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JAWA si BSA revin


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Firma Indiana ''Mahindra and Mahindra'' au achizitionat prin bransa lor ‘Classic Legends’ drepturile de branding pt BSA si intentioneaza sa achizitioneze si drepturile de a vinde Jawa in India.


Articolul de care am dat astazi @ suna asa :


''Jawa will return to India after Mahindra licensing deal.


Not content with the purchase of BSA earlier in the week, Mahindra and Mahindra have also announced that they’ve bought the rights to sell Jawa motorcycles in India.

The licensing deal will see Mahindra – through their recently set-up ‘Classic Legends’ arm – moving away from their current range of two wheelers and concentrating on a whole new line-up of machines.

Whilst the rights to the BSA brand purchased earlier this week allow for worldwide distribution, it’s understood that the BSA Motorcycle marque will be firmly centred upon the US and European markets where it will be aligned more as a ‘premium’ heritage proposition.

This leaves the Jawa marque free for Mahindra to concentrate on within India – as well as the possibility of a presence within a few other Asian territories as well.

The new Jawa motorcycles will be developed from the ground up at Mahindra’s facilities in Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh, and it’s believed that the first reveal will be sometime within 2018; with a nod towards a 2019 street date.


“We are very excited about the new journey that we are embarking upon in the two wheeler space. Our focus on the premium, niche segment through Classic Legends will bring alive some iconic brands like BSA and JAWA, not just in the form of products but as an entire lifestyle.” – Pawan Goenka, Mahindra & Mahindra


There won’t be any two-stroke motors to help in recreating the Jawa nostalgia of course, but with a beloved brand and plenty of design heritage to draw from, it’s looking like a promising future for Indian motorcyclists. ''


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  • 1 month later...

Tocmai azi am cunoscut un motociclist mai in varsta pasionat de motociclete de epoca. Avea parcata in fata portii o BSA din 1940, iar inauntru o Jawa de 350 si o Vespa, toate cu atas. I-am cerut voie sa fac o poza cu motocicleta, si pana la urma am stat de vorba cu el cam 30 de minute. M-a rugat sa ma interesez daca are cineva de vanzare o Jawa de 500 cu atas, in conditii bune sau foarte bune (nu de restructurat sau de reparat). Daca stiti pe cineva care vinde asa ceva, sa imi dati va rog un PM. O sa ma mai uit oricum la anunturile de vanzare de pe forum.




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  • 2 years later...
Vizitator petre81.
Acum 47 minute, textex a spus:

India?! Parca eram obisnuit cu Cehoslovacia.


Asiaticii cumpara brand-uri pt ca nu sunt capabili sa creeze ei unul. India, China... aceeasi reteta.

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