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adevarat graieste Pannonia :) daca esti pasionat nu prea mai conteaza ''detaliile'' .


...mi se pare mie sau jantele sunt transparente ?! ia hai :blink: si la inspectat


FAT FAT FAT :crack:









Ultima deja nu mai are nevoie de cric... :blink:

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Ultima deja nu mai are nevoie de cric... :blink: doar de plug as adauga eu :crack: SERIOS ACUM aia chiar imi place;as speria un pic babele cu ea;sa nu mai vorbesc de pitipoance :blink: mas prietene daca tot vorbim si de tomahawk mai pomenim ca dracia aia a fost facuta-n 10 exemplare (pretul sa fi fost problema ? ) ,motor de dodge viper si are roti ce in curbe formeaza un paralelogram (ca sunt 4 ) ? da stiam deja :D :)

Editat de ->Bullet<-
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  • 1 month later...
Ce tari sunt astea negre! Motor de show clar, dar brutal. Cel cu 4 rotzi ma lasa rece.

P.S. Bullet dragu tatii, cu avatarul ala al tau imi confuzezi simtzamintele... Asociez numele cu bunoaca shi se produc sinapse care ies cu virgula in capu' meu. Buahahhahaha....


OH DOAMNE nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!! LAS-O PE SOR'MEA-N PACE ! Asa mai face si ea un ban ,alocatia e si-asa mica maica :) :D :D (only kiddin :P )

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  • 2 weeks later...

un pic cam diferit dar tot ''chopped'' :


( postat prima data pe )












A young inventor has created a motorbike with a twist - it

uses two wheels but they are positioned right next to each other, giving it the

illusion of being a powered unicycle. And even better, it might help save the



Ben Gulak has spent several years building the electric Uno that uses gyroscopic technology - like the infamous Segway commuter device - to stay upright.


The bizarre-looking contraption has only one

switch - on or off - and is controlled entirely by body movement. The rider

leans forwards to accelerate to speeds of 25mph and back to slow down. It has

two wheels side-by-side and has been turning heads wherever it has been



Ben Gulak designed the Uno himself with the help of a simple 3D program


The green machine is so small and light it can be taken indoors

and carried into lifts - and is recharged by being plugged into the



The wheels are

completely independent, allowing the bike to turn on a sixpence and the

technology takes the balance and guesswork out of riding a



Its 18-year-old creator is now looking for investors to get the Uno into production and onto the streets.


Ben, from Ontario , Canada , said: 'I was inspired to

make the bike after visiting China a few years ago and seeing all

the smog.


They all drive little bikes that are really polluting and I wanted to make something to combat that.


I started with the concept because if something doesn't look cool people just won't be interested.



The Uno works like a Segway - just tilt your body forward to start moving



Ben Gulak turns heads from onlookers as he rides past them.


After coming up with the concept I started to build it and now have the first prototype and the reaction has been amazing.


It has two wheels side by side and that means it is easier to turn as

they are completely independent and have their own suspension.


The bike has a 'neutral point' and when you lean forward it accelerates to keep the neutral point in the right place.



It has a couple of gyros and is basically self-balancing - it takes the guesswork out of riding a unicycle.


'The bike takes a bit of getting used to because you have to learn to trust it. But it doesn't take long.


'It takes any weight and weighs 120 lbs and can fit into a lift so you can take it

indoors to charge it up.


'Currently it has a top speed of 25mph, but that will be increased greatly with

bigger motors.


It has a range of about 2.5 hours and it is designed for the commute to work through busy

towns. I believe this could be electrical alternative to the car.


I'm just looking for an investor to help me get it into


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Bullet, de unde reusesti sa le scoti?


nu am mai frecventat f mult forumul in ultima vreme, dar in orice caz a trecut vreme multa de cand nu am mai vazut o motocicleta sa-mi placa atat de mult.


e grozava!!!!


Editat de Niku Chopper
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inca una



asta il stiu de ceva vreme, dar pe mine personal nu ma prea incanta...


mai e si vulcanul asta de 2000, care il vazusem la vanzare pe ceva site...







Editat de Niku Chopper
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da da da .... vn-u ala nesimtit e scula tare;piesa smekera ( cu toate ca nu sunt fan POWER cruiser ;) ) . e pe si e facut de thunderbike(.com) .are ceva timp ;) cand l-am postat eo prima data ( nu aici insa) lumea mi-a sarit in cap ! si am zis ... haules baules back off bithes ! :rolleyes: :laugh:

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asta il stiu de ceva vreme, dar pe mine personal nu ma prea incanta...


Nici pe mine nu ma incanta. Mi se par chiar penibile ,dar gustul nu se discuta.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
m-am gindit sa scriu cumva asta e motorul expus la SethonFire weekendul trecut?

daca aproape arata mult mai nu e OCC si nici 100mii$.





chiar nu m-am hotarat daca imi place sau nu...arata ''interesant'' cel putin. insa outlaw de pe site-ul lor imi place. (punct)

am vazut insa ca nu mentioneaza de la cine este asta pentru ca nu este facut de ei.

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