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Another American story - Crater Lake, Oregon


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Cine n-a vazut, sa creada. America de Nord e frumoasa, foarte frumoasa. Si MARE. Pt mine, e America de Sud, intrucat locuiesc in Canada. Ca sa nu existe dubii, o sa-i zic insa Statele Unite. Nu stiu cate vieti o sa am nevoie sa-i vad a 10-a parte, dar o sa o fac, promit.


Am vazut prima oara Crater Lake pe google maps. Ma uitam pe timp de iarna la Rocky Mountains, la posibile trasee in sud, la vara care va urma, si am vazut intamplator, muntele asta ciudat, cu un vulcan drept in centru, perfect. L-am gasit pe urma si in ghiduri turistice si am realizat ca e o destinatie de atins.


Anul asta, am ales sa ating gardul care desparte Statele Unite de Mexic, si mi-am propus sa cobor prin dreapta muntilor Stancosi si Sierra Nevada, sa tai prin Vegas pana in San Diego, si sa urc apoi coasta, in sus, spre Canada. Protagonisti, Ana-Maria si Chif, calare pe un mandru 1200GS 30 years anniversary, pe care-l iubesc.


Un copy paste de pe wikipedia : Crater Lake is a caldera lake in the western United States, located in south-central Oregon. It is the main feature of Crater Lake National Park and is famous for its deep blue color and water clarity. The lake partly fills a nearly 2,148-foot (655 m)-deep caldera[1] that was formed around 7,700 (± 150) years ago[2] by the collapse of the volcano Mount Mazama. There are no rivers flowing into or out of the lake; the evaporation is compensated for by rain and snowfall at a rate such that the total amount of water is replaced every 250 years. At 1,943 feet (592 m), the lake is the deepest in the United States, and the seventh[3] or ninth deepest in the world, depending on whether average or maximum depth is measured.[4]

Crater Lake is also known for the "Old Man of the Lake", a full-sized tree which is now a stump that has been bobbing vertically in the lake for over a century.[5] The low temperature of the water has slowed the decomposition of the wood, hence the longevity of the bobbing tree.

Two islands are in Crater Lake; Wizard Island formed from a cinder cone that erupted after Crater Lake began to fill with water, and the smaller Phantom Ship has seven different trees living on it. There are also colonies of violet green swallows and several varieties of wildflowers and lichens living there.


Am plecat dis de dimineata, am traversat Seattle, statul Washington, am ajuns prin mijlocul Oregonului, si am pus cortul. A doua zi, am descoperit minunatia pe care o asteptam de mult timp. Inconjurat de multa zapada si natura salbatica, vulcanul doarme linistit, lasandu-se fotografiat ca o vedeta. Si merita.



























» Post actualizat in 01 Aug 2014 06:03

» Post actualizat in 01 Aug 2014 06:06

Cine-mi arata cum sa postez un video youtube? Merci.

Edited by chif
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» Post actualizat in 01 Aug 2014 07:47

Cine-mi arata cum sa postez un video youtube? Merci.

Cu https in fata.


Am fost si eu prin Sierra Nevada, Lake Tahoe anul trecut. Foarte fain. Pustiu, intins. Ai unde sa te pierzi.

Edited by Falkenberg
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Guest _Raul_

Super fain!

Dai copy la link-ul de pe youtube, ii dai paste aici pe forum si pui

- in fata linkului post-3763-0-75000000-1406909969_thumb.jpg

- la sfarsitul lui post-3763-0-15423100-1406909970_thumb.jpg

Bafta si numai bine!


Later edit:

Dupa ce am vazut filmuletul imi este mult mai usor sa inteleg de ce este GoldWing-ul asa populara acolo :).

Parca nu se mai termina drumurile acelea. Imense. Nici nu vad ce sa faci cu un motor mai mic pe acolo.

Edited by _Raul_
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  • 7 months later...

Inseamna ca lucrezi la Microsoft

Muahahahaa, tare! Abia am vazut reply'ul tau.



Super, cred ca in mai ajung si eu pe la craterul asta :)

O sa-ti placa! Cred ca o sa fie multa zapada.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tsunami :)


» Post actualizat in 31 Mar 2015 03:35

» Post actualizat in 01 Aug 2014 07:47


Cu https in fata.


Am fost si eu prin Sierra Nevada, Lake Tahoe anul trecut. Foarte fain. Pustiu, intins. Ai unde sa te pierzi.

Ce gume ai pe ea?

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