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ia uite cum au sarit drujbistii :ok: Completarea mea era doar de dragul statisticii ... dupa postul lu' dom' profesor. Rar am vazut un grup de fani asa pasionati de motoreta lor ... Misto :agree:


Fac marketing si inteleg bine cum se fac toate lucrurile astea :P. Evident ca daca maine se suie David Knight pe orice motoreta ii omoara in continuare pe toti. Uite, in Franta de exemplu, campionul national merge cu Husquarna. Am mers cu Sherco si mi-a placut mult. Am vorbit cu meseriasi care spun ca Beta e o super motocicleta de enduro ... etc ... Sa nu mai vorbim de Honda, Yama, Kawa .... carora le trebuie doar putin focus pe enduro si atunci sa vezi lupta.

Concurenta e buna in primul rand pentru noi, clientii de motorete. Mie mi-ar placea tare sa stiu ca am de ales intre mai mult de 2 marci de moto (KTM sau Husa). Si tare ma tem ca nu se vor schimba prea multe. Deocamdata Yama e ok dar e prea scumpa, Honda e scumpa si nu foarte potrivita pentru enduro (se vede ca e un CR de cross f putin modificat) iar restul nu exista decat pe hartie.


Agree cu Ion - la ce mergem noi, e f buna orice motocicleta in mintile ei :smoke:. Restul e vrajeala de forum. De-aia e forum in timpul saptamanii si enduro in weekend.

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tot off topic ...

@ roshu - pe langa cerere si oferta, mai intervin niste lucruri care se cheama, f pompos, viziune de business sau business development. Adicatelea, e evident ca piata asta se va duce doar in sus multi ani de acum incolo. Cu cat mai repede pui un picior in piata, cu atat mai mult ai de castigat. Altfel spus, ca exemplu, daca tintesti 10% din piata in 3 ani trebuie sa investesti in business development (marketing, stocuri, etc) 30,000 acum (zic si eu o suma, asa, de dragul exemplului). Daca se trezesc peste 3 ani ca piata de enduro ajunge la 1,000 de modele noi pe an si ca n-ar fi rau sa vanda si ei 50 Husquarna/beta/ Sherco/kawa o sa trebuiasca sa bage mult mai multi bani pentru un obiectiv mult mai mic.

Husa e cel mai bun exemplu. Acum 3 ani nu stia nimeni de husa. In 2005 faceam service la Mototech la KTM-ul meu si era plin de KTM-uri acolo. In 2 ani s-a schimbat treaba f mult si e pe shortlistul oricarui endurist.

Il asteptam si pe al 3-lea :smoke:


si sa revenim la topic .... am platit taxa de participare! :agree:

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am citi regulamentul si am vazut ca joi seara e prologul. El este obligatoriu si pt cei de la Open?

si 2 - licenta de pilot si vizita medicala trebuie si la Open.

si 3 - abia astept sa ne intalnim, avand in vedere ca e primul meu concurs la care particip.

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tot off topic ...

@ roshu - pe langa cerere si oferta, mai intervin niste lucruri care se cheama, f pompos, viziune de business sau business development. Adicatelea, e evident ca piata asta se va duce doar in sus multi ani de acum incolo. Cu cat mai repede pui un picior in piata, cu atat mai mult ai de castigat. Altfel spus, ca exemplu, daca tintesti 10% din piata in 3 ani trebuie sa investesti in business development (marketing, stocuri, etc) 30,000 acum (zic si eu o suma, asa, de dragul exemplului). Daca se trezesc peste 3 ani ca piata de enduro ajunge la 1,000 de modele noi pe an si ca n-ar fi rau sa vanda si ei 50 Husquarna/beta/ Sherco/kawa o sa trebuiasca sa bage mult mai multi bani pentru un obiectiv mult mai mic.

Husa e cel mai bun exemplu. Acum 3 ani nu stia nimeni de husa. In 2005 faceam service la Mototech la KTM-ul meu si era plin de KTM-uri acolo. In 2 ani s-a schimbat treaba f mult si e pe shortlistul oricarui endurist.

Il asteptam si pe al 3-lea :smoke:


si sa revenim la topic .... am platit taxa de participare! :agree:




azi toate motocicletele sunt bune cu calitatile si defectele lor

KTM -urile au motoare foarte bune si sasiul foarte slab;motocicletele care concureaza la mondiale nu au aceleasi furci si amortizoare ca ale noastre

Husaberg au reputatia foarte proasta care din punctul meu de vedere nu se justifica;singurul lor defect este ca nu fabrica motoare in 2 timpi;cea mai mare calitate a lor este sasiul cu care poti recupera orice greseala de pilotaj,cea ce te face sa te simri ca un "cavaler de poteca"

husqvarna e o motocicleta foarte omogena,dar foate slab distribuita in Romania

gas-gas are aceleasi probleme de distributie ca si husqvarna ;e o motocicleta buna dar care trebuie tot timpul "bricolee"*

sherco din toate motocicletele pe 4 timpi pe care le-am incercat e cea care prin comportamentul sau seamana cel mai mult cu 2 timpi,iar ca un plus madelul nou (din auzite ar fi montata cu furci si amortizoare olhins !

va dati seama ca dupa parerea mea va fi unul din 4 timpi cea mai performanta,mai ales ca au depasit problemele lor de conectic

a mai ramas TM ,o motocicleta pe care nu am avut placerea sa o incerc niciodata ;din informatiile pe care le-am colectat ,iti poti comanda motocicleta cu orice amotizor ,cutie de vitezasau reglaj motor doresti-un fel de Ferrari al motocicletelor

in orice caz motociclete proaste in ziua de azi nu exista,astfel ca fiecare isi poate alege ce doreste oricum doreste!

penru mine un endurist bun se vede in fata potecilor,poate avea o Honda XR 125 -1980 sau o Aprilia 2008 caci are dorinta

sa ne vedem cu bine in Buzau

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penru mine un endurist bun se vede in fata potecilor,poate avea o Honda XR 125 -1980 sau o Aprilia 2008 caci are dorinta

Cel mai mare adevar! :agree:


@macLeod - pe site-ul oficial nu spune nimic de licenta sau vizita medicala

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Daca aveti nevoie de stimulente pentru gargara incep eu.

HUSABERG este mai tare decat KTM si BRUCE LEE il bate pe VAN DAMME.


:P :agree: :ok: :smoke: :) Chuck Norris a numarat de 2 ori pana la "infinit"...



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Cel mai mare adevar! :agree:


@macLeod - pe site-ul oficial nu spune nimic de licenta sau vizita medicala

dah, asta am vazut si eu, dar daca nu ma insel nu e etapa de CN endruo?=> vizita si licenta

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--- Mesaj completat în 24 Aug 2007 20:41 -------------


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pt cei care vor sa vina la BUZAU organizatorii cer confirmarea plati taxei de participare

deoarece locurile de cazare sint limitate


<small>--- Mesaj completat în 24 Aug 2007 00:13 -------------</small><br/>





HUSABERG World Champion 06!

Husaberg Factory Race Team rider Joakim Ljunggren is the new World Enduro Champion 2006 in the official WEC class EJ!


With his results during the race weekend in Slovakia in September 02-03, Joakim has already made it for the title before the final races in France September 23-24.


Congratulations for the great success to Joakim and HUSABERG’s WEC 2006 Factory Race team of Thomas Gustavsson and Martin Lind!


The official Maxxis FIM World Enduro Championship Organisation says:

"With an impressing physical condition and a riding without error, Joakim LJUNGGREN (SUE-HUSABERG) looks like David KNIGHT. At the very least, he seems to take the same way since he becomes today the World Champion of Enduro Junior. The HUSABERG rider, who led all the season, has secured the first major title of his young career thanks to his 2nd place of the day."

Salut laurentiu,


pai ce faci compari mere cu pere? sau? pai ce Rossi dace va alerga la anul la KAWASAKI nu mai bate cursele? Pilotul este ARTISTUL. Sigur ca si motorul conteaza, dar....

Ce vedem pe la curse inseamna marketing si promo. Pe noi ne intereseaza daca motocicleta de serie este fiabila pe gustul si placerile noastre. Trebuie sa indeplineasca cat mai mult din satisfactia clientului!

in rest sa ne vedem cu bine!


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Salut laurentiu,


pai ce faci compari mere cu pere? sau? pai ce Rossi dace va alerga la anul la KAWASAKI nu mai bate cursele? Pilotul este ARTISTUL. Sigur ca si motorul conteaza, dar....

Ce vedem pe la curse inseamna marketing si promo. Pe noi ne intereseaza daca motocicleta de serie este fiabila pe gustul si placerile noastre. Trebuie sa indeplineasca cat mai mult din satisfactia clientului!

in rest sa ne vedem cu bine!




Editat de LO550
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Salut !


Am si eu 2 intrebari...


1. Am inteles, ca pe traseu va fi punct de alimentare. Organizatorul asigura combustibilul, sau e datoria concurentilor sa trimita benzina la acel punct ?


2. Vineri seara (din cate am inteles) se doarme intr-o tabara de campare. Trebuie sa avem corturi ? Se poate trimite echipamentul ( haine, scule, etc.) la locul respectiv sau trebuie sa le caram cu noi ?


( Scuze pentru intrebari, vreau doar sa stiu ca, daca mergem doar 2 concurenti - fara echipaj (mecanic, fete :D ) cum ne descurcam... )

Editat de geza.benedekfi
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Salut !


Am si eu 2 intrebari...


1. Am inteles, ca pe traseu va fi punct de alimentare. Organizatorul asigura combustibilul, sau e datoria concurentilor sa trimita benzina la acel punct ?

Se asigura combustibilul cu o cisterna care va fi amplasata in tabara de campare, bineanteles contracost, exact ca la peco, cu debitmetru lei/litru


2. Vineri seara (din cate am inteles) se doarme intr-o tabara de campare. Trebuie sa avem corturi ? Se poate trimite echipamentul ( haine, scule, etc.) la locul respectiv sau trebuie sa le caram cu noi ?

Daca venim de joi, in timp util, avem timp sa ne amplasam corturile in tabara dupa care venim la Buzau pentru start, sau alta varianta e o masina pusa la dispozitie de organizator care ne va cara bagajele la campare iar noi cand vom ajunge seara din cursa le gasim acolo :bounce: ( Scuze pentru intrebari, vreau doar sa stiu ca, daca mergem doar 2 concurenti - fara echipaj (mecanic, fete :D ) cum ne descurcam... )



--- Mesaj completat în 30 Aug 2007 11:48 -------------
PS: Sa nu uitati sa plecati de acasa fara GPS-uri pentru motoare :moto:

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Salut !


Am si eu 2 intrebari...


1. Am inteles, ca pe traseu va fi punct de alimentare. Organizatorul asigura combustibilul, sau e datoria concurentilor sa trimita benzina la acel punct ?


2. Vineri seara (din cate am inteles) se doarme intr-o tabara de campare. Trebuie sa avem corturi ? Se poate trimite echipamentul ( haine, scule, etc.) la locul respectiv sau trebuie sa le caram cu noi ?


( Scuze pentru intrebari, vreau doar sa stiu ca, daca mergem doar 2 concurenti - fara echipaj (mecanic, fete :moto: ) cum ne descurcam... )


Geza, ma bucur ca vii. Nu uita sa aduci "aditiv" pentru Lutas ca altfel porneste greu dimineata :bounce:


1. Concurentii vor trebui sa dea canistre dimineata si organizatorii se vor ocupa de transportul lor pana la punctul de alimentare. sa scrii numele pe canistra. Daca dadeau si benzina in banii astia deja ii suspectam de spalare de bani :hug:


2. La tabara organizatorii vor asigura dusuri, wc-uri si curent. organizatorii se vor ocupa de transportul echipamentului de camping in tabara. Vineri dimineata trebuie sa predai doar cort/sac/bagaje si le gasesti la hales. Ca la Dakar frate!! :D


O sa fie super gasca. Abia astept!

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Editat de LO550
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Geza, ma bucur ca vii. Nu uita sa aduci "aditiv" pentru Lutas ca altfel porneste greu dimineata :moto:


Geza este om serios , are intotdeauna la el " aditiv " , dar de data asta si eu o sa am ca la cort poate fi rece noaptea. :D :bounce:


si inca ceva

sambata si duminica la 240 km de Satu-Mare este etapa in campionatul mondial de enduro in statiunea Plejsy Slovacia , poate este interesat cineva sa fie spectator

Editat de IOAN LUTAS
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Foarte pregatiti sa papam cat mai multe KTM-uri :D


Oricum, o sa va lipseasca cel mai "rau" galben - Nelu Somodean. Pacat ca nu e prin zona - era condimentul perfect pentru cursa asta!

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Oricum, o sa va lipseasca cel mai "rau" galben - Nelu Somodean. Pacat ca nu e prin zona - era condimentul perfect pentru cursa asta!


Este doar o nota informativa sau stai cu ochii pe noi?

Ce sa inteleg? Vezi ca mai vin si alte tipuri de motoare la cursa asta!

Si apoi ,voi cu "portocalele " in doi timpi nu ar trebui sa va faceti probleme! Ulei sa aveti :D !

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pt cei care vor sa vina la BUZAU organizatorii cer confirmarea plati taxei de participare

deoarece locurile de cazare sint limitate


<small>--- Mesaj completat în 24 Aug 2007 00:13 -------------</small><br/>





HUSABERG World Champion 06!

Husaberg Factory Race Team rider Joakim Ljunggren is the new World Enduro Champion 2006 in the official WEC class EJ!


With his results during the race weekend in Slovakia in September 02-03, Joakim has already made it for the title before the final races in France September 23-24.


Congratulations for the great success to Joakim and HUSABERG’s WEC 2006 Factory Race team of Thomas Gustavsson and Martin Lind!


The official Maxxis FIM World Enduro Championship Organisation says:

"With an impressing physical condition and a riding without error, Joakim LJUNGGREN (SUE-HUSABERG) looks like David KNIGHT. At the very least, he seems to take the same way since he becomes today the World Champion of Enduro Junior. The HUSABERG rider, who led all the season, has secured the first major title of his young career thanks to his 2nd place of the day."









RACE REPORT 02/09/2007

Yamaha rules Enduro 1 in Slovakia


All Yamaha podium



UFO Corse Yamaha team riders Cristobal Guerrero and Simone Albergoni made the most of reigning Enduro 1 world championship class leader Juha Salminen's absence at the GP of Slovakia, held in Krompachy, Slovakia. They both claimed a day win each aboard their WR250F machines. With Salminen absent due to an injury sustained prior to the event, Guerrero and Albergoni took to the start as favourites to finish on the top step of the E1 class podium and duly did so as they shared top honours. With Guerrero finishing close to 14 seconds ahead of Albergoni on day one it was Albergoni who topped day two ahead of Yamaha France rider Marc Germain as two costly mistakes denied Guerrero the chance to repeat his day one win, he still managed third.


Christobal Guerrero



With Yamaha riders occupying the top three positions in the E1 class on day one in Krompachy Spaniard Guerrero topped the opening test to take an early lead. Continuing to perform well the E1 class rookie maintained his lead and even when the dry special tests became wet and slippery due to heavy rain, the former Enduro junior world champion remained mistake-free going on to claim his first ever senior enduro world championship class win.

Behind Cristobal his UFO Corse Yamaha team-mate Simone Albergoni finished second having been unable to get to grips with the Slovakian special tests. Making it the perfect day for Yamaha Frenchman Marc Germain continued his impressive season to finish third, which resulted in an all blue podium. After starting day one in the best possible way and winning the opening special test, Cristobal Guerrero started day two badly due to a slow-speed, but costly, fall on the opening enduro test. Placing fourth in class on test one Guerrero went on to make one further mistake, again on the enduro test, which essentially ended his hopes of a repeat win and despite his best efforts he could do no better than finish third. Improving his result one position from the first day Yamaha France rider Marc Germain secured the runner-up position having performed consistently all day before going on to win the event's final two tests.


In leading five of the day's 10 special tests Simone Albergoni celebrated his first E1 class victory of '07, having topped the opening test before going on to dominate during the second of the day's three laps. Earning what has been a long overdue winning result for the Italian, Simone importantly strengthened his runner-up position in the '07 E1 world championship standings.


Simone Albergoni



Simone Albergoni (UFO Corse Yamaha) Enduro 1 class - Day 1 Second, Day 2 First

: "My result on the first day was really disappointing. I don't know why but I didn't find a good feeling with my bike. I couldn't work out why, I didn't crash, I just wasn't able to ride at 100 per cent. I was just too slow.

"The second day went well. I started well with a good time in the first enduro test and that set me up well for the day. I didn't really make any changes for day two, but I felt much better. I was able to attack, especially in the enduro and extreme test, so it was good to win."



Cristobal Guerrero (UFO Corse Yamaha) Enduro 1 class - Day 1 First, Day 2 Third:

"The first day was great for me. I didn't make any mistakes and was able to really concentrate on all of the special tests, even when it started to rain. I thought that Marc Germain and Simone Albergoni would move ahead of me in the results, but I was able to stay ahead of them. It felt really, really good to claim my first ever world champion win in the Enduro 1 class. My bike was perfect, I felt good - it was a great day.

"The second day started badly. I crashed on the first enduro test and lost quite a lot of time. It was a small mistake but I had to turn my bike around before I could go again so I lost around 10 seconds. Then in the second enduro test I crashed again, and again lost more time. In the motocross and extreme tests I was riding well, but because of my mistakes I wasn't able to fight for the win."



Maurizio Micheluz (UFO Corse Yamaha) Enduro 1 class - Day 1 Sixth, Day 2 Fourth:

"I found things hard on day one, I don't know why. I finished sixth and wasn't able to attack like I wanted to. The second day was much better though as I finished in fourth and was able to fight a little bit more with the top three riders. I made two crashes, but it didn't affect my result. I enjoyed the race, for me it has been the best race of the season so far. I'm happy with the way it went for me."


Temp: 25

Crowd: 2250

Weather: Changeable



2007 Enduro 1 Slovakia 02/09/2007

Race 1

Pos. Rider Manu. Nat. Total Time

1 Cristobal Guerrero Yamaha ESP 50'27.730

2 Simone Albergoni Yamaha ITA 0'13.980

3 Marc Germain Yamaha FRA 0'24.910

4 Alessandro Belometti KTM ITA 0'40.360

5 Bartosz Oblucki Husqvarna POL 0'55.840

6 Maurizio Micheluz Yamaha ITA 1'40.290

7 Mike Hartmann KTM GER 2'4.790

8 Luca Cherubini TM ITA 2'41.470

9 Danielle Tellini KTM ITA 3'54.380

10 Pär Olsson Yamaha SWE 4'42.620

11 Juraj Dozsa KTM SVK 5'16.450

12 Fernando Ferreira Yamaha POR 6'46.870

13 Thomas Hostinsky KTM CZE 7'1.940

14 Fabio Mossini Honda ITA 8'38.360

15 Helio Santos Yamaha POR 9'50.050



Race 2

Pos. Rider Manu. Nat. Total Time

1 Simone Albergoni Yamaha ITA 58'10.510

2 Marc Germain Yamaha FRA 0'10.200

3 Cristobal Guerrero Yamaha ESP 0'26.410

4 Maurizio Micheluz Yamaha ITA 1'29.590

5 Alessandro Belometti KTM ITA 1'49.480

6 Mike Hartmann KTM GER 2'12.570

7 Luca Cherubini TM ITA 3'6.910

8 Fabio Mossini Honda ITA 4'6.550

9 Danielle Tellini KTM ITA 4'16.180

10 Pär Olsson Yamaha SWE 5'47.400

11 Fernando Ferreira Yamaha POR 6'13.970

12 Juraj Dozsa KTM SVK 6'19.940

13 Thomas Hostinsky KTM CZE 8'11.470

14 Helio Santos Yamaha POR 9'15.930


Rider Standings 01/09/2007



Pos. Rider Manu. Nat. Points

1. Juha Salminen KTM FIN 300

2. Simone Albergoni Yamaha ITA 273

3. Marc Germain Yamaha FRA 257

4. Cristobal Guerrero Yamaha ESP 251

5. Alessandro Belometti KTM ITA 230

6. Bartosz Oblucki Husqvarna POL 211

7. Maurizio Micheluz Yamaha ITA 185

8. Mike Hartmann KTM GER 174

9. Juraj Dozsa KTM SVK 95

10. Luca Cherubini TM ITA 86

11. Anthony Roberts Honda AUS 79

12. Danielle Tellini KTM ITA 74

13. Frederik Georgsson KTM SWE 56

14. Joan Jou Yamaha ESP 45

15. Fabio Mossini Honda ITA 42


Manufacturer Standings 01/09/2007



Pos. Manufacturer Points

1. KTM 334

2. Yamaha 298

3. Husqvarna 211

4. Honda 129

5. TM 92

6. Suzuki 82

7. Kawasaki 48


RACE REPORT 02/09/2007

Aubert wins day two at Slovakian WEC


Johnny Aubert



UFO Corse Yamaha rider Johnny Aubert moved one step closer to claiming the runner-up position in this years Enduro 2 world championship series by finishing in second position on day one of the GP of Slovakia, before going on to claim his fifth win of the season by dominating the E2 class on day two. In finishing on the podium on both days the Frenchman closed the gap between himself and reigning E2 world champion Samuli Aro, who currently holds the runner-up spot in the E2 series standings. Now, with just one round of the '07 WEC series remaining Aubert is 18 points adrift of second in the E2 class standings with only the final round of the series in France remaining.



On day one Aubert came home in an eventual second position, just over 20 seconds behind Finn Mika Ahola after nine demanding special tests. But having won the day's first timed test, before going on to take an early class lead, Aubert looked like the rider to beat. Frustratingly for Aubert the heavens opened shortly before the half way point of the day and with the event's dry special tests became increasingly slippery E2 world championship class leader Ahola move to the front of the class. Continuing to push hard, and going on to win one more test before the end of the day, Aubert claimed a deserved runner-up result and importantly placed ahead of Samuli Aro. Dini.


Johnny Aubert



On day two Aubert more than made up for his opening day disappointment. Despite missing out on winning the opening test he went on to win each of the remaining nine timed special tests to place 48 seconds ahead of day one winner Mika Ahola. Collecting wins on the enduro, extreme and motocross tests Johnny again placed ahead of reigning E2 world champion Samuli Aro who, having injured his knee on day one, dropped to fourth.


Finishing in seventh and fifth in the E2 class, the GP of Slovakia was also a good event for UFO Corse Yamaha rider Fabrizio



Johnny Aubert (UFO Corse Yamaha) Enduro 2 class - Day 1 Second, Day 2 First:

"Things started well on day one, but when it started to rain I really struggled. I am not sure if it was because of the front tyre I was using, or if it was just my riding, but I struggled to push as hard as I wanted. I basically made lots of mistakes when it was raining. But second is not so bad so I was pleased with the result.

"Day two was a really nice day for me, but it was pretty tough. I think I won about eight special tests, which I am really pleased with. I made only one small mistake in the enduro test on the first lap. It was just a small crash so I didn't lose too much time. I felt good all day and got the result I could have had on day one."


Temp: 26

Crowd: 1500

Weather: Showers



2007 Enduro 2 Slovakia 02/09/2007

Race 1

Pos. Rider Manu. Nat. Total Time

1 Mika Ahola Honda FIN 49'43.570

2 Johnny Aubert Yamaha FRA 0'21.120

3 Samuli Aro KTM FIN 0'29.610

4 Stefan Merriman Aprilia AUS 0'39.400

5 Fabien Planet KTM FRA 0'47.570

6 Nicolas Deparrois Husqvarna FRA 1'52.960

7 Fabrizio Dini Yamaha ITA 1'55.230

8 Xavier Galindo KTM ESP 1'56.450

9 Patrick Caps GasGas BEL 2'50.440

10 Rodrig Thain Suzuki FRA 2'56.840

11 Nicolas Paganon Aprilia FRA 3'2.500

12 David Cadek KTM CZE 3'3.980

13 Daniel Persson HusaBerg SWE 3'17.000

14 Jari Juha Mattila Beta FIN 4'17.090

15 Felipe Zanol Yamaha ESP 5'28.600



Race 2

Pos. Rider Manu. Nat. Total Time

1 Johnny Aubert Yamaha FRA 57'17.370

2 Mika Ahola Honda FIN 0'48.130

3 Stefan Merriman Aprilia AUS 1'25.210

4 Samuli Aro KTM FIN 1'48.470

5 Fabrizio Dini Yamaha ITA 2'1.300

6 Fabien Planet KTM FRA 2'11.460

7 Nicolas Deparrois Husqvarna FRA 2'37.040

8 Xavier Galindo KTM ESP 2'40.420

9 Jari Juha Mattila Beta FIN 2'57.840

10 Rodrig Thain Suzuki FRA 3'21.480

11 Nicolas Paganon Aprilia FRA 3'29.970

12 Patrick Caps GasGas BEL 3'40.350

13 Daniel Persson HusaBerg SWE 3'59.020

14 Felipe Zanol Yamaha ESP 5'54.850

15 Zlatko Novosad GasGas SVK 8'17.860


Rider Standings 01/09/2007



Pos. Rider Manu. Nat. Points

1. Mika Ahola Honda FIN 327

2. Samuli Aro KTM FIN 292

3. Johnny Aubert Yamaha FRA 274

4. Fabien Planet KTM FRA 227

5. Stefan Merriman Aprilia AUS 226

6. Fabrizio Dini Yamaha ITA 160

7. Xavier Galindo KTM ESP 160

8. Nicolas Deparrois Husqvarna FRA 149

9. Valtteri Salonen HusaBerg FIN 147

10. Jari Juha Mattila Beta FIN 121

11. Nicolas Paganon Aprilia FRA 110

12. Rodrig Thain Suzuki FRA 101

13. Nathan Kanney Husqvarna USA 84

14. Patrick Caps GasGas BEL 72

15. Thierry Klutz Sherco BEL 51


Manufacturer Standings 01/09/2007



Pos. Manufacturer Points

1. Honda 327

2. KTM 296

3. Yamaha 286

4. Aprilia 234

5. Husqvarna 169

6. HusaBerg 163

7. Beta 121

8. Suzuki 111

9. GasGas 81

10. Sherco 51

11. BMW 25

12. Kawasaki 15

13. TM 9

14. Christini 8






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Este doar o nota informativa sau stai cu ochii pe noi?

Ce sa inteleg? Vezi ca mai vin si alte tipuri de motoare la cursa asta!


Alte motoare nu ma intereseaza pt ca posesorii lor nu sunt asa "rai" ca voi si ... nu sunt pe forum disponibili la caterinca :bounce:


Si apoi ,voi cu "portocalele " in doi timpi nu ar trebui sa va faceti probleme! Ulei sa aveti

Deocamdata tot cu vaca in 4t. Mai vedem la anu cu ce ne mai dam.


Ciprian - bravo pt Yama :D Asteptam poze de la Lutas ca a fost in Slovacia la cursa.

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