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Orice postat de FZS1000

  1. DUMNEZEU SA-L ODIHNEASCA ! Nu stiu daca e reala impresia, s-au inmultit accidentele de motocicleta cu urmari grave?
  2. FZS1000

    Viitoarea Mea

    Iar daca vrei si mai mult power, uita-te si la Honda x 11, are motor modificat de XX
  3. FZS1000

    Viitoarea Mea

    Daca te hotarasti pt. Honda, orienteaza-te mai bine spre modelul CB 1300, e practic identic d.p.d.v. performante cu X4, dar il gasesti mai usor, inclusiv piese.
  4. DID ar fi buen ( se zice). Lantz original Honda in orice caz ok, $$$ , dai un ban dar stii ca nu-l mai ai
  5. Coxy a fost facut moderator dar vad ca doarme, postul e in dublu exemplar, ma rog, atunci atasez pozna si "dublurii"
  6. Greseala de eroare, rog moderatorii sa stearga postul fara poza.
  7. Credeti ca va fi o adevarata concurenta in acest segment aprig disputat? BMW MOTORRAD RAISES THE VEIL: The K 1200 S high performance sports bike. 05/17/2004 Munich. The time for speculation is over. Now it's official: this year BMW Motorrad will introduce the K 1200 S, a completely new and fascinating high performance motorcycle in the sport segment. The K 1200 S was designed as a sport bike and is a completely separate motorcycle within the K family. It is radically new, featuring an unprecedented number of innovations. It is a high-precision sport bike offering unique agility as well as enormous output. Its power to weight ratio is on the level with the competition and almost 50 percent better than the K 1200 RS, thus leaving no wishes unfulfilled with regard to riding performance. The low weight and extremely agile chassis help the K 1200 S deliver superior handling in any situation. The K 1200 S is powered by a transversely mounted 1157-cc four-cylinder inline engine with integrated transmission and is unique among sport bikes due to its overall concept in conjunction with the lightweight construction shaft drive. The extreme forward tilt of the cylinder bank (55 deg.) ensures a low center of gravity. In this way it was possible to achieve an ideal wheel load distribution of 50:50 percent in combination with the overall geometric layout. The engine has an extraordinarily narrow design achieved by a series of special design features. The engine width at the crankshaft level is approximately the same as for 600-cc engines. This not only allows for very deep engine installation and maximum lean angle, it also gives the bike a narrow and sporty silhouette. The engine can rev up into the five-digit regions and output exceeds 160 hp (more than 117 kW). Environmental compatibility is safeguarded by a closed-loop three-way catalytic converter and digital engine electronics, which have been standard features on all BMW motorcycles for years. The engine of the K 1200 S is based on the latest generation as presented at the beginning of the year in the R 1200 GS. It also features integrated knock control and in this advanced four-cylinder engine, it represents the most sophisticated engine management system currently available for motorcycles. The K 1200 S is also highly innovative on the suspension side. A revolutionary front wheel suspension using two parallel linksâwithout telescopic forksâensures extremely sensitive response together with excellent precision, outstanding overall rigidity and low weight. The electronically adjustable suspension also represents a world first in production motorcycle manufacturing. The new K 1200 S is of course also equipped with the unique BMW Motorrad Integral ABS in the partially integral version. In conjunction with the EVO brakes, this system ensures maximum deceleration and the shortest of braking distances in all road conditions. The new BMW K 1200 S will be presented to the international public in September of this year at the INTERMOT motorshow in Munich. It will be launched onto the market soon after. The price has not yet been set. All familiar models of the K family, the K 1200 RS, the K 1200 GT and the K 1200 LT will remain part of the model range beyond 2004.
  8. Credeti ca va fi o adevarata concurenta in acest segment aprig disputat? BMW MOTORRAD RAISES THE VEIL: The K 1200 S high performance sports bike. 05/17/2004 Munich. The time for speculation is over. Now it's official: this year BMW Motorrad will introduce the K 1200 S, a completely new and fascinating high performance motorcycle in the sport segment. The K 1200 S was designed as a sport bike and is a completely separate motorcycle within the K family. It is radically new, featuring an unprecedented number of innovations. It is a high-precision sport bike offering unique agility as well as enormous output. Its power to weight ratio is on the level with the competition and almost 50 percent better than the K 1200 RS, thus leaving no wishes unfulfilled with regard to riding performance. The low weight and extremely agile chassis help the K 1200 S deliver superior handling in any situation. The K 1200 S is powered by a transversely mounted 1157-cc four-cylinder inline engine with integrated transmission and is unique among sport bikes due to its overall concept in conjunction with the lightweight construction shaft drive. The extreme forward tilt of the cylinder bank (55 deg.) ensures a low center of gravity. In this way it was possible to achieve an ideal wheel load distribution of 50:50 percent in combination with the overall geometric layout. The engine has an extraordinarily narrow design achieved by a series of special design features. The engine width at the crankshaft level is approximately the same as for 600-cc engines. This not only allows for very deep engine installation and maximum lean angle, it also gives the bike a narrow and sporty silhouette. The engine can rev up into the five-digit regions and output exceeds 160 hp (more than 117 kW). Environmental compatibility is safeguarded by a closed-loop three-way catalytic converter and digital engine electronics, which have been standard features on all BMW motorcycles for years. The engine of the K 1200 S is based on the latest generation as presented at the beginning of the year in the R 1200 GS. It also features integrated knock control and in this advanced four-cylinder engine, it represents the most sophisticated engine management system currently available for motorcycles. The K 1200 S is also highly innovative on the suspension side. A revolutionary front wheel suspension using two parallel linksâwithout telescopic forksâensures extremely sensitive response together with excellent precision, outstanding overall rigidity and low weight. The electronically adjustable suspension also represents a world first in production motorcycle manufacturing. The new K 1200 S is of course also equipped with the unique BMW Motorrad Integral ABS in the partially integral version. In conjunction with the EVO brakes, this system ensures maximum deceleration and the shortest of braking distances in all road conditions. The new BMW K 1200 S will be presented to the international public in September of this year at the INTERMOT motorshow in Munich. It will be launched onto the market soon after. The price has not yet been set. All familiar models of the K family, the K 1200 RS, the K 1200 GT and the K 1200 LT will remain part of the model range beyond 2004.
  9. FZS1000

    Azi Trebuia Sa Mor

    Coane Zahei, 1. bine c-ai scapat, ai avut un inger pazitor cu tine, asa ca du-te si aprinde o lumanare ! 2. exact o asemenea secunda de "visare" m-a adus si pe mine acum 7 ani in "zbor planat" pe Autobahn, din fericire fara alte urmari decat de ordin financiar. Si n-a interesat pe nimeni ca soferul din fata mea s-a suit pe frane fara vreun motiv intemeiat. 3. Fara echimapent complet n-as fi scapat intreg sau chiar de loc ! Aviz amtorilor de pantaloni scurti si shlapi pe motor ! 4. Norocul/soarta/sansa joaca un rol bine determinat in viata oricaruia dintre noi. 5. Du-te si mai aprinde o lumanare ! 6. Mi-a placut cum ai descris situatia 7. Si inca o lumanare pentru fostii motociclisti care nu mai sant printre noi ! Sayonara
  10. Condoleante si Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca
  11. E frumoasa de frumoasa ! S-o calaresti sanatos si fara probleme de vre-un fel.
  12. FZS1000

    Yamaha R6 In Bucuresti

    Greseala de tipar Vecinii "stateaU pe scara"
  13. FZS1000

    Yamaha R6 In Bucuresti

    Chestia cu martorii si bagatorii de seama pot s-o confirm din experienta personala. Prin tinerete mergeam cu CZ-ul prin cartier, un amic era pasager, si unul bine afumat paseste brusc brusc de pe trotuar in strada. L-am luat cu schimbatorul de viteze, ocazie cu care maneta a fost complet data peste cap iar betivul a ajuns la orizontala. Din fericire s-a ales doar cu o julitura pa gamba Imediat s-a adunat lume ciopor, si deodata aud o voce din multime: " Mergeau 3 pe motocicleta!" ??? Sa-mi cada plombele, nu alta. O sa radeti, dar norocul a fost ca betivul a banguit de mai multe ori " eu sant vinovat" si s-au mai linistit spiritele. Ca totul s-a petrecut in fata blocului in care locuia si vecinii care statea pe scara si jucau table erau oarecum pusi pe facut " dreptate"... Mare e gradina lui Dumnezeu...
  14. FZS1000

    Ducati 749

    Bravo coane Vio !!! Arata bestial, nu l-as mai fi recunoscut. Distractie placuta
  15. FZS1000


    Bravo Coxane, superb bike-ul ! Take care
  16. FZS1000

    Pun Si Eu..

    Aha, deci e gata air brush-ul special...s-o porti sanatos
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