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Concurentii romani la Paris Dakar 2005


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His 13th Dakar Rally should become his last. Already one year ago he had promised his family to stop racing altogether. He wanted more time for his wife and his two children. His small daughter is barely two years old. But once again he wanted to endure the pain. Rallies were his absolute passion. When he was only 15-years-of-age Fabrizio began to take his hobby serious. He became a member of a motor sport club. Since 1987 he rode a KTM on the races. In 1988 Fabrizio became the Italian Junior Champion in the 250 ccm class. This victory became his stepping-stone to the rally scene. He rode his first rally in 1989. Three years afterwards he made his debut at the Dakar and claimed a 12th place on the first try. During his career he won several rallies: five times in Egypt, four times in Tunisia and one time in Dubai. But without a doubt, his largest successes were the two Dakar victories in 2001 and 2002.



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Astazi motocicletele nu vor concura, in semn de respect pentru Meoni

With the Dakar competitors still in shock from yesterday's sad news of the death of Fabrizio Meoni, the moto riders have decided to not compete on Wednesday's stage from Kiffa to Bamako in Mali.

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Pilotii KTM vor continua cursa.


Nu imi inchipui cum va arata anul acesta festivitatea de premiere, va fi pe podium si o motocicleta in amintirea lui Sainct. Mai curand va fi o ceremonie de comemorare.

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Pe site-ul Motorsport se afla un foarte sumar "jurnal" al cursei echipajului roman, scris de Szilveszter Zsolt.

Nu e mai mult decat stiam, dar e de la sursa.



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Iata cateva declaratii mai exacte despre Meoni.


Marc Coma (ESP â KTM) - 006

I still can't believe it. It's horrible. There was only one Fabrizio. He was unique. His age! His navigation! For me, he was a reference and will always be. I'm young in this race being here only since three years. He was an example for us. Fabrizio was a 'gentleman'. And now he's gone. We all have to discuss, the bikers, the teams and the organisation to take the good decision. It's very difficult for the moment to find a good solution.


Isidre Esteve (SPA â KTM) - 007

It's a very though situation for all of us. We need to take one more day to make up our minds and know exactly what to do. What the best solution is! We'll ask the organisation to fly us directly to Bamako, to give us more time, then we'll see. I was just behind Fabrizio when he fell off, maybe ten metres behind him. The track wasn't dangerous at that place and we weren't riding very fast at that moment. It's very hard to explain what happened, because his fall wasn't spectacular at all.


David FrĂŠtignĂŠ (FRA â YAM) - 012

I really don't understand what happened. According to me, he was maybe looking at his road instruments. We had just refuelled so the bikes were pretty heavy, he maybe lost balance on a small dune with the weight. The scene of the crash wasn't dangerous. We had just lost ourselves and we were looking for the right track. Cyril was on the good track and took off. Fabrizio followed in his dust and 300m later I saw Coma with his hand in the air so I stopped. I immediately knew it was serious. There was a lot of bleeding. I had trouble finding the distress signal and finally launched it. I then waited for the helicopter because I couldn't just leave. I think that we should carry on for him and for Richard (Sainct)⌠He would have wanted us to. It was his passion.


Oricum este sfasietor de trist iar eu personal sunt in continuare devastat...

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sunt inmarmurit si indurerat ! parca il simteam prieten si de ceva vreme il adoptasem ca idol personal. personalitate sarmanta, armonioasa, l-am perceput oarecum istovit in acest ultim raid, insa coerent, preocupat de magnifica aventura. gesticula si transpira pasiune, okii ii sticleau de bucurie interioara, durerea pricinuita de oboseala se descompunea in marea bucurie a aventurii si dragoste pt moto. pentru mine e un erou iar acest amurg ingroapa un soare care ne-a luminat si incalzit pe toti multi ani ! sunt dezolat ! sa-l odihneasca Domnul !

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Vizitator _Raul_

Acum am venit din oras, iarasi la lucru si am crezut ca nu vad bine ce citesc.

Ultima data am trecut printr-un accident de motor acum vreo jumatate de an si nu de putine ori revad in minte filmul posibilei mele morti. Se face asa intuneric deodata si nu mai stii nimic. Din fericire m-am ridicat si am mers mai departe dar nu incetez niciodata sa ma gandesc la familie. Eu, asta e - m-as fi dus, dar ma gandesc intr-una ce ar fi insemnat pentru ai mei - maica-mea, taica-meu si frate-meu. Am vrut chiar sa imi vand motorul si nu mi-a trecut nici acum frica de a merge peste suta.

Asa ca astazi trebuie sa imi exprim condoleantele mele aici pentru un om care a fost idolul multora. Si cum bine spunea MensSana niciodata n-am vazut pe cineva cu un zambet mai plin de bucurie interioara si care degaja atata pasiune pentru ceea ce facea.

RIP... :blink:

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