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axy, awo, mze, xvs, brt
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Mz250 -'60, FZR600 4jh, AWO425S-'60, Mz175 -'60, Jawa175-'60
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Am intrebat deoarece n.am gasit nici o serie stantata pe cadru ci doar pe tablita
Merci. Mai am 2 intrebari: 1 Unde este stantata seria pe cadru ? 2 Nu.mi dau seama cum sta cricul central sus, am vazut ca trebuie montate doua arcuri tip lamela ...poate cineva sa incarce o poza sa vad um se monteaza, mai trebuie si un arc elicoidal?
Este aproape gata dar n.am carburator bun. Cel din stanga are defect filetul din corp la capacul jiclorului iar cel din dreapta are defect un jiclor si nu gasesc kit de reparatie pt. el. Daca are cineva un carb bun de jawa 175 sau corp de carb lasati un mesaj. Multumesc
Daca o incalzesti f tare, la aragaz, lampa gaz, pistol aer si apoi o racesti brusc in apa devine moale (se decaleste - se modifica structura moleculara) si va etanseiza perfect, chiar si de mai multe ori Daca o lasi sa se raceasca lent n.ai facut nimic..
- 9.811 răspunsuri
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- R1100 RT
- (și 4 alții)
Hai sa gasim motociclete abandonate
topic a răspuns lui BLACK SPIDER în jethro tullul Coltul "comunistelor"
Ai dreptate -
Hai sa gasim motociclete abandonate
topic a răspuns lui BLACK SPIDER în jethro tullul Coltul "comunistelor"
Da, pacat ca a stat afara vreo 15 ani -
Hai sa gasim motociclete abandonate
topic a răspuns lui BLACK SPIDER în jethro tullul Coltul "comunistelor"
Inca una salvata...Tornax Z250 Black Josephine 1953, mai stiti vreuna ? As dori sa schimb niste pareri -
Intr-adevar e cu servo si ABS, deocamdata n.am eroare, cred ca functioneaza.......o sa-mi fac o programare la tine (am nr. de tel......vorba umbla )in perioada urmatoare sa arunci o privire. In carte e cu 2 locuri, asa era si in brief....si foarte interesant, cutia de viteze difera putin fata de modelul civil avand treapta 1 mai scurta pentru a putea merge "la pas" cu multimea. Deocamdata o las asa, mai "speciala".
- 9.811 răspunsuri
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- R1100 RT
- (și 4 alții)
N-as sti sa spun la masini.... Getrag vs ZF CONVERSATION WITH GETRAG/ZWN Transmission-Questions: What the builders say. MO spoke to Getrag development engineers Klaus Sommer and Eberhard Schaetzle. Both ride their own privately-owned BMWs. MO:Are the transmissions of the R models similar to those of the K models, broadly speaking? SOMMER:There exists similarity in concept only. For example the gear ratios, shift mechanism and engagement dogs are different on the K model, and the K model even has a different housing. MO:Can Getrag-ZWN look back on other motorcycle experience besides BMW? SOMMER:At Getrag some time ago we manufactured the Yamaha XS 750 shaft drive system, which was designed by Porsche. MO:Getrag produces these transmissions at considerable expense. Forexample the highest-loaded 5th gearset is finely honed to produce the best possible surface on the flanks of the teeth. The rest of the gears are shaved. Do these transmissions still need to be broken in? SCHAETZLE:Every fully asssembled transmission goes onto a test stand and is thoroughly tested with hot test-oil. Afterwards the hot oil is extracted and along with it the first wearing-in material.The transmission does not need to be broken in. It can be be fully loaded from the very beginning. SOMMER:After the first rides, the o-rings in the boxer gearboxes settle in a little. Then the transmission may shift a little easier. This has nothing to do with wearing in. Only the braking effect of the o-rings is slightly lessened. After sufficient operation and with a hot motor a slight ticking noise in neutral can be audible even with an o-ring transmission. This ticking will be louder when the idle synchronization is not meticulously adjusted. MO:What kind of oil recommendation for the BMW transmission can you give us? SCHAETZLE:Oil should be seen as an integral part of the transmission. When designing the transmission the load bearing capability of the oil is part of the calculation. We fill the BMW transmissions with SAE 90 GL 5 gear oil manufactured by Fuchs, a brand mainly found as an OEM supplier. SOMMER:SAE 90-Oil should be used throughout the whole year. It istrue that in winter the shifting will suffer at first from the thick oil, but it should improve during a very short ride. For those to whom this is disturbing, because they make many short trips, for example, can use 75w90 GL 5 in winter as an alternative. In summer it must be changed back to SAE 90 GL 5. MO:How do you regard oil additives? SCHAETZLE:Oil additives are always factors which cannot be taken into account when designing and building a transmission. In the best case they don't do any harm. For example, it has not been researched yet how oil additives might react with the new "clean bearings". We therefore rigorously recommend against their use, especially in automotive transmissions. Synchro rings, for example, function only if they can exert some braking effect on the gear wheels. Special extra-slippery additives can result in big damages. SE pare ma modelele mai performante au ZF, am vazut articole in care pasionatii fac upgrade......dar sa nu poluam la topicul dedicat moto BMW uses transmissions built by Getrag and ZF, and all E36 (92-98) and E46 (99-06) transmissions have the same bellhousing bolt pattern. As a bonus, the E30 5 speeds also share the same bolt pattern, except rotated 10 degrees. The ratios will appeal to some customers so we'll have a specific adapter for that trans as well. Although many transmissions will work with these new parts, we narrowed it down to the following three options that seem like the best fit: 5 speed ZF trans (E36 328i and M3, and E46 328i and 330i) 5 speed Getrag 260 trans (available in 6 cylinder E30 cars, longer gearing than the ZF) 6 speed ZF trans (from E46 2003-2006 330i 6 speed cars) Am inceput sa ma documentez despre BMW deoarece mi-am adus din Germania modelul RT-P an 2003, aprox. 58.000 km, are motorul de 850cc deoarece e de la divizia Kommunale
- 9.811 răspunsuri
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- R1100 RT
- (și 4 alții)
ce mai zic si altii de transmisie https://forums.bmwmoa.org/showthread.php?2026-r1150rt-transmission BMW TRANSMISSION NOTE A splendid new boxer. But still criticized for shifting. How come? MO has a look at the builder of BMW's gearboxes. A condition of the contract with Getrag was "No noise when first gear is engaged!" Tester Guenter Wimme addressed the issue of shifting behavior unequivocally: "In the old BMW tradition the great weakness remains: the gearbox. Difficult shifting, long shift lever travel, graunchy shifts between first and second, and still the old tale of woe in finding first at stoplights." The Bavarians had already contacted gearbox builders in Japan, Italy and Austria. But after ongoing testing of the prototype proposals the source will remain where it has been since 1978: at Getrag in Ludwigsburg, or more precisely, at the Getrag subsidiary, ZWN in Neuenstein/Hohenloh. Understandably, the people at Getrag don't like hearing the reproach that they can't build a decent transmission for the prestigious BMW bike, all the moreso since the 3,000 workers of the factory supply the cream of the international automakers with their gearboxes. Of course, their biggest single customer is BMW. The complete automotive line, from the 3-series on, is equipped by Getrag, and also the motorcycle line: old Boxers, new Boxers, and K-series. The exception is the F-650 with the Rotax motor. In round numbers, ZWN/Getrag has built about half a million motorcycle transmissions for BMW. Up till 1978, BMW built their own motorcycle transmissions. Getrag is proud, and rightly so, of their high automotive product-standard, which applies equally to the motorcycles. All the parts are calculated to take the maximum possible stress from fully-loaded machines, difficult mountain passes and maximum torque. This is a reputation to which we can attest, having performed so many long-distance endurance tests on BMW's. Transmissions of the Bavarian motorcycles are still in spotless condition after 100,000 kilometers and can boast tolerances which would be expected from new parts. Nevertheless, BMW's new boxers don't come close to delivering the same standard of gear-changing that has been set by comparable machines such as Honda's ST 1100. What is the dirty secret here? Shifting a BMW transmission requires great concentration. The light turns green, you pull in the clutch and step on the shift lever of our brand-new Boxer. It doesn't snick into first, it makes no "clack"...On the dash the big neutral "0" still shows on the digital gear indicator and first gear just won't go in. The "hard cases" just keep standing on the pedal and let the clutch out slowly; the more delicate riders go back to neutral, let the clutch back out and start the process over. How do you suppose the BMW automobile developers would react if they were told that the new top-of-the-line 7-series BMW sedans would only go into first gear only 50% of the time? Of course, they would say, "Guys, get your tails right back to the drawing boards!".
- 9.811 răspunsuri
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- R1100 RT
- (și 4 alții)
Multumesc pentru sugestii. Am un piston nou de 58mm cu gaura de bolt de 15mm (probabil de jawa 350 !?) si un piston nou de 58,4 cu gaura de 16mm. Cilindrul este nou iar pistonul de 58 merge la fix, n.as vrea sa alezez cilindrul. Am vazut tot felul de bolturi pe Jawa, de 15,16,18 Am vazut ca Ivan Pedala e maestru....cel putin in Jawa Lantul de MZ ETZ 250 am vazut ca se potriveste la Jawa 175,250,350, are aceleasi specificatii 1/2x5/16 (130 rollers/links).
Salutare. Incerc sa refac motorul jawei 175/ 356 casapit de inaintasi, am set motor nou (cilindru, piston, segmenti) dar nu am boltul de 15mm, lung de 50. Asa ca, daca are cineva un asemenea bolt sau stie de la ce motor se poate adapta il rog sa ma ajute. Va doresc tuturor multi ani cu sanatate !
Merci. In oras n.a vrut nimeni sa faca ITP-ul. M-am programat direct la RAR si l-au facut ei. Au verificat seriile, culoarea, frane, lumini si totul a fost ok. Le-a placut motocicleta si mi-au zis ca acum o au in forma asta si e in regula. Am mai pus una....XV