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Ce Kit De Lant,

Vizitator Andr3y

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Kit-uri lant RK - Takasago:


cod: 7501 Model: RS Extrema an:93>99 tip lant: 520 KS pinion/foaie:16-39 Pret: 88 Euro - la comanda

cod: 7759 Model: RS Replica an:93>04 tip lant: 520 KS pinion/foaie:14-39 pret: 88 Euro - pe stoc


PM sau 0727.285.805


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Kit-uri lant RK - Takasago:


cod: 7501 Model: RS Extrema an:93>99 tip lant: 520 KS pinion/foaie:16-39 Pret: 88 Euro - la comanda

cod: 7759 Model: RS Replica an:93>04 tip lant: 520 KS pinion/foaie:14-39 pret: 88 Euro - pe stoc


PM sau 0727.285.805


RK-urile sunt de cacao rau..... a venit cineva sa-i intind un lant care era rk si l-am intins a facut o tura cu motoru si l-am verificat era super intins.... l-am mai slabit iar a facujt o tura si era prea slab.... pana m-am prins ca de fapt era uzat prost si inegal..... si deaia nu puteam sa-l intind bine...... parerea mea este sa-ti iei DID

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Inainte sa generalizezi si sa spui ca sunt de kko, verifica te rog review-urile internationale, verifica sponsorizarile de la MotoGP si ai sa vezi ca RK este recunoscut ca fiind un produs de top. Asa si eu am intalnit o motocicleta DNEPR proasta si proprietarul i-a dat foc, dar asta nu inseamna ca toate sunt proaste. Conteaza si cine monteaza kitul, echilibrarea, etc.

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RK-urile sunt de cacao rau..... a venit cineva sa-i intind un lant care era rk si l-am intins a facut o tura cu motoru si l-am verificat era super intins.... l-am mai slabit iar a facujt o tura si era prea slab.... pana m-am prins ca de fapt era uzat prost si inegal..... si deaia nu puteam sa-l intind bine...... parerea mea este sa-ti iei DID



Am intervenit si eu pentru a completa ceea ce a spus Thomas, dar cu mai mult accent pe modul in care ai efectuat intinderea lantului. In mod normal, orice mecanic bun care intinde un lant cu uzura medie/mare (sper ca stii cum se verifica imediat gradul de uzura) verifica gradul de intindere pe toata suprafata lantului prin efectuarea catorva ture ale rotii, pentru a misca lantul. De ce se face asta? Pai pentru ca exact asta inseamna un lant uzat, intinderea lui este inegala pe diferite segmente. Acest fapt trebuie sa fie dedus si in urma studierii pinionului si foii, dupa cum arata si schita urmatoare:


In mod cert tu nu ai facut operatiunea de mai sus, astfel la fiecare noua reglare pozitia lantului era alta, deci avea alte tolerante.

De cele mai multe ori uzura inegala a lantului este generata de catre schimbarea lui fara a fi schimbate si pinionul si foaia, desi era cazul. Deasemenea, schimbarea kit-ului se dovedeste a fi mult mai rentabila decat schimbarea doar a lantului, urmata de schimbarea pinioanelor samd.


Uite cateva chestii utile:

Front and rear sprockets.


Visual Inspection.


1. Check carefully that the size of the sprockets matches the size of the chain (pitch, inner width and roller diameter).

2. Check frequently for tooth wear:

a) the crest should be regular and not bent towards the direction of travel (this indicates that the chain is too tight)

B) the sides should be symmetrical.




3. Check the inner and the outer sides of the front and the rear sprockets: if wear occurs it means there is a misalignment (this fault is more evident on the rear sprocket).

4. Make sure that the rear sprocket does not have any eccentricity, measuring in a few points, the distance between the bore diameter and the bottom of the teeth with a gauge. Also check that it is perfectly flat (by simply placing the sprocket on a flat surface or on another sprocket checking for gaps).


Checking Sprockets Alignment.


Once the front and rear sprockets have been installed check for correct alignment, which does not necessarily correspond to that of the wheels. Place a ruler or straight edge against the outer side of the rear sprocket and ensure that it touches the same side of the front sprocket.


Other Components of the rear Drive.


Frequently replace bolts, nuts and washers for the rear sprocket. Always use quality parts. When tapered bolts are used, make sure that they are compatible with the shape of the fixing holes of the sprocket. Aluminium and titanium bolts and nuts have to be treated in order to prevent rapid wear.

The fixing components of the front sprocket are also very important; check that they have not been damaged from mounting and dismounting operations. If necessary do not hesitate to replace them.

Check that the guide chain, the chain adjuster and the swinging arm guard are of good quality and not too hard a material. They should be of the right size and correctly positioned in order to avoid the chain hitting them during operation.

Check for the flatness of the rear sprocket carrier and for the efficiency of the rear hub in all the components (bearings, gaskets, pins, clamps).


Rear Drive Chain.

The rear drive chain is one of the most important components for the safe operation of the motorcycle.

The chain is subjected to constant stress under critical operating conditions, it also comes under environmental attack and is subjected to high temperatures in service. Only careful checks and maintenance will ensure a long trouble free life and high performance from the whole drive system.



Visual Inspection.


Check frequently:

1. that the joints move smoothly (i.e. the links should move freely)

2. that the plates, the rollers, the pins and the seals are not damaged

3. that all the seals, the rollers and the spring clip (if provided) are in place

4. that the spring clip (if provided) is not worn or damaged



Checking Tension.


Check the chain tension after the first 80 - 100 km (45 - 55 miles) driven with a new chain, and then after 300 - 400 km (170 - 230 miles). The check is carried out after you have positioned the centres of the front sprocket, the swinging arm pivot and the rear wheel on a single axis and the lower strand of the chain oscillates freely in the middle by 10 - 15 mm (.39 - .59 in.).


Checking Wear


Put the upper strand of the chain under tension.

Note the length of the chain, using a gauge or a line to measure

- for chains 520, 525, 530 and 532 use a stretch of 16 links, checking that the measurement doesn’t exceed 256,5 mm (10.10 in.) for chains without seals and 255 mm (10.00 in.) for chains with seals

- for chains 415, 420 and 428 use a stretch of 23 links, checking that the measurement doesn’t exceed295 mm (11.60 in.) for chains without seals and 293,5 mm (11.50 in.) for chains with seals To correctly measure the number of links shown go from the centre of one pin to the centre of the 16th (or the 23rd) pin next in line, depending on the size of the chain.


Note: the modern technology used in the construction of motorcycle rear drive chains has made old the checking procedures totally ineffective, such as, for example, measuring the side arrow, or even worse, the side flutter on the upper strand of the chain when shaken vigorously. These systems make even a new chain appear worn.


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Vizitator Andr3y

Daca tot e vorba aici de lanturi, spuneti-mi si mie unde pot gasi un service ceva sau un meserias sa-mi schimbe si mie lantul si pinionul.

Ca daca intind bine lantul meu si merg pe langa motocicleta, scoate un sunet aiurea, periodic. Si cred ca e lantul varza.


unge-l :peace:

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