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Orice postat de MotĂśrizer

  1. Poate era satul de forumul asta de cacao precum si de comunitatea din acelas aluat.
  2. din cate am vazut si eu era un chopper negru cu un nr galben "scoala"
  3. oricum cica e aftermarket, deci tre sa caute extrem de bine un sh sa inlocuiasca piesa...
  4. mai lasam sa incalzeasca pt un ursu, momentan doar un mec scurt :> deci 19
  5. Some Ken Rockwell Facts Ken Rockwell is the Chuck Norris of photography Ken Rockwell's camera has similar settings to ours, except his are: P[erfect] Av[Awesome Priority Tv[Totally Awesome Priority] M[ajestic] Ken Rockwell doesn't color correct. He adjusts your world to match his. Sure, Ken Rockwell deletes a bad photo or two. Other people call these Pulitzers. Ken Rockwell doesn't adjust his DOF, he changes space-time. Circle of confusion? You might be confused. Ken Rockwell never is. Ken Rockwell doesn't wait for the light when he shoots a landscape - the light waits for him. Ken Rockwell never flips his camera in portrait position, he flips the earth Ken Rockwell ordered an L-lens from Nikon, and got one. Ken Rockwell is the only person to have photographed Jesus; unfortunately he ran out of film and had to use a piece of cloth instead. When Ken Rockwell brackets a shot, the three versions of the photo win first place in three different categories Before Nikon or Canon releases a camera they go to Ken and they ask him to test them, the best cameras get a Nikon sticker and the less good get a Canon sticker Once Ken tested a camera, he said I cant even put Canon on this one,thats how Pentax was born Rockwellian policy isn't doublethink - Ken doesn't even need to think once Ken Rockwell doesn't use flash ever since the Nagasaki incident. Only Ken Rockwell can take pictures of Ken Rockwell; everyone else would just get their film overexposed by the light of his genius Ken Rockwell wanted something to distract the lesser photographers, and lo, there were ducks. Ken Rockwell is the only one who can take self-portraits of you Ken Rockwell's nudes were fully clothed at the time of exposure Ken Rockwell once designed a zoom lens. You know it as the Hubble SpaceTelescope. When Ken unpacks his CF card, it already has masterpieces on it. Rockwell portraits are so lifelike, they have to pay taxes On Ken Rockwell's desktop, the Trash Icon is really a link to National Geographic Magazine Ken Rockwell spells point-and-shoot "h-a-s-s-e-l-b-l-a-d" When Ken Rockwell went digital, National Geographic nearly went out of business because he was no longer phyically discarding photos For every 10 shots that Ken Rockwell takes, 11 are keepers. Ken Rockwell's digital files consist of 0's, 1's AND 2's. Ken Rockwell never focus, everything moves into his DoF Ken Rockwell's shots are so perfect, Adobe redesigned photoshop for him: all it consists of is a close button. The term tripod was coined after his silhouette Ken Rockwell never produces awful work, only work too advanced for the viewer A certain braind of hig-end cameras was named after people noticed the quality was a lot "like a" rockwell Ken Rockwell isn't the Chuck Norris of photography; Chuck Norris is the Ken Rockwell of martial arts. Ken Rockwell never starts, he continues
  6. la nikon piciorusul este din metal, dar e doar nikon :B
  8. da dar cantr tragi 100-500 cadre WB sa il modifici in ps iti ia 100 de ani, daia cine vrea un wb corect din aparat tre sa isi cumpere un expocap
  9. merci, eu imi pozez pisica in casa Mesaj completat ai punctul pe i fotografiile aici trebuie privite cu ochi de motociclist nu de fotograf profesionist
  10. sunteti rai, este totusi o fata cu un D40... fotografiile sunt mult mai reusite ca muuuulte fotografii de pe aici. sfaturile sunt bine venite, rautatile nu restul e tacere
  11. deci daia sunt reusite ca te-ai inspirat din alte poze... nu e un lucru rau atata timp cat specifici incearca sa fii originala infopasscom m-ai luminat la minte cu compararea albului, merci
  12. intrebare pusa de catre un participant (nu eu) la un curs foto demonstrativ: Ce e mai bine sa ai calitativ la un dslr, obiectivul sau body-ul? Raspunsul sec: Fotograful.
  13. mass YM "[14:14] David Avram: Groza Catalin: Printr-o persoana de maxima incredere am aflat ce a declarat un membru PD-L, in urma unei sedinte cu usile inchise. Persoana in cauza este credincioasa si drept urmare, a hotarat sa plece din partid. S-a primit un "mesaj" de la E. Barosso cum ca in doi-trei ani, populatia Romaniei trebuie sa scada cu 4 milioane. Pentru aceasta, de la 1 ianuarie se vor introduce in paine si produsele de panificatie saruri de plumb, cadmiu si altele. Cele mai multe victime vor fi din randul pensionarilor. Chiar daca pare incredibil, TREBUIE sa stim si sa actionam in consecinta! Solutia este sa nu mai consumam paine din comert si sa folosim faina din surse "bio"….deocamdata! Dumnezeu sa ne apere! Iertati-ma daca am deranjat cu mesajul!"
  14. adica ma nu ma asteptam la un NIKON D40 sa scoata asa (i-am raspuns si lui adibasu )
  15. gata, am vazut pe fb cine esti , oricum destul de bine realizate
  16. destul de reusite mai Geo, sau poate te confund ...
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