goguxxx Postat Ianuarie 26, 2009 Share Postat Ianuarie 26, 2009 eu nu he he, arunc privirea pe geam si ma cuprinde focul inauntru.. 749 si un 748.. all mineeeee .. loveeee.. ha ha.. si vb aia.. cand ma fac eu mare.. 1098.. uih.. mda. Cat despre 1198.. nimic nou, doar ca e mai nemernic decat 1098 R, la bani adica vb lu SPR, mare teapa pt cei ce au laut R, plus de asta e scos pentru ca.. in SBK au voie cu 1200. p.s.: 848 nu place la mine, ambreiaj in ulei.. yak.. ala e ducati de fetitze http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/ducati_su...1098_r_2008.php , http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/ducati_su...e_1198_2009.php si http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/ducati_su...1198_s_2009.php te cam contrazic.1098 R are mai multa putere , traction control , carene din carbon , kit gratuit racing Termignioni si multe altele in plus, de aceea e mai scump.Deci justificat.In plus , cei care cumpara versiuni R vor primi cupoane din alea de asteptare pt. modele speciale , cum a fost cu cei care au luat 999R si au avut optiune pt. Desmosedici.Oamenii au vandut acea optiune foarte foarte bine zic eu LOL Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Sinner- Postat Ianuarie 26, 2009 Share Postat Ianuarie 26, 2009 1098 R are acelasi motor, diferenta de putere o da ECU + evacuarea. Diferenta care nu conteaza in uz stradal oricum. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
ram Postat Ianuarie 26, 2009 Autor Share Postat Ianuarie 26, 2009 1198 ENGINE Type L-Twin cylinder, 4 valve per cylinder Desmodromic, liquid cooled Displacement 1198.4cc Bore x Stroke 106 x 67.9mm Compre ssion Ratio 12.7:1 Power* 170hp - 125kw @ 9750rpm !!!!!!!!!!!!! Torque* 97lb-ft 131.4Nm @ 8000rpm Fuel injection Marelli electronic fuel injection, elliptical throttle bodies Exhaust Lightweight 2-1-2 system with catalytic converter and lambda probe. Twin stainless steel mufflers Emissions Euro3 1098r ENGINE Type L-Twin cylinder, 4 valve per cylinder Desmodromic, liquid cooled Displacement 1198.4cc Bore x Stroke 106 x 67.9mm Compression Ratio 12.8:1 Power* 180hp - 132.4kw @ 9750rpm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Torque* 99.1lb-ft 134Nm @ 7750rpm Fuel injection Marelli electronic fuel injection, elliptical throttle bodies. Exhaust Lightweight 2-1-2 system with catalytic converter and 2 lambda probes. Twin stainless steel and titanium mufflers Emissions Euro3 Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
goguxxx Postat Ianuarie 26, 2009 Share Postat Ianuarie 26, 2009 1098 R are acelasi motor, diferenta de putere o da ECU + evacuarea. Diferenta care nu conteaza in uz stradal oricum. Iti dau dreptate ca pe strada n-ai nevoie nici de 180 de cai , nici de suspensiile Ohlins si nici de control al tractiunii LOL , dar o versiune R Ducati este "second to none" vorba englezului heh . Cateva pareri de la oameni care si-au permis asa ceva si de la cativa carcotasi care comenteaza pe langa (in elgleza ca pe la noi mai rar 1098 R - as fi curois sa aflu daca are cineva la noi asa ceva): "Anytime you buy a Ducati superbike you can always expect that every two years a newer more evolved spec version will be available sometimes as the base model. 851-888-916-998-998R-999-999R. 1098-1098R, 1098R-1198S. To me the important thing is with Ducati you can buy three versions of the same bike right from the factory based on your own desires. If you dream of owning an SBK spec 1098R you can have it! Try that with Honda, they wont even sell you one kit part. The 1198S might offer better value but its just not a 1098R and it never will be. The 1098R is the king Ducati Superbike and when you roll up on it every proud and practical 1098S and 1198S owner will look over like you just walked in with Megan Fox on your arm. " extras din http://www.ducatispot.com/forums/showthrea...0451&page=6 "if you happen to be a 1098R owner, for your extra £9,000 you will have the same bhp as the 1198S (170bhp) but you get a different crankshaft, titanium conrods and valves. You get different cylinder heads and pistons, twin injectors (as opposed to single), different mapping, a slipper clutch, race pipes and a trick TTXOhlins rear shock.... both versions of the 1198 are lighter The biggest and most important change to both bikes is of course the engine which is now 1198cc, and although it keeps the same 1098 rev limit of 10,500rpm you now have a 10bhp increase in power all the way to the red line. To achieve this everything has been made bigger. The bore and stroke has increased from 104x64.7 on the 1098 to 106x77.9 and the inlet and exhaust valves have increased in diameter by 1.5mm. The throttle bodies inlets have also increased by over 13%......" extras dintr-o revista (cred ca e din TWO Magazine) http://www.ducatisti.co.uk/forum/ducati-11...r-vs-1198s.html Pentru cei care au chiulit la lectiile de engleza de la gradinita spune foarte clar ca diferenta de pret dintre versiunea S 1198 ( 1198 simplu e foarte jos ca si termen de comparatie ) de 9000 de Lire englezesti (iti iei un 1000RR nou cu banii astia !! ) se justifica prin : alt arbore cotit , valve din titan , capete de cilindri si pistoane , injectoare duble(spre deosebire de 1198 care are un singur injector pe cilindru) , alta harta pt ECU , Slipper clutch , si nici macar suspensia Ohlins nu e la fel (TTX de competitie la 1098 R , adica cam aceeasi specificatie ca in SBK ) , ce sa mai vorbim de evacuarea libera de curse Termignoni (in jur de 1800 euro !! costa asa ceva ) . Asa ca sper ca s-a inteles diferenta dintre ele , adica una e de dat pe circuit iar alta e mai de iesit la terasa in bermuzi cu goldanu la vedere , ca de BAIETII BUNI N-ARE NOROC , DA NICI FEMEILE NU E UAMENI BREE!!! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Sinner- Postat Ianuarie 26, 2009 Share Postat Ianuarie 26, 2009 Vorbeam de iesitul pe strada bre lasa polemicile he he. nu am nevoie de crank shafte d'alea si supape din titan, ca IE bune si alea din obor.. dea? Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
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