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Orice postat de Roadkill_Himself

  1. Nu stiu daca s-a vorbit de asta, pt. ca nu gasesc nimic pe forum. Ar fi pacat, parerea mea... Ar fi prea multe poze de pus aici, asa ca bagati un ochi... chiar doi: Twin Club MC Norrtelje:
  2. Te inseli si inca mult. Iti spun din experienta, ca aceste temeri sint nefondate. Cel putin, pt. unu' cu ceva experienta moto... pt. incepatori, nu stiu, dar nu cred ca-i cazul aici... Se pot face tot felul de customs misto, sau mai putin, din Guzzi:
  3. Foto aici ->
  4. Pai, ma gindeam sa nu mai revin, pe forumul asta, dar la cererea publica... ta-ta-ta-taaaaaaa La cite-s de vazut p-acolo, nu stiu exact la care Bonneville te referi, dar banuiesc ca e un "reverse head". Mai ales la bicilindrii, o practica mai veche, chiar daca nu prea populara. Uite ceva explicatii, ca sa nu ma insir aici -> Bratstyle e... bratstyle! 'Nuff said...
  5. Choppers Choppers are wicked. You can be wearing clown pants, have a computer mouse hanging out of your pocket, and be wearing Groucho Marx glasses, and you will still look cool on a chopper. Choppers have high visual thermodynamic transduction abilities. That is, they don’t just make you look cool, they also make you look hot. Unlike most things, this is equally true for both sexes. Anyone riding a chopper can expect 30-75% more sexual interest than those not riding a chopper. However, it is very important to stop the chopper before engaging in sexual activity, and for extra safety it might be a good idea to get off it as well. For concentrated sexual magnification, choppers are unrivalled. They are also comfortable to sit on, but useful for bugger all else. Bikers Bikers are people addicted to riding. They often form clubs and go for long rides for no obvious reason. They can be identified by their blissful expressions whenever on two wheels and by the way their throttle hand twitches whenever they’re not on a motorbike. Almost as many bikers die of pneumonia from riding in unfavourable weather as in traffic accidents. Great big children who never grew up. They like their bikes loud, shiny, and exaggerated so everyone notices them. They always join clubs where they can be mean and tough together and go around breaking the law and stuff. Enemies of Choppers The following things will attempt to destroy choppers and their riders whenever possible: * The weather * Volvos * Mazdas * Soccer Moms * Four wheel drives/SUVs * Cars in general * Trucks * People using mobile phones * Centrifugal force * Trees * Sign posts * Cable safety barriers * Oil slicks * Puddles * Dirt piles * Insect swarms * Low-flying birds * Gravity It is a well-known fact that motorcycles in general, and choppers in praticular, have the ability to turn themselves and their riders completely invisible to all other traffic except police officers, to whom the opposite effect occurs. Motorcycles in the Wild Motocycles come in many varieties (breeds), and while the machines themselves are a tolerant species, their riders are much less tolerant of one another. By simple virtue of asthetics or functionality certain types of riders gravitate to certain breeds of motorbikes. In many ways this anomaly can be directly compared with, and in some instances correlated to dog owners. The choppers tend to attract dark leather and chap clad overweight middle-aged males intent on chasing down trailer-trash moms and their jailbait daughters. It is thought by many researchers that this occurs primarily due to physical limitations in this demographic that require an uncomfortable bike that consumes inordinate amounts of fuel for its substandard level of performance. This way they don't feel inadequate when they choose to remain near their home for fear that their hemorrhoids may begin to act up. Furthermore the chopper is unquestionably the loudest breed of motorcycle, making it easier for the geriatrics of the bike world to assert their masculinity. ....
  6. Should I buy a Harley-Davidson? If you can answer "NO" to one or more of the following, there's a good chance you'd be at home on a Harley-Davidson: * Can you actually ride a motorcycle? * Are you satisfied with the size of your penis? * No, really, are you satisfied with the size of your penis? * Okay, is your wife satisfied with the size of your penis? * Are you still in denial even though your wife is blowing the pool boy right now? * Does it bother you that your parents love all your siblings much more than they love you? * Does a big-ass, 700-pound piece of costume jewelry seem pathetic and desperate to you? * Are value, engineering, or performance remotely important to you? Still not sure? You'd be a great Harley-Davidson owner if you can answer "YES" to any of these: * Are you a weak-minded joiner who has to follow the crowd in order to express his individuality? * Is your ass so fat that you can't lift your leg far enough to mount a real motorcycle? * Do you decry homosexuality as a sin against God...except when you're in prison (again)? * Are you an accountant, dentist, or engineer desperately in need of a street-cred injection? * Do you have major issues with self-esteem? * Are you hoping a shiny new H-D will attract the babes despite your sunken chest and small penis? * Do you consider your hearing (and everyone else's) an annoying inconvenience? * Would you rather bolt useless shiny stuff to your bike than actually ride it? * Do you have hardly any sense at all but a whole lot of cash?
  7. The Harley-Davidson company was formed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1903 when amaxophobes Bill Harley and Arthur Walter Davidson teamed up to find a safer form of transportation than the deadly railroad. "Not only will this spectacular invention change our nation, but it will ensure the early death of my daughter's boyfriend," said Harley. Davidson is quoted as saying, "I can finally go to the dentist." When the first line of motorcycles (named "The Indian" in order to again assert our technological superiority over the natives) went into production, they were soon recalled due to a fatal design error costing 160 unfortunate lives. "The problem was that whenever you rode at night, the front candle kept blowing out. Not only could people not see the motorcycle, but the rider couldn't see what was in front of him," said the duo. "We corrected this problem by replacing them with these new 'light bulb' contraptions." In 1908, The new "Indian" was an impressive machine utilizing a revolutionary 1000cc V-twin steam engine with a whopping 8 mile an hour top speed. This would eventually be replaced in 1909 with an internal combustion engine bringing the horsepower to 800 with a top speed of 412 miles an hour. "It finally killed my daughter's boyfriend!" exclaimed Harley cheerfully. Today Harley-Davidson not only leads the nation in motorcycle production, but also owns 4 states (Iowa, Kansas, North Umbria, and Utah), is responsible for 86% of total human sexual intercourse and 96% of misspelled tattoos. To date, H-D motorcycles have killed almost 2 million stupid boyfriends. Thank you, Harley-Davidson. * 1903: Bill Harley and Arthur "Davidson" McChinkyass kill cross-town shade tree rival James Polanski and steal his motorized bicycle. They repaint the gas tank. * 1964: Harley-Davidson ceases all domestic motorcycle production in favor of producing more profitable T-shirts. Assembly lines are sold to AMF who build snowmobiles or some shit. * 1975: Harley-Davidson starts rival motorcycle company Honda®, ensuring they get your money no matter which brand you buy * 1976: Harley-Davidson sells its 1 billionth T-shirt. * 1977: Time traveling prankster John Titor brings 10,000 norse vikings from 1042 to Sturgis. The Hells Angels are formed. * 1984: Style-monger Willie "G" Davidson snorts 56 grams of cocaine and designs the Super-Glide. AMF is sick of replacing everything under warranty and sells Harley-Davidson® to Kawasaki Heavy Industries, who then replace the chain-drive with a belt made from spider-silk and yarn. * 1986: The Evolution® powered Sportster® model is introduced to the public as an April Fool's day prank. Nobody on the board seriously thought anybody would buy a bike designed to be more disposable thasn a Bic® lighter. * 1988 Sales rise sky high after the dealers started promising it would never rain again. * 1991: Terminator 2 premiers. Harley-Davidson stock climbs to $52,061/share. * 2002: Harley finally work out how to let an engine rev properly - the V-Rod is born. By Caesarian section, no less! * 2003: Harley celebrates 100th Anniversary. Elton John headlines at celebratory party after Oscar Wilde cancels due to scheduling conflict. * 2006: H-D celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Sportster® -- and introduces the Limited Edition Sportster® Commemorative Bic® lighter for just $59.95. * 2007: Harley upgrades its Big Twins to 95 cubic inches with a six-speed transmission in an effort to offer more value to customers. Competing models from Mack, Peterbilt, and Kenworth still offer more power...and better handling. * 2008: Harley-Davidson opens $600 million Museum in Milwaukee in an attempt to prop up lagging sales. Motorcycles can now move directly from factory to Museum, eliminating bothersome "customers" from marketing plan.
  8. OK, o barfa cu legatura directa la fratii cruiseristi si chopperisti, fara numar: Orange County Choppers is the creation of the Mega Marketing Enterprises, a Manufacturing Company in Hong Kong which specializes in the production of clothing and toys. They are also a major producer of gift shop souvenirs, manufacturing all items in China. The original concept was to produce a Television show that would develop a following of loyal fans around the world who would desire to purchase countless amounts of merchandise with the show's logo. It was decided to use the premise of "Custom Motorcycle Building" as research showed this would attract males 18-48, who are the target audience. The end result was "American Chopper", a comically scripted destruction filled show that allow everyone watching to say, "Thank God my family isn't that F**cked up!" The show is a behind the scenes peek at a dysfunctional family of Motorcycle builders in New York State. Paul Tuetel Sr. is founder and owner of "Orange County Choppers". Each "show" consists of several episodes of the "Tuetels" building a motorcycle with a customized "Theme", often as a promotional tool for a Major Corporation. Paul Sr. or his son Paul Jr. (Pauley) is shown fabricating and assembling the Motorcycle. Much of the show is dedicated to Paul Sr. belittling Pauley and constantly brow beating anyone who questions his authority. Although he is usually completely ignored, his tirades frequently result in some wanton and pointless destruction, such as someone breaking a door, furniture being thrown through a window, or a vehicle being driven through a wall. Inevitably someone storms out of the garage, this is often followed by a "to the camera" soliloquy by a lesser cast member. Pauls Sr's other son Mikey is presented as comic relief, endlessly causing mayhem and mocking his father and brother with apparent impunity. Once the "Theme Bike" is completed, there is a public presentation and it becomes another item to be copied as a toy and have its image applied to anything that Mega Marketing Enterprises can sell to a gullible public that seems to have an unlimited appetite for anything with an OCC logo on it. The original concept of filming live people was quickly abandoned due to the inability to find any actors who could portray the Tuetels as moronically as they need to be. Furthermore, every episode depicts so much mayhem and destruction by the Tuetels that it would prove impossible to meet insurance regulations if attempted in real life. Therefore a different approach was required. Actors were hired and "computer scanned" into a Virtual Reality Software Program. This allows the producers to have an extremely life-like family that never tires of the stupid repetitive behaviors used on the show. These actors were retained to appear at all personal appearances and to supply the voices for the English Language version of the show. Stephen Blake,who portrays Paul Tuetel Sr. is a professional dancer and singer who has had a long Broadway career. He spent ten years playing Old Deuteronomy in "Cats". The role in make-up perhaps explaining why no one has recognized him from the show. Robert (Bobbie) Morris who portrays Paul Tuetel Jr. is a model / actor who has mainly done print ads and television commercial work. He played the Apple in the Fruit of the Loom ads. Larry Lynch, who portrays Michael Tuetel was found by accident when the Producer took his family to the "New York Renaissance Festival". He saw Larry playing the part of the Village Fool, and cast him on the spot. Since the show is completely "Virtual", no real motorcycles are ever built. This problem was overcome by having a skilled group of Chinese engineers mock up a real looking, but completely plastic version of each "Theme Bike". This injection molded model is used at the initial presentation and then placed on public display at scheduled venues throughout the country. There is perhaps no limit to the amount of things you can find with an OCC logo on it. Mega Marketing Enterprises both manufactures and licenses the OCC Brand, a small fraction of available items follows: Hats - Shirts - Sweatshirts Helmets - Gloves - Jackets Bubble Gum - Hacky sacks - T-ball Mitts Beer - Tampons - Condoms (as depicted, right) Plus the endless number of dolls and posters depicting the Tuetels, individually and in groups. ... Asta mi-a ciripit o pasarica...
  9. Se vorbeste despre nimic, neavind nici o legatura cu posesorii de cruiser, chopper...
  10. ... which we all love so true! Atmosfera, that is...
  11. Corect. Chestia asta, cu fugaritul, n-o mai practic de prin scoala generala. Un scander e mai... matur, zic eu.
  12. De la CE? Bai, nu le am cu alergatul, ca nu ma lasa nici conditia fizica, nici cea morala. Asa ca poate ma prinzi... Pai, acuma si tu... daca li se rupe, asta spune tot. Ce sa mai adaug eu? Subscriu, la vorba babutei!
  13. La cit de (semi)evaziv s-a tot vorbit, pe un subiect posibil, probabil, dar nedemonstrat, e interesant cum se vad unii vizati, altii amenintati, unii lezati, altii deranjati... aia mushchiulos de indiferenti/veritabili/tari pe pozitie nu-s bagati la socoteala, ca habar nu au ce si cum... unii deplingind, altii divinizind stari de fapte (im)probabile... gizaz! Las' ca-i bine asa...
  14. TRIST, cu MASEAUA asta CARIATA... ... unii preteni stiu ce si cum, altii nu...
  15. have fun!
  16. Corect. Imi scot palaria si ma inclin, batrine!
  17. Ma doare-n bombeul cizmei cine, ce, care si, mai ales, cum... era un zvon, atita tot. Treaba fiecaruia...
  18. You ain't got the minerals... mai Darth-ule, mai... da-n rest esti cel mai cel...
  19. Pai, arata-mi un popa care are curaj cu astia, s-o lalaie... Io zic ca o ingropaciune in stil viking era mai potrivita... Ti-a placut? Si strabunica-mea iesea pe banca, in fata casei, sa vada cind trecea mortu'... ce amintiri!
  20. Si cu ce gel imi culc parul zburlit, de pe ceafa, in urma vizionarii paradei funerare?
  21. Pt. unii nu s-ar schimba nimic, cel putin nu semnificativ. Pt. altii, in schimb... aoleu de mama lor!
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