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Postări postat de o_OwNz

  1. linul " ie " un peste!!!


    cum poti sa ai trei " lini " la o mobra?? aia sugrumati in lant!!!




    scuze ..daca n-am inteles eu ceva!!

  sa-i dai si pe-o roata...saraciiii!!!

    3 intinderi, multumit?

    am avut eu pe 750 si cand am pus normal se oprea motorul la semafor invatat sa plece in forta.. este misto dar nu as pune.. creste riscul sa derapez cand trag de gaz pe viraj.. nu indica viteza corecta.. si as fi prea la limita cu puterea.. intradevar se ridica foarte usor, mai ales cu pasager.. (un dusman) :crack:

    merci de info. :cheers:

  2. Fa operatiunea asta doar daca ai alte leviere de rezerva

    Eu am mers cu o motoreta care avea capatul levierului de ambreiaj rupt.E de tot cacao-ul cand simiti cum aluneca mana pe levier

    Cumpara leviere aftermatket de la mymoto sau orice alt magazin si experimenteaza pe ele toate fanteziile pe care le ai cu leviere de frana/ambreiaj

    ah deci asta e rolul capatului, merci :)

  3. Am scris deja. Nu sunt ergonomice. Manetele de ambreiaj sunt foarte prost gandite si nu debraiaza complet iar frana parca n-o gasesti atunci cand ai nevoie de ea. Asta e ce cred eu dar nu sunt singurul caruia nu-i plac manetele scurte.

    merci de sfat, am sa incerc un moto care are sa vad daca mi se potrivesc..(poate manetele care leai incercat erau alea din china la 20e) :cheers:

  4. cumpara din gama Gilles. am avut posibilitatea sa le probez pe un GSXR 1000 K6 si sunt excelente. inclusiv scaritele de la Gilles sunt ok, au multe posibilitati de reglaj, materiale, calitate (f bine finisate). in plus gasesti piese de schimb pentru ele, de exemplu daca iei o tranta si rupi schimbatorul de vieteze il poti cumpara doar pe acela, ceea ce este foarte ok! ;)

    suna bine xD chiar am sa ma uit, am dat un check pe google si erau cam uratele manetele dar poate fac si altfel :) merci :cheers:

  5. raman la parerea mea: esti prost cu spume! printre altele am si un motor de 86.000 de km cu schimbul facut la 3000. ghici ce? n-are nici un fel de urma pe supapele de admisie! dar tu ai gasit ceva pe net si o iei de buna... mai citeste ceva carti de specialitate, nu rahaturi scrise pe net de tot felu' de ciudati. in plus mai am un avantaj, un prieten foarte bun de-al meu este profesor de tribologie. stii ce inseamna tribologia?

    hai ca te crezi prea destept, tipic romaneste si nu mai fa pe cineva prost daca nu il cunosti ratatule, dute si reparati scuteru ,PA!

  6. a avut dreptate bogdan ca esti prost bai mucea. cand eu repara motoare tu nici macar in plan nu erai...

    bine, dute si dati foc acum "mecanicule" btw mucea esti tu ratatule. :)


    bine, dute si dati foc acum "mecanicule" btw mucea esti tu ratatule. :)

    Citeste mecancule , poate o sa stii pentru scuterul tau homemade


    Save your money and save your engine

    A lot of the advice above is typical forum-perpetuated myth. Someone on this forum recently stated that it can't hurt to change your oil too often. Unfortunately that couldn't be more wrong.


    The Problem

    5000 km change intervals are harmful to your engine and our DI engines are even more vulnerable to the type of damage done by over servicing than PFI engines.


    Why does the problem exist?

    It's a cultural thing that arose in the US and was driven by marketing and profit making. The consequent myths and consumer expectations are now entrenched. The cultural gap is now so broad than in the US a car may have an 8000km OCI, while the same model, from the same production line, might have a 20,000 km OCI when sold in Europe where people aren't affected by the myths.


    Why it's OK to follow the manufacturers service interval

    All synthetic oils are capable of exceeding the manufacturers recommended OCI by at least 50% or more. It's incorrect to suggest the oil could break down or succumb to sludge any earlier.


    People using oil analysis reports to justify over servicing aren't reading them correctly. None of the reports that I've seen on DISI engines have shown oil that has reached condemning limits in terms of insolubles and oxidation. As for the solubles, if they are excessive, you need to drive the car further, not change the oil.


    The references to carbon contamination are also incorrect. People naturally assume that black oil is unhealthy, when the opposite is true. The colour of the oil is an indication of how well it's doing its job. The darker the better (up to a point not exceeding the manufacturers OCI).


    If you had a problem with contamination (not that you do, but if you did) the solution is to change the oil filter, not the oil.


    Why is it harmful to change the oil too frequently?


    In a word; volatility. Oil volatility is at its greatest in the first 3000km after an oil change. After that the volatility reduces and the oil stabilises.


    Volatility is particularly bad for a DI engine because all of the lost fractions exit via the PCV system. Much of it goes out through the rocker cover vent, into the intake, through the turbo compressor and intercooler, then puddles in the bottom of the inlet manifold where it combines with the stuff coming through the PCV valve to coat the inlet valves and combustion chambers in gunk.


    That black soot you see in your exhaust pipes, don’t assume it’s all caused by rich mixture. Excessive oil changing will contribute more soot.


    The presence of oil in the intake also lowers the octane rating of your fuel leading to detonation.


    The NOACK volatility test quantifies the extent of oil evaporation. The test standard - ASTM D5800 - 08 Standard Test Method for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Oils by the Noack Method – also hints at another kind of danger associated with frequent oil changes where it states “Procedure C, using the Selby-Noack apparatus, also permits collection of the volatile oil vapors for determination of their physical and chemical properties. Elemental analysis of the collected volatiles may be helpful in identifying components such as phosphorous, which has been linked to premature degradation of the emission system catalyst.”


    A lot of phosphorous is lost in the initial boil-off phase of new oil and it’s likely to be harming oxygen sensors and cats.


    Engine manufacturers understand the problem and it would be easy for them to identify the type of damage done by over servicing and potentially result in a warranty claim denial.



    By changing your oil at 5000km, you are subjecting your engine to oil that is almost always in the initial boil-off phase. It's contaminating and filling your engine with gunk. Contrary to popular and uninformed opinion, oil that is 10,000 km old is not likely to be harmful, and would certainly be less harmful than fresh oil.

  7. Cand dai o parere .. neavizata ...


    Cum esti ??


    Eu nu ma bat cu pumnul in piept ca Rs ul e cel mai tare ...


    Dar nici sa spui ca R125 e mai aproape de SS ... si restul aberatiilor.


    Baietasu ala nu a mers in viata lui pe RS si nici pe SS 600 ... si deja le stie pe toate.


    Daca tie ti se pare normal ... da-mi ignor. :laugh:



    Conform lui nanotel intai a aparut oul si apoi gaina ...


    Pardon ... Sr ul si apoi Rs ul ...


    Vai de steaua ta nanotel ... esti praf ... pulbere fina.

    daca nu are habar sau a gresit nu inseamna ca e prost, nu cred ca tu le stiai pe toate de mic.

  8. Ce prost esti ... pe cuvantu' meu ..


    R125 e apropiat de 600 SS ????


    Iar Rs125 e pozitie incomoda ??


    Atuncinu esti de SS ... nu e o rusine .. nu oricine se simte bine. Mergi pe un SS de 600 .. si vezi care e mai aproape : Rs sau R125.


    Nici gugle nu stii ...Vezi cain2006 a aparut Rs ul ...apoi au pus faruri si bord pe SR.


    Acum RS4 ul seamana cu RSV4.


    Frate ... esti mic prost.


    Habar nu ai cu ce se mananaca motocicletele.

    eu zic sa nu te mai dai asa viteaz si sa faci pe toata lumea proasta ca nici tu nu esti un mare destept.

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