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Calatorii moto de altadata - Traversarea Americii

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Intamplator am gasit pe net povestea unei calatorii moto de altadata. Este vorba de doi tineri motociclisti (Dick O'Brien si Bud Baker) care in 1915 au facut o calatorie dus-intors Washington- San Francisco cu motocicleta! Calatoria a insumat 10000 de mile, si a fost facuta pe o motocicleta Indian Powerplus de 1000 cm3, si trei viteze. Calatoria a durat 5 luni.

Deci .... 10000 de mile fara costume sau casti de protectie, prin ploi, furtuni (au stat 5 zile in Kansas din cauza unei furtuni), prin drumuri noroioase (in 1915 drumurile chiar si in SUA erau groaznice), prin desert, munti, zapada. Ma intreb cum au rezistat atata timp pe acea moto fara suspensii (din fotografii in afara de arcurile de la sa nu mai vad nimic legat de suspensii). Descrierea calatoriei:


Two Washington Boys Back Home After

Trip to Pacific Coast.


Two former Washington high school boys -- "Dick" O'Brien, of Technical, and "Bud" Baker, of Central -- reached this city yesterday after a trip to the expositions in California on a motorcycle. They were gone five months to the day, and 10,000 miles were covered. The boys left this city May 3. At Denver they gave an exhibition of their proficiency by riding up and down the steps of the statehouse.


"We were, I believe, the first to cross the continent on a motor-driven tandem," said young O'Brien, "and our experiences will prove mighty interesting when we start to tell them. We were stopped for five days by reason of storms in Kansas, and at other points our patience was severely tested by poor roads. The roads of the East are far superior to those of the West, and the installation of the Lincoln memorial highway from coast to coast will go a long ways toward opening up a new country.


"In Reno the thermometer was 110 as we passed through, and an hour later we were throwing snowballs at each other on top of the Sierras. We stopped at the fair for some time. We are glad to get back home. But it was a great trip."


"Dick" O'Brien is the son of Richard E. O'Brien, inspector of plumbing in the District building.


Pun doua poze:



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pe spate are arc lamelar. la fel si pe fata


1000cmc uhuhu, e ceva ....


Adevarati temerari. oare cum s-au descurcat cu benzina .... nu cred ca erau asa dese benzinariile.


un link unde este povestit mai pe larg ai?

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Adevarati temerari. oare cum s-au descurcat cu benzina .... nu cred ca erau asa dese benzinariile.


History of Gasoline


The First Oil Well Was Dug Just Before the Civil War

Edwin Drake dug the first oil well in 1859 and distilled the petroleum to produce kerosene for lighting. Drake had no use for the gasoline or other products, so he discarded them. It wasn't until 1892 with the invention of the automobile that gasoline was recognized as a valuable fuel. By 1920, there were 9 million vehicles on the road powered by gasoline, and service stations were popping up everywhere.

1905 Shell Oil claims to have opened the first service station

1906 The first gas pump in the US was installed

1907 Standard Oil claims to have opened the first service station in Seattle Washington.



Editat de Dan Nastase
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