touch that.

    The high-end of resolution is on headphones, and speakers will never touch that.

    And, of course, headphones are way better on an airplane, or motorcycle, or in bed at night with someone trying to go to sleep next to you, or when your kids are watching SpongeBob DVDs in the back seat of the van, get the idea.


    Aha. Cam ce-am spus si eu si ce-ar trebui sa-i zica bunul simt oricui.

    Nu bag mana in foc, dar banuiesc ca nu e chiar ce spunei tu. Tu te referai la un soundstage la nivelul boxelor tale, nu la nec plus ultra in materie de scule audio. Si nici nu cred ca bunul simt ne spune mare lucru despre avansul tehnologic al ultimilor ani.

  4. Nu stiu daca a mai fost mentionat pe aici, The Proposition merita notat macar pt efort si atmosfera (care il include si pe Nick Cave). Cam aceeasi reteta cu care a debutat si Clint Eastwood ca regizor de western, dar cu totul alte ingrediente. Cu diligenta trasa de dromaderi, si aborigeni care se descalta cand ies din curte.

    Distributia parca lasa de dorit, desi John Hurt are o aparitie inedita si nici rolul omului legii nu e rau. Guy Pearce mi s-a parut mereu un actor mult supra-apreciat, dar aici aproape ca l-ar prinde rolul.

    » Post actualizat in 03 Mar 2015 12:26

  5. Mr. Turner. Ma asteptam sa ma enerveze cand colo chiar mi-a placut.

    Pt cine nu cunoaste amprenta artistica a lui J.M.W. Turner, cinematografic s-ar putea sa fie "cam" stuporos si desirat ca regie. Ai zice ca Mike Leigh si Timothy Spall isi cam fac de cap, dar mai degraba tempereaza ceea ce a ramas cunoscut din perioada si personajele ei.

    Si cine si-ar fi inchipuit ca Turner canta ca Tom Waits! Dar daca stai sa te gandesti un pic, unele scene chiar...



  6. In alta ordine de idei, mi se pare ca tatal a fost un actor mult mai bun si a jucat in mult mai multe roluri, sau e doar impresia mea?

    E impresia ta, impresia mea e ca Michael e un actor mult mai abil si maleabil (desi mai face cate o gafa monumentala, de genul the ghost and the darkness). L-am vazut si pe Kirk intr-o groaza de filme, dar e mereu acelasi caraghios.

  7. Da, nici eu nu prea mai inteleg discutia. M-am legat numai de chestia cu muzica-activitate sociala" care nu prea se aplica cand vine vorba de ascultat in intimitatea propriei case.

    Si apropo de soundstage la un pret mai mic, daca le vezi, incearca Shure SRH750 sau 840, sunt comode si cu ochelari.

  8. Vine o generatie de surzi. Iar ascultatul muzicii poate fi si este si o activitate sociala.

    Stii doar ca multe amplificatoare au cate doua iesiri pt casti :D

    Asta cu activitatea sociala nu stiu cat se aplica pt audiofili, ca doar nu asculta playlisturile alea de clubbing. O fi importanta ideea de spectacol, iar compania cred ca tine mai des de snobism. Si in niciun caz nu as nega dimensiunea asta sociala, dar nici nu mi se pare ca ar fi o problema pt cei care care vor sa asculte muzica acasa.


    Eu apreciez tocmai intimitatea pe care ti-o ofera niste casti inchise, circumaurale. Nu cu firele sunt probleme, ci cu confortul pe perioade extinse si mai ales vara. Castile inchise nu mai sunt in urma nici in categoria rezonabila (pt audiofili) de preturi. Modele ca AKG K550 costa in jur de 300 e.

  9. Recomand si eu "I Origin" - merita vazut - acu am mai citit niste "behind the story" stories.. foarte interesant.

    Orice as spune despre el ar fi un "spoil" asa ca mai bine vedeti-l si gata.

    Un storcator de lacrimi intr-un dispozitiv de transport vertical ca analogie pt reincarnare si portal spre nemurirea... plictisului. Nu poate sa treaca drept spoiler, nu?

    Mie-mi pare rau ca mi-am pierdut timpul cu asa ceva, si nici nu pun mare pret pe timpul meu.


    Am o slabiciune pt filmele cu Africa si m-am uitat la o "vechitura" de-a lui Eastwood. White Hunter Black Heart, personaj fictiv cu trimitere la personalitatea si viata lui John Huston. Se termina cand de abia parea ca-si gaseste ritmul. De parca tot filmul nu e decat un intro relaxat pt cine stie ce aventura sau expeditie care nici nu mai conteaza (sau e doar un film in film care de fapt devine filmul ala). Pt ca desi porneste dezamagitor, cu un Clint Eastwood caraghios si un accent artificial, pe masura ce personajul gafaie mai tare, stilul lui de a regiza pare ca respira din ce in ce mai bine in filmul asta.

  10. Hai acuma nu zi ca l-ai cunoscut pe Turing si asta nu l-a intruchipat bine.

    Mi-e mi s-a parut un film interesant, merita vazut.

    Mie mi s-a parut o pierdere de vreme, dar poate ca pt altii merita vazut ca fantezie. Asa cum aparea Einstein in comedia aia romantica cu Tim Robbins si Meg Ryan.

    Pe Turing l-au cunoscut altii, si nu cu 2000 de ani in urma. Ce-a fost intruchipat in film nu prea are nicio legatura cu el, cat are cu niste stereotipii cosmetizate pt televiziune. Sheldon goes to WWII.

    » Post actualizat in 09 Feb 2015 15:21

    Eu nu cred ca e posibil ca Hollywoodul sa produca un film biografic corect. Citeam si despre John Nash (A Beautiful Mind) ca in realitate e mai mult nebun decit simpatic, nu nebun simpatic cum incearca filmul sa-l prezinte.

    Si documentarele au probleme grave aici. Dar macar nu-ti sunt arse in minte prin talentele artistice ale vreunui actor sau regizor. Sunt oameni care s-au consacrat tocmai prin abilitatile lor de a face fanteziile convingatoare.

    E greu sa-l mai dezlipesti pe Burt Munro de imaginea si personalitatea lui Anthony Hopkins. Dar cand vine vorba de niste figuri mai complicate si controversate, se alege praful de ele.

  11. Da, Mladin, era si un indiciu intre paranteze. Mi se pare ca nu s-a schimbat asa mult.


    Apropo de Byrne, il stiu de cand a facut dubla la Brands Hatch, cu wildcard. Nu erau mari piloti Hodgeson sau Xaus, dar erau singurii care beneficiau de schimbarea de generatie concurand cu 999. Foarte greu sa se tina cineva dupa ei, daramite sa-i mai si bata...

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