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Maj's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. AGV Gp Pro- 350 eur nou, marimea M AGV Gp Pro- 150 eur folosit, marimea M AGV K2- 50 eur folosit, marimea M Shark RSX- 150 eur nou, marimea M Shark RSR2- 250 eur nou, marimea M Shark RSF2 Race- 80 eur folosit, marimea M Nitro N800- 40 eur folosit (zgariat in spate), marimea M
  2. salut, toate castile au marimea M
  3. AGV Gp Pro- 350 eur nou AGV Gp Pro- 150 eur folosit AGV K2- 50 eur folosit Shark RSX- 150 eur nou Shark RSR2- 250 eur nou Shark RSF2 Race- 80 eur folosit Nitro N800- 40 eur folosit (zgariat in spate)
  4. pentru cei care doresc sa miste ceva
  5. Tobe Leo Vinci ptr Suzuki SV, TL si Cagiva Raptor. Sunt noi noute, pret 400 eur fix. contact pe PM
  6. vand: Agv GP Pro- noua- Rossi Gothic -Marimea S/M-350 eur (viziera alba si neagra) Shark RSX- noua-Marimea M - 200 eur Shark RSR 2 - Marimea M putin purtata - 220 eur Agv GP Pro - Marimea M folosita - 150 eur (cu alb) Agv K2 - Marimea M folosita - 50 eur (viziera alba si neagra) tel 0721 968 990
  7. da-i retardatului posibilitatea de a lua decizii si vezi ce se intampla. aici este problema si aici trebuie schimbat ceva.legislatia nu trebuie sa-i permita retardatului sa ia decizii. din pacate la noi se intalneste acest lucru si la alte nivele.dar la nivel micro putem schimba ceva si avem obligatia sa o facem.
  8. vand casca AGV GP Pro, marimea S se potriveste si la M (eu am M la toate celelealte casti si mi se potriveste ), doua viziere (transparenta si neagra).pret 350 eur
  9. Maj

    Service anvelope moto

    eu mi-am echilibrat in ghiroda si nu era ochimetric, aveau aparat. plus ca lucreaza bine si nu zgarie nimic. eu sunt foarte multumit
  10. Maj

    Accidente !

    Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca !
  11. Suzuki TL 1000 S din 2000, 126 CP, tobe sport, stare foarte buna 3600 eur
  12. TL-ul meu are acuma 44.000 km si nu am absolut nici o problema cu el. la TL-urile din 97 era o problema daca mergeai viteza maxima timp indelungat se strangea uleiul in capacul motorului de la cilindru 2 si prin urmare cel din fata ramanea fara ulei si asa crapa motorul. dar pentru asta trebuie sa mergi cu peste 200 km/h mult si bine. si cum noi nu avem autostrazi pe la noi, nu ai aceasta problema. iti recomand calduros un TL , poate chiar asta
  13. la mine la TL este o mufa in dreapta spate sub plastic. chestia faina e ca nu ai voie sa intrerupi alimentarea ca iti sterge eroarea. si ca sa ajungi la mufa din spate trebuie sa scoti sitzul din spate. deci sau ai cheie de rezerva la tine sau niste maini foarte mici
  14. The Newlyweds A newlywed couple had only been married for two weeks. The husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies. So, he said to his new wife, "Honey, I'll be right back." "Where are you going, coochy cooh?" asked the wife. "I'm going to the bar, pretty face. I'm going to have a beer." The wife said, "You want a beer, my love?" She opened the door to the refrigerator and showed him 25 different kinds of beer, brands from 12 different countries: Germany, Holland, Japan, India, etc. The husband didn't know what to do, and the only thing that he could think of saying was, "Yes, lolly pop...but at the know...they have frozen glasses..." He didn't get to finish the sentence, because the wife interrupted him by saying, "You want a frozen glass, puppy face?" She took a huge beer mug out of the freezer, so frozen that she was getting chills just holding it. The husband, looking a bit pale, said, "Yes, tootsie roll, but at the bar they have those hors d'oeuvres that are really delicious... I won't be long, I'll be right back. I promise. OK?" "You want hors d'oeuvres, poochi pooh?" She opened the oven and took out 5 dishes of different hors d'oeuvres: chicken wings, pigs in blankets, mushroom caps, pork strips, etc. "But my sweet honey... at the bar... you know... there's swearing, dirty words and all that..." "You want dirty words, cutie pie?... LISTEN UP, DICKHEAD! DRINK YOUR FUCKING BEER IN YOUR GODDAMN FROZEN MUG AND EAT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING SNACKS, BECAUSE YOU ARE MARRIED NOW, YOU AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE! GOT IT, ASSHOLE?" And they lived happily ever after.
  15. eu am trecut pe acolo imediat dupa accident si cred ca sunt unele inadvertente in povestioara ta. in primul rand nici nu a atins masina si cel cu masina s-a oprit din proprie initiativa, iar motorul nu e dauna totala. oricum ceea ce conteaza este ca pilotul nu a patit nimic. restul se repara.
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