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  1. Having shod the winners of the 2009 Isle of Man TT, Dunlop will no doubt be a name to spark interest among racing bikers, especially given the news released today that the brand is to launch the latest addition to its high performance Sportmax range at the National Motorcycle Show, staged at the NEC, on 26 November. Dunlop states that it has used technology derived from its race tyres to produce the GP Racer D211, specifically the technology from Dunlop’s D211 GP race tyre which helped to provide 165 podium finishes, 25 rider championships in top-class Superstock/Supersport and hundreds of club level race wins. The GP Racer D211 will, says Dunlop, satisfy the needs of the most hardcore track day enthusiast as well as the pure sports road rider without compromising on any of the performance requirements found in a road going tyre, such as mileage and wet road grip. Featuring Dunlop’s 7000 series Multi-Tread compound, the rear tyre has seven zones of compound which maximises side grip, drive traction and rapid warm-up as well as handling response, tread stability and tyre life. The front tyre features three compound zones focusing on secure cornering and braking stability. The latest technology to be used in this new tyre is called NTEC. Developed at Dunlop Motorsport for the parent race tyre, the technology allows the rear tyre to run very low pressures (down to 17psi) on track. The tyre will also be available as a slick that will offer the same technology and features but with even more dry grip, adding to a track day experience. “By introducing the GP Racer D211 to the fast road as well as track day market we are opening riders up to a whole new on road experience. The tyre will enable smooth, responsive transitions between maximum lean angles as well as remaining stable with more grip than you will ever need” said Lisa Faulkner, Dunlop Motorcycle Manager. “We set out to create an unbeatable race tyre which exceeded expectations. From this we have enabled ourselves to offer this outstanding tyre for use on the road. The tyre will be officially launched into the UK market in January 2010 but to give riders a little teaser of what they can expect, we decided to unveil the tyre at the prestigious Motorcycle Show” commented Lisa.
  2. asa am zis si eu dar se pare ca e presiunea corecta
  3. am vazut mai demult toate clipurile lu shrinky...e psicho rau omu pe mine m-a impresionat baiatul asta R.I.P
  4. asa era setul 120/ mai avut 180 dar nu am fost pe circuit cu 180.O sa las presiunea mai jos undeva la 25 psi la cald chiar daca se uzeaza mai repede asa Mesaj completat Alecs a zis bine 1.2 asta este presiunea recomandata pt d211 Cold - Front 2.2bar = 31.9psi Rear 1.2bar = 17.4psi Hot - Front 2.4bar = 34.8psi Rear 1.4bar = 20.3psi
  5. minusuri -plusuri fata de cbr? Mesaj completat am luat azi rotile de la service..rulmenti noi, gume noi si DA Aladin are dreptate
  6. Nicule eu ma gandeam sa nu mai plimb motorul anul asta si de banii aia sa cumpar un ohlins pe spate Totusi parca ma tenteaza un hungaroring daca e in perioada 15 aug-1sept Mesaj completat ii destul de costisitor mersul la circuit..adica ii chiar costisitor ce sa ne m-ai mintim
  7. nu il muncesc nici la jumate din ce poate tu ce faci mergi la serres?
  8. nu ca vreau sa ma scuz acuma dar la ora cand am filmat adica undeva p la 1 eu inca nu stiam circuitul deoarece nu am intrat de dim fiind ud,frig,asfalt nou plus gumele mele second deja cu 3 iesiri pe circuit si vro 5 mi de km(sa mai zica cineva ca nu tin mult supercorsa) asa ca am luat bataie dl tovarasul cu r1 cu 3-1 oricum pt 60 de lire a fost mai mult ca ok..urmeaza pe 23 silverstonul cu gume noi Mesaj completat k5 k6 este perfect pt dailydriver foarte confortabil odata ce te-ai invatat cu mine singura durere apare dupa vreo 300 km,probabil nu am luat destula bataie la fund cand am fost mic )) cat despre consum in jur la 300km cu un plin mers lejer inafara iar in oras as zice un 200-250 km Mesaj completat vroiam sa-i fac si eu in ciuda ca nu are suzuki
  9. toti care au trecut de la honda la suzuki au ramas uimiti de cuplu si extra power
  10. Alecs este in rai de cand si-a luat suzuki o sa regrete Nicu aka 'stau de 6' ca nu a mers pe mana lu astia de la astept sa se faca vreme buna sa scoata Alecs k5..o sa revina cu un zambet mare Mesaj completat cam la noi s-a iesit pe 27 feb. desi cancer afara
  11. azi am lasat rotile la montat gume noi asa k maine daca merg dupa ele chiar o sa ma uit dupa semnul ala....
  12. poi l'am gasit pe pai bine mai nene,ne faci sa ne stoarcem creierii cu tot felul de poze dp internet
  13. in mintea mea ma gandesc ca afisajul vine dl baterie
  14. s-ar putea sa fie dl alarma
  15. ~ vad ca urmaresti topicu' asta
  16. daca i-au banii care merita s-ar putea sa-l dau
  17. depinde de cati bani aveti pt un k5 in stare foarte buna
  18. cred ca ma injuri ca t-am aratat clipu' ala ))
  19. chiar nu inteleg dc isi cumpara lumea tobe si pastreaza catalizatorul.daca nu ma insel asta din poza e facut de Laser..cel putin aveau ceva in genu'.growlerul este a 6 toba pe k5 si va spun ca nimic nu seamana la sunet..o fi akra si yoshi mai bune pt putere dar la sunet is copii mici
  20. ti-am zis urmareste ebayu..s-a dat una cu 285 lire.noua e chiar scumpa dar cand am luat-o eu nici urma de ele pe ebay
  21. pai dc crezi ca nu am accelerat-o mai tare in clipu cu slash'u? a fost destul sa o pornesc sa apara lumea la geam...daca vreti sunet infernal clar locul 1 il detine varianta slash doar ca...e prea mult totusi
  22. am avut toata gama de racefit..prima a fost slash cut apoi racefit mega si apoi growler..dintre toate growler suna cel mai fain slash cut'u nu-mi placea cum suna cand lasai de gaz
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