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Orice postat de Roadkill_Himself

  1. Nu beau bere. Mai mult decit LE: Tacerea mieluseilor cuminti, sau ce plm? S-au potolit spiritele, cit am fost plecat in RO? Wake the fuck up!!! OK, sa-ti foot si io un raspuns, daca tot imi muta unii topic-uri de sine statatoare, aici: UNDERGROUND TERRORIST MOTORCYCLE CULT Motorcycling subculture has portrayed many things in the past. The predominant stereotypes representing the outcast and outlaw, no pity for those living above ground. A paradigm of anger, racism, criminal action and mindless following. Where the motorcycle is simply an icon for those who wish not to be looked upon or take responsibility for ignorance and paranoia. • Orphans of Our Own Culture • It takes only a small amount of research into our past to find out that the modern day archetype of the biker is one that was shaped more by Hollywood, the Associated Press, law enforcement agencies, fashion designers and the wild rumor mills of so called "proper citizens". The motorcyclists who returned from WW2 didn't want to be "bikers", they wanted to find a place in the world they had saved, a world that had changed them forever. The motorcycle gangs of the 60's didn't want to be "bikers", they wanted to be left alone. The cafe racers didn't want to be "bikers", they wanted to go fast, get a thrill, enjoy life. If you read the books about these groups and the times they existed in you'll find something very different than the myths you've been told. The Man, mass media and mass marketing had it's own plan for what they wanted the "biker" to be, they wanted to make money. The "biker" was a cash cow, no matter what they had to do to it. It's unlikely that T.E. Lawrence ever made you think about buying a motorcycle, but did Fonzie? • Sacrificed to the Highest Bidder • Where has this left us? The bike rallies and rides are comprised of social elements who have no respect or understanding for those who do not live a particular lifestyle. Almost a prejudice toward those who ride what they like, and not what the masses would prefer. The motorcycle events are not an accurate portrayal of the main culture, but more like a traveling circus with the same sideshow freaks on display everywhere. This subculture has lured the powers of the media and the unfulfilled upper class,tainting itself. The ways of this "Biker" culture are out of date and worn. Industry and society can box up and sell a biker image....for the right price. For the soulless, this is the escape to a new domain where they will no longer feel settled. But this shall wear away, like all of the pre wrapped destinies for sale, and give way to a tired, charred culture. All of that which made it real, sold to the highest bidders and leaving a living corpse of what once was. • The New Breed • The new breeds; the punk rockers, goths, the ska, hackers, rockers, ravers, skaters, street rats and others are growing up, there are those who in the middle of life have found a passion for two wheels. There are also many who have ridden among the "common biker" for years, neither accepting nor understanding why the culture reflected something they wished to be no part of. We have a different set of beliefs and values, different goals and dreams. We are of many different political views, different sexual orientations, diverse religious beliefs, varying ages, we are from all walks of life. We ride without prejudice, without ignorance, we will not be accepted by the old school of the biker culture, whether we wish to be a part of it or not. Enter the UTMC, dozens of motorcycle groups, businesses, affiliated organizations and thousands individuals spread across the world united for the new subculture of the motorcyclist. A subculture not based on what once was, but for those who live and breathe now, for those who ride now, The New Breed. • With Fire and Sword • The old biker community sometimes refuses to accept that which they can't bully or silence by force. They forget that there was a time not long ago that they were the ones fighting such odds, and only by the example of one club did they find methods of survival. Where the Motorcycle clubs of old prefer to stay in the shadows and fend off the normal world, the UTMC lives in the normal world. A movement of motorcycle clubs and individuals which choose a different path. We work and live here, we ride here, on the very streets you ride upon. We go to the same grocery stores and movie theaters, we are among you. A conspiracy of motorcyclists wishing to forge their own dreams and paths, to accept others to a community that does not follow the old ways. The UTMC is not a menacing criminal organization that uses fear as a tool for proliferation, but people with the desire to live and ride without the dogma of the old school culture. To break free from the myths and expectations of that which we do not belong to. • All Roads Lead To Sol • The UTMC grows on a daily basis as more riders across the world find that they are not the only individuals who see a different culture. There are no annual fees, no mandatory meetings, no presidents. We do not insist that our members spill blood for the cause, or make sacrfices for some shadowy agenda shrouded as a "greater good". The UTMC is a movement of people, united for the cause of finding like minded motorcyclists and to make a world we want to ride in. Upon these pages are the words of the Brothahs and Sistahs of the UTMC, information about what we are doing, where we are and how you can become a part of all of this. There is no fee or initiation to be a part of the UTMC, only the want to find more people like yourself. If you read the words upon these pages and find them representative of who you are, then you are a member of the UTMC. Keep it fast and flat black, we'll see you on the road. UTMC FAQ's: Q. What is the UTMC? The Underground Terrorist Motorcycle Cult is a worldwide disOrganization devoted to the cultivation of a new motorcycle culture, free of the bullshit and dogma associated with what is commonly known as "the biker lifestyle". Q. What is this "bullshit and dogma associated with the biker lifestyle" that you refer to? If you are like most people who ride motorcycles, you've seen all the stupid garbage in the movies and thought "what a load of crap, motorcycles aren't all that goofy". Of course you have heard all sorts of stories and urban legends too, so what to believe? Head to a few motorcycle rallies like Sturgis, or get int osome conversations with the kind that like to call themselves "real bikers", and you'll get the strangest bunch of horseshit you've ever heard in your life. When you're done listening (if you can sit through all of it), you'll have forgotten it had anything to to do with motorcycles in the first place. Here's a good example of a big pile of the steaming bullshit we're talking about, a we page called : Motorcycle Club & Riding Club Education ....and yes, I'm sure they'll be sending me death threats because I didn't follow some bullshit rule they made up about "you should not link to a bro's page unless he links to your page first. If he doesn't do that, you are not bros, you are at war and should enter an arena naked, greased with lard and with bowie knives in your teeth." Q. What is a disOrganization? A disOrganization is like an organization, except without all the bullshit. in a disOrganization you do not need to: -pay dues -go to meetings -obey a book -follow rules -swear to an oath -marry your sister -marry your brother -kill your mother -hand over all of your worldly posessions -eat the pudding -drink the kool aid™ -hang out with, or pretend to like people that belong, just because they are part of the disOrganization like you. It's actually totally ok to tell someone in a disOrganization that you just don't really like them, the chemistry isn't there; it's totally ok. The point of a disOrganization isn't to have some SACRED UNBROKEN BROTHERHOOD THAT WILL LAST TILL THE END OF DAYS!!!! That's what the Masons, Scientlology and MMORPGs are for. a disOrganization is a thing where people of like mind and similar goals can forward new ideas and make change in a world that has way too much bullshit. A disOrganization can also be social and often create very strong bonds between people, it is not however a neccisarry objective. This allows it to become something that can be worldwide in it's ambition, but very personal among the individuals. It's a very free environment. Q. Is the UTMC one of those militia groups? HELL NO! The UTMC is not a miltitia group and is not afilliated with any militia, terrorist, neo-nazi, right wing, religious fanatic, supremacist, quazi-military, doom cult, satanic freak, anti government or sewing circle group in any way shape or form. Q. What's with the Name? It's a name man, like the band the Dead Kennedys, Jello Biafra never killed any of the Kennedys, Same with Skinny Puppy, they have nothing to do with anorexic canines. We just wanted some cool subversive anti-normality name to throw on the front page. Really, if we were really a true "terrorist cult" we wouldn't advertise it all over the internet, not unless we wanted black helecopters and unmarked government vehichles near our homes all of the time. (they totally do that shit too). Q: Where is the UTMC based/located? Look around you Q. what the hell is wrong with you people? where should we begin... Q. are you guys for real? No, we aren't. The girls tho, they are 100%! Q. wheres the bathroom? We're still working on that, for now you can just piss on the chevy truck website. Q. is it supposed to leak oil like that Yes, it keeps it from rusting (the Russians thought it up) Q: What do you folx ride? A little of everything, we dig riceburners, krautburners, Huckleberry Davidsons, Her majesty's royal sickles, spaghettirockets and occasionally something strange like a Jawa. We dig 2 and 4 strokes, crotchrockets, trikes, choppers, cruisers, off road, dual purpose, scooters, minibikes and especially streetfighters. We ride pretty much anything and everything. Q: How many UTMC members are there? All of us. Ok, I guess a few thousand maybe? It's tough to tell since there isn't an official list anywhere. Q. whats a "skippy"? The idiot yuppie screds that buy the fanciest most expensive bikes they can find and then put as few miles as possible on them as possible while going around trying to find "lifestyle clothing" like Harley Davidson underwear. Ok, it can be any brand of motorcycle underwear (I don't think the BMW™ Thermal®™ UnderHozen™® counts actually, nobody would wear that to get street cred). ................................. si asa mai departe... Have fun!
  2. Fat Blacky in action, la choperit de postari... bine asa.
  3. Iegzact... si Ural bate Harley, la capitolul asta... nasol... Daca n-as fi mers niciodata cu v-un Harlau, mai ca ma asociam si eu la corul gregoriano-eunuc, al fanilor Milwaukee Irony, da' am mers... vai de mine... Sa nu ziceti ca-s rau, dedic aceasta melodie tutulor fanilor de Harlau, de la Nashu fara numar:
  4. Nu stiu, n-am prea citit pe tema asta multe, doar ca-i slab motorizata scula. Oricum, la pretul asta e o alternativa pt. impatimitii de Guzzi doar. Citeva Royal Enfield, customizate cu propriile aftermarket accessoires: Apropos: ce se mai aude cu SR-ul? Cind e sa fie, spune-mi si vedem ce se poate face.
  5. Sa-mi foot una, baiatu' aiesta i chiar hotarit. No, binie asa... viziteaza-ma... ce banuiesc eu e ca n-ai cojones s-o faci. Pt. moment sint in Germania, dar esti welcome si aici, daca nu ai rabdare pina vin din nou prin TM. You the man, man! M-ai convins! Esti tare... in clontz... banuiesc ca de la atita exercitiu, intr-ale anumitor chestii orale... dar, ma rog, nu-i treaba mea, cu ce isi cistiga unii banii...
  6. Deci, pe mine amenintarea cu bataia m-a convins si-mi revizuiesc atitudinea, de acum incolo... ca-s mic si firav. Totusi, nu suna a comunism, ci, mai dergaba, a mentalitate de pseudo-smardoi de cartier, de cocalar, ca dupa tastatura toti sint Zmeul Zmeilor.
  7. Frumos zis... frumos si elevat... si foarte plastic... si... abia astept. Pina una, alta, observ ca Harley-istii sint cam "ingusti" in cuget si simtiri. Orice, dar sa nu te iei de Hirbley-Davidson, ca le sare mustaru' pe plafon si nu-i a buna, ca-s multi ai dracu' si n-au nici o boala... Ce sa fac, nenea, daca atit ma duce mintea si calaresc un jaf de Triumph? Sa-mi pun streangul de git? Asa-s io, om simplu... d-aia, bag de seama, imi place Ural-ul... mai degraba...
  8. Harley-urile sint niste gunoaie! Repet asta, cind ne-om vedea...
  9. Eu nu gindesc. Nu stiai asta, mai Linge-nCur?
  10. ... ca te sparge Fat Bob, cind redevine Blackrider Moderatorul! De ce nu-si zice Transformer? Era mai potrivit... Apropos: astia, moderii, au voie sa-si faca cont "clona"? Ca nu capat raspuns, de la Fat Blacky... si presez pe unde apuc. Bai, compara lumea ce are chef si, forum public fiind, apar tot felul de idei si luari de pozitii. Naspa, hah? Las' ca maine rezolva Fat Blacky problema si da cu warnu' precum cu paru', ca nu-i pe banii lui...
  11. Pai, da... asta se spune in film si subscriu. Doar ca faza: Herr Haubrich ala o fi proprietarul fimei Haubrich GmbH, importator de Ural? Harli iz da best, fac da rest? Cine se refuleaza? Lasa lumea sa le placa si altceva, decit Harley. Sau asa ceva nu-i posibil, nenea moderu' cu cont clona?
  12. Pai, ce plm? Cadru' il lasi asa? Ce plm? Si daca-ti ploua in tobe?
  13. Nice = frumos ... try = incercare ... nice try = incercare frumoasa... try again = incearca din nou... Hai, mai, ca glumesc. Ce plm? Tie sa-ti placa... fuck the rest! De ce n-ai lasat aripa originala pe spate? Facea sa para Sporty-ul mai lung...
  14. E OK... daca m-ar interesa... faza e ca puteai folosi unealta PM-ului. Nu crezi? Ma rog, daca-ti place cu public...
  15. OK... promit sa aplaud, cu ovatii si scandari de parole politic corecte, orice, de acum incolo... sa nu implodezi cumva, my dear. De fapt, m-ati inteles gresit. Mor de ciuda, ca n-am putut fi si eu acolo, asa ca, tipic manelisto-incult, improsc cu noroi. Stay true!
  16. MC-urile s-au lepadat aproape complet de ideea initiala a Motorcycle Clubs, devenind de-a dreptul "militaroase" si, trust me, nelasind aproape deloc spatiu de manevra individualismului. Deci, data fiind starea aceasta de fapte, fuck 'em! Cit despre performantele organizatorice si intrunirile rezultate din aceste performante: sint mai seci, decit Sahara! Prefer o intrunire mai mica, mai dezorganizata, dar cu flair si savoare old school... cu motoristi adevarati si individualisti... Cum spuneam, nu doar o data, orice subcultura tinde, dupa un timp, sa imite sistemul, sau societatea, la periferia careia, sau caruia, s-a format, preluind, intr-o oarecare masura, scara acesteia, sau acestuia, de valori... chiar modurile de organizarea. Nu e ceva ce sa ma intereseze. Nu simt nevoia sa apartin unei asemenea organizatii, dar, ca sa fie clar, nu am nimic cu cei ce simt aceasta nevoie, indiferent din ce motive. FTW!
  17. Interesanta teoria ta si tot ce se poate sa fie un dram de adevar in ea. In legatura cu atmosfera de la noi, as prefera sa n-am deloc dreptate. Ma rog, poate ne incalzeste fatul ca nici vesticii nu sint mai breji, cu toate ca au avut timp mai indelungat acces liber (oarecum) la informatii.
  18. N-au chiar asa o "rupere" si nici tot ce scrie prin presa n-ar trebui sa crezi... Era, initial, vorba despre mitul Outlaw Biker, cum a aparut, declaratii nedemonstrate, exagerari, chestii inventate, etc. ... dar cum ignoranta, habarnismul si incordarea muschilor aiurea sint la ele acasa, pe forumul asta, s-a ajuns aici... absolut tipic. Nu-i bai... Va mai dau "lectura cultivatoare": Ca sa fie si mai aiurea, hai sa folosesc o expresie uzata serios: "Daca nu-ti cunosti trecutul, nu poti gestiona prezentul si construi viitorul"! Asa ca, dragi biker-i "veritabili", mai intai "cultura" si pe urma fitze... chestii care, oricum, nu merg mina in mina, dar na...
  19. Am mai spus-o: cei care pun HOG si HA in aceeasi fraza, sau mai baga cite o comparatie si (ce-i mai stupid) cite o asemanare, chiar ca sint pe linga tema. In rest destul de cool, punctul de vedere. Cu o singura exceptie: n-ai inteles sensul cuvintului "outlaw", asa cum l-am folosit eu, pornind de la fraza reprezentantului AMA. Fac un efort si repet, pt. cei mai inceti: "To outlaw" nu inseamna si nu a fost spus, decit cu semnificatia de "a proscrie", "a denunta", "a condamna"... sau, in limbaj de forum, "a da <ban>" cuiva. Poate acum e clar... Na, @Somekind of rider: cum stam cu ban si cu suspendari... sau suspensoare? Si lasa iluziile desarte vis-a-vis de sansele inobilarii 1%-uale. Nu vin, pt. ca n-au de ce... si bunicul meu a tot asteptat americanii... nici aia nu-s parolisti si n-au venit...
  20. Sirena in ce sens? Hai, ca ne lungim aici si nu-i frumos. deschide un topic, cu lantu', sau gasim alte metode de comunicare...
  21. Te cam intinzi, cu pretentiile. Nu crezi? Anyway: "LA MULTI ANISORI", anticipat, dar nu vin sa te bag la cheltuiala. I'll buy my own beer... Credeam ca vrei lant de aur, de minim juma' de kil...
  22. MC-urile nu sint pline de individualisti, cum nu este nici sistemul, la marginea caruia s-a format subcultura biker. Nici un individualist nu ar purta "uniforme", fie si cele ale MC-urilor. Ok, individualisti, in sensul deplin al cuvintului, nu exista. Exista indivizi ce tind spre asa ceva. Oricine se lasa "uniformizat", indiferent in ce fel, nu are sanse sa fie macar un "spirit liber". Pt. ca - nu-i asa? - nici un sistem, oricit de represiv ar fi, nu poate incarcera spiritul. Apai, pe cei care se incarcereaza singuri, urmind indiferent ce idee, ce ideologie, ce manipulare, sau urmind, pur si simplu, turma, nu pot decit sa-i depling. Si, da. Tinerii nu mai sint interesati de asa ceva. Tinerii sint sensibili, ca niste cuconite, circotasi, coloana vertebrala zero, idei proprii minus 100, probabil. Tinerii sint interesati sa consume, nu sa gindeasca. Tinerii sint sclavii sistemului, ai reclamelor, ai firmelor si etichetelor de tot felul. Tinerii sint plini de sine, plini de fitze, de figuri si de aere. Tinerii sint... nascuti batrin PS: pe Roadkill nu-l macina nici o problema. Discuta si se mai tureaza, uneori. Doar atit
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