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Orice postat de P T R

  1. ideal e sa filmezi afara din oras... cu atat mai mult ca tu poti sa mergi si offroad.o plimbare filmata offroad e super.asta sa faci
  2. proaspat posesor el cum se incadreaza?
  3. cei 2 sunt cazul exemplar de romani care nu gandesc chiar deloc.Parintii sunt vinovati.Ce cautau cei 2 pe motoare asa mari.Pe numele cui erau motoarele? putea sa iasa mult mai rau accidentul. Accidentul asta reprezinta exact ce avem in tara asta la general .
  4. cam crosetezi masinile alea... grija mare dar asa e in bucuresti in traficul ala mizerabil. filmeaza desul de ok.e misto si unghiul.iti da asa un feeling .... mie imi place sa se vada si motocicleta... prefer un ungi fix.da senzatie de gameplay.e parca mai personala. o sa mai filmez intr-o zi cand ma duc mai tare si pe curbe cu asfalt bun.
  5. asta e filmuletul de test. Mesaj completat mie imi place ce am reusit
  6. salut. solutia mea e una prea simpla si ieftina. nu e cine stie ce dar se poate aplica pe orice motor,e usor de asamblat si e destul de ok. 3 chesti:- banda izolatoare( pentru ca e flexibila si se poate intinde sa ramana stransa) -aparat foto digital cu loc pentru trepied - trepied mic. mod de atasare. eu am luat trepiedul si l-am pus sub piciorusul de la pasager, apoi l-am prins cu banda izolatoare.capul trepiedului se poate roti si schimba dupa cum doriti se poate pune si pe orizontala si pe am pus-o pe verticala.Dupa fixarea trepiedului insurubati camera pe suportul trepiedului.La scarita se poate baga o mica pana pentru a bloca scarita sa se plieze inapoi din cauza vantului :)Verificati sa fie totul strans si bine fixat.altfel o sa o pierdeti pe drum. trepiedul care il am e foarte ieftin. Undeva la 7 gaseste si prin real din cate stiu. atasez poze cu ce am folosit si mai tarziu pun si un filmulet.
  7. P   T   R

    Poze Din Iesirile Oradenilor

    Manu superbe poze , not a10 iesirea. te invidiez k :
  8. P   T   R

    Discutii Despre Orice...

    cred ca a fost ceea ce ti-ai dorit sa faci tu cel mai mult.mers cu moto la intalnire de genu manu rulz
  9. acum vad... misto poza.e bine de voi ca aveti amkartu ... eu trebuie sa le slefuiesc pe strada.ceea ce nu prea imi place.
  10. faine poze... dar genunchiu pe frecush??? sau nu te-a prins in poze
  11. bine ai venit... daca bine stiu ai model din 2008 am vazut ca mergi chiar frumos cu motorul si nu esti zapacit.bafta maxima si sper sa ne vedem vineri la intalnirea celor de pe forum.
  12. P   T   R


    are cineva ulei de vanzare? 10 w 40 4T ma intereseaza sa cumpar 4 litri
  13. care e cel mai bun ulei pt un f4i din 2001 cu 38000 km? ce imi recomandati ?... ms anticipat
  14. P   T   R

    Discutii Despre Orice...

    pun niste poze de la un prieten din SUA.... uite ce drumuri si ce frumos e... cand o sa avem noi asa ceva? in veci AMIN.
  15. pai am mai gasit niste poze cu acelasi gen de al meu pare sa aibe aceleasi stikere.La semnu ala te referi? stiu ca al meu a fost culcat pe partea stanga... insa nu stiu cat de rau.Sunt foarte multumit de cum merge.M-as plimba tot timpul...chiar acum am ajuns acasa de la plimbare.Cand e atat de cald ies noaptea ca e liniste, trafic zero si e mai racoros.
  16. la inceput am vrut sa imi iau gixer de 600 .... si asa nicku dar mi-am luat honditza si porecla a ramas la fel. mersi de complimente ps:acum am vauzt ca pozele de pe prima pagina nu mai sunt... cred ca le-am sters din mistake
  17. Furusawa talks Valentino Rossi posted: Monday 13 July 2009 by Toni M. in: Personalities Yamaha Moto GP It’s not a secret that the General Manager of Yamaha Motor Company’s Technology Development Division, Masao Furusawa and Valentino Rossi have a special relationship, and that the Japanese manager may well be Valentino’s number one fan, stating in the past that he trusts and respects the Italian super champion and describing him as the genius behind the M1. Rossi has another year on his contract is making noises about staying in MotoGP another a couple of years and Furusawa, wants Rossi to remain as a Yamaha ambassador when the Italian does decide to quit: “I’m happy, because I think that Valentino is a strong legend of Yamaha, so hopefully I don’t need to ask him if he wants to stay in Yamaha. Right now he’s pretty much happy. I want to keep him as a legend of Yamaha, even when he will retire. But the one thing I would like to ask him is, please stop with Yamaha in MotoGP. He can go to Formula One or rally, whatever he likes, but when racing in MotoGP I’d ask him to stop with Yamaha.” Furusawa went on the clarify the truth behind the paddock gossip that wanted Rossi as the person behind the decision of not wanting Casey Stoner in their team back in 2007. “Valentino never told me that he didn’t like Stoner when we were negotiating with the Australian. He did explain his relationship with Edwards. He never asked me not to hire Stoner, those decisions are left to Yamaha. It was Stoner’s conditions that were unacceptable.” When asked about getting not only Rossi but also his team in 2004, Furusawa explained: “I hope Jeremy doesn’t misunderstand me, but if I had to choose between the two of them based on the results, I’d say Valentino is more important. When he arrived in 2004, the bike was already designed for him and principally Rossi chose the the engine.” Asked about struggling James Toseland, Furusawa answered in a round about way: “When Rossi rode the the Yamaha for the first time he had to change his riding style. There are riders who adapt easily and others take more time. For example Jorge in the begining was very aggressive and we changed the electronics for him and then I told him he had to change his approach and he did.” Furusawa also added that there is no deadline to sign on riders for the 2010 season: “We have all the time we want, it’s the riders who are in a hurry. At the moment there are a lot of them knocking on our door. Regarding the second team, Tech 3, we would like young and inexpensive riders, but if we have to do without Lorenzo, we’ll simply move Colin back next to Rossi, that way we’ll make room for Ben Spies who wants to come to MotoGP, but we don’t want to spend more. If our M1 was a bad bike then we’d have to.” Mesaj completat cateva poze cu rossi de la Donington. Mesaj completat Mesaj completat Mesaj completat
  18. P   T   R

    Discutii Despre Orice...

    Chiar vb cu cineva..cel mai usor faci un contract de vanzare cumparare il ultima clipa m-am tot uitat pe forum si am gasit un topic unde fiecare vine cu ideei de nr. asta am debitat eu Sau... b-xx-RPD b-xx-PUT b-69-PLS b-69-DES SAU b-69-RAR b-69-FAC sau b-06-CAI am meu e PTR.
  19. Sau... b-xx-RPD b-xx-PUT b-69-PLS b-69-DES SAU b-69-RAR b-69-FAC sau b-06-CAI am meu e PTR.
  20. Fanii Rossi sunt peste tot... ca sa nu mai zic de replica f4i
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