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Orice postat de Misterio

  1. Bai eu unu is satul de carute si de oi!Daca voi va plangeti ce draq sa mai spun io...daca nu e nisip sigur e balega in curba aici in Maramures..dar asta este fratilor,asta e Romania ..oamenii sunt saraci,abia isi duc zilele,nu pot sa zboare de pe camp acasa cu caruta,oile sau ce animale mai au ei de transportat! Parerea mea e ca tre totusi sa i intelegem si sa ne adaptam viteza la drum!Cine vrea viteza sa se dea unde se poate nu prin localitati!Trebuie sa invatam sa ne stapanim apoi sa aratam cu degetul!Asta e parerea mea!
  2. Baiatu asta e dus rau cu cercu ..@mertan nu te cobora la nivelul lui ca dai de rame! on topic: Io am condus si kawa( si yamaha),am avut si suzuki si am ales,HONDA ce?E mai compacta..sta mai bine pe trasa si parca ma reprezinta mai bine!Fiecare isi ia ce i e problema totusi? Cica e pe locul doi la anduranta dupa suzuki..da kawa unde e mha?Sau la moto gp unde sa clasat kawa cu ambele mobre in ultima cursa?Iti spun ultimele doua locuri
  3. @mertan,io is curios de unde ai facut tu rost de poza? Oricum i-ai dat deciziva! FATALITY
  5. Manualul de la 600 rr 2005 stie cineva de unde il pot da jos?Mersi frumos Mai am o intrebare..un intinzator de lant de distribuie,unde as putea gasii?Inafara de reprezentanta si care sa trimita ramburs!As ramane dator pt info asta!Am avut un cbr 600 f4i si tot asa la 5000 de ture facea zgomot intinzatorul..e boala clasica la honda se pare..multumesc frumos!
  6. Cand a fost asta?Si au interzis pana la urma circulatia motoarelor dupa ora 22?
  7. Misterio

    Accident Crangasi

    Da eu am rr,dar asta nu ma face sa i dau blana legat la ochi!In localitate te poti astepta oricand la un cascat pe mijocul drumului sau la un tampit ce intoarec pe linie continua!Da,am rr si nu ma bag pe ax sa depasesc coloana decat la o viteza relativ mica si ma asigur ca soferul conservei pe care o depasesc ma vazut!Da am rr,dar eu vreau sa traiesc si sa o fac intreg! Din satelit ,curba pare de 110 dar una e sa o vezi din scaun la pc si una din saua motorului pe drum!Eu nu cunosc zona despre care vorbiti dar eu unu nu m-as duce printre masini cu 110 inclinat pe curbe!Oricum fiecare pe pielea pielea lui merge!
  8. Misterio

    Accident Crangasi

    Sa abordezi o curba intr-un oras,cu 100-110 inseamna ca ti-o cauti grav! RIP!!!
  9. Nu recomand cardiacilor: Era sa fac draq infart
  10. Inca e live pe antena!
  11. "intotdeauna m-am intrebat cum vad altii lucruri care noua ni se par obisnuite"-exact de aceea am si deschis topicul! Sa vedem putin tara noastra prin ochii lui Oscar!
  12. Acesta este mailul pe care l-am primit de la un amic australian!Ne-am cunoscut nu departe de locul unde a luat o tranta cu motocicleta. Era plecat intr-un tur a Romaniei de unul singur..a avut mult curaj..sau mult probabil a fost inconstient Va pun aici mailul primit de la el dupa terminarea excursiei: "Back dry and warm if without sleep in Alba Iulia - here's a pretty fatigued ramble to put my mind to rest if nothing else. 2.5hrs in the dark, rain, wind and cold last night coming off Balea Lac last night for a sleep in a known bed. It's a beautiful country excluding the litter. About 70% of time riding through wind, rain and ex-artic airmass - acknowledging that the cold reducing mozzies/midges (thanks Dixi). I'd still be out there I suspect without the fantastically generous hospitality and assistance of complete strangers - I think alot of Australians have forgotten some of this. The Moldavian and Transyllvanian people are friendly as hell - Bulgarian influenced types in south are real pros at staring and tend to stinge on signs to mark sharp corners that terminate numbingly long straights. Wasn't a comprehensive peek, I might be wrong. Conclusions and points of note from a 3,000km partial circuit. I'd suggest for the future: timing trips to *finish* in mid Autumn and taking genuinely waterproof boots, gloves and to remember suit liners (Romania has weather) tripe soup is the best tucker for cool weather riding spending more than AUD15 on a tent or sleeping bag (was borrowed, cheers Dan) not snapping off critical components in offroad alpine passes (Lake, Edy - what can I say - multsumesc mult) not squeezing between fences if one of them is holding a wild lynx (I know what that smell means now - for both of us) not lobbing koalas at military types in moving trucks with the cling out (a kind of mini-drop bear; those that survived are damp) further, waiting for another straight and attempting to exchange proffered weapons for further chinese-made marsupials getting pulled over by the police for a feed, bed, Iasi tour and night out (great tucker; great drinks; friendly giant dogs - thanks bigtime Iulian) ducking when passing waving gypsy girls carrying rocks (caca shots, thankfully - no pics; see below) checking critical vowels in written place names to avoid extensive detours with minimal net gain mileage related but separate - articulating place names then listening properly when asking directions to avoid unnecessary mountain crossings (Cheia is not Sinaia) asking about where the bears live because they (I'm told) don't confuse you with cool porridge (the body-free crimson splashed clothing pics on the local news a couple of days latter didn't need translating - spend on pensions near big forests) not being polite and letting others pass you onto a late ferry (great laugh for border police; extra pats for puppies) noting that Aust isn't only place with deadly snakes chatting to strangers instead of donkeys - they may just be fellow biker bros going to a pissy and very well catered biker fest and be inclined to ask you along - don't step into shadows on the floors of turkish bars - looks silly if you fall in the hole; hopefully the zeitgeist will get a push along with views such as these (Demi, Razvan, Dan - naroc si merci mult! Can you please forward this to Bogdan? Bike nuts in Ro - - get in touch for multiday mainly offroad shenanigans) sourcing a helmet so you can see your crutch with your gear on because when it's freakin cold you can't feel anything below your elbows or forward of your hips eating plenty of salad and fibre with lotsa fluids because all that vibrating tends to condense matters in arrears - what should be a dash turns into a dot (sorry about that, had to share) And finally, note that kids, dogs and geese dig bikes more than chicks, turkeys or squirrels (so far) 'Drink or drive' as they say here. Also, 'better to fall down than up'. Noapte buna and good morning, Oz PS to site bods, there's a few addresses I'm lacking, will catch you before I exit." Poze:
  14. @melciu,eu de vre-o 3 ani tot zic,ca ajung in regiunea Como cu motorul si tot nu am ajuns E mult prea frumoasa zona aia ca sa nu ne organizam odata mai multi, sa mergem! Ai fost si in zona de munte ,pe la fermele alea unde se fac branzeturi?
  15. Tnx!You are a Nice Guy too!:P

  16. Misterio

    Accident Cu Pumni

    Hai sa fim seriosi..civilizatia asta a partii de nord despre care vorbiti nu mai exista!A ramas doar o legenda.... Intradevar candva era asa..acum stau si ma minun de cat de rai pot fi oamenii si aici!Suntem toti romani asta spune tot!
  17. cel mai tare striptease ever!!!
  18. Misterio

    Accident Cu Pumni

    Adevaru' ca sunt durere conservarii din Baia Mare! Am fost ieri sa imi fac RAR-ul la motor si era sa ma execute vre-o 3 in interval de o ora cat am stat prin oras!Eu il inteleg pe motociclist!
  20. @kassu Mie imi plac clipurile tale!E super faina si muzica din ele
  21. Da,probabil aveti dreptate!Numai ca na,in cazul meu cum am stat asa putin mi sa parut aiurea sa dau 20 de lei!Dar asa e,nu se puteau da bilete dupa fiecare cat sta,e normal cum spuneti voi!Retrag cele spuse!
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