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Super Membru
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  • Locatie
    Sf Gheorghe
  • Carnet moto din
  • Motocicleta
    Fulgerica de doi detzi si jumate'
  • Numar Moto
  • Club
    inca nu am

Informații profil

  • Motociclete detinute
    Voshod 175M, YBR125, F650GS, GW250
  • Interests
    foto, moto, muntoman

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Vezi toate actualizările de crazvy

  1. "I've owned BMW's and I know the GS is a great bike. However, I've also ridden little V-Stroms in places it's designers would cringe. It? always got me back home. I rode my 2009 'Strom from the Labrador Highway to the tip of Baja - over 60 000 km's including 7000 km's of rough off road. Point is, "shockingly" the 'Strom was literally half the cost to buy and about 80% less."

    1. crazvy


      " and about 80% less cost to run and maintain. Nope, no more "Hummercycles" for me . . . and my new 2012 'Strom is even a tad better."

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