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  3. Mersi! External [ LINK 6 ] – Flowplayer (English) --- ft. buna calitate! BT Sport HD - UK
  4. (Daca e ca la Futura) cu grija la inclinarea rezervorului si rutarea furtunului de benzina la reasezare. » Post actualizat in 27 Mar 2017 07:05 Ia forumul american la frunzarit . Gasesti, cu siguranta, toate info necesare + oameni saritori, fara mistouri tipice Ro. Memoreaza pasii, apoi apuca-te de surubarit. Daca nu sunt rezolvate, ideal ar fi sa incepi cu probleme tipice Tuono modelul tau.
  5. Atunci e timpul sa verifici si prin airbox
  6. Assumption is the mother of all fuckups...Uite asa ajung unele moto chinuite de utilizatori nestiutori si cu renume de problematice. Pacat.
  8. Citez din user manual Futura (acelasi motor in mare): "The engine oil level must be checked with warm engine. If the check is carried out with cold engine, the oil level may temporarily lower below the “MIN” mark. This is not a problem, provided that the engine oil pressure warning light LED “*” does not come on, see p. 16 (INSTRUMENTS AND INDICATORS TABLE). NOTE To warm the engine and have the engine oil reach the operating temperature, do not let the engine idle with the vehicle at rest. According to the correct procedure, it is advisable to carry out the check after a trip of after covering approximately 15 km (10 mi) on a road outside town (this is sufficient for the engine oil to reach the operating temperature). Stop the engine, see p. 55 (STOPPING). Keep the vehicle in vertical position, with the two wheels resting on the ground. Check the oil level in the transparent pipe (1) through the appropriate slot provided on the left fairing." Pt. procedura exacta citeste din manualul Tuono. Daca vei incerca sa te mentii aproape de semnul de MAX, o sa ai surprize in airbox!
  9. Nu adauga ulei, pana nu ti-e clara procedura de verificare nivel! E prima Aprilia cu carter uscat pentru tine?
  10. Honda CBF 190X
  11. Cu grija pe ult. serpentine: deja se arunca sare!
  12. 29 mai. Cu moto se putea trece pe stanga: Mai sus:
  13. Curte interioara, monitorizata video.
  14. slyby

    Yamaha Xj

    Pe Diversion 4BR [1994] foloseam DOT4. Daca e moale = aer in instalatie. Mai aeriseste! » Post actualizat in 20 Dec 2015 18:12 Daca retin bine, poti pune linistit DOT3, 4, 5.1.
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