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Orice postat de P T R

  1. P   T   R


    Mopedist acrosat mortal la Oradea Scris de Cristian Horgoș - Miercuri, la ora 15:20 , aproape de girația străzii Ogorului cu Calea Aradului din Oradea, Âşoferița C.S. (21 ani), din comuna Nojorid, a virat stânga peste linia dublă continuă. Astfel, nu a acordat prioritate mopedului condus pe drumul prioritar de orădeanul D.B. (57 ani). Din nefericire, evenimentul rutier i-a fost fatal mopedistului orădean. PolițiÂştii rutieri continuă cercetările în cauză. Tragicul accident s-a produs la doar o zi după ce sute de motocicliÂşti au organizat o paradă în Oradea pentru a cere Âşoferilor respect în trafic
  2. Deja devi penibil pentru ca te faci singur de ras. "Rossi facea un teatru de 2 lei." ????? Deci milioanele de spectatori erau defapt gloata idioata, si probabil ne bucuram ca niste primitivi. Cred ca esti autist.La varsta ta nu mai este sansa de izbanda, deci imi cer scuze daca faci crize, am sa scriu mai bland pe viitor. Ca sa fiu scurt si la obiect,rezultatele vorbesc de la sine. Cand altii vor avea rezultatelele lui, atunci vorbim.Pana atunci, sa acuzi ca ba avut noroc, ba ca a avut echipa lui Chuck Norris, ....MUCLES!
  3. Si pe buna dreptate!! Electrizant momentul si dupa 3 ani de zile.A fost fenomenala cursa mai ales ca am vazut-o in direct. Fiind fan Rossi de peste 11 ani acum am un gust amar, cand urmaresc Gp'u pentru ca nu mai vezi asemenea lupte in care sa fie implicat el sau altii.El facea sarea si piperul.Sper sa mai revedem asemenea momente si in viitor.Chiar daca nu din partea lui. In amintirea vremurilor bune.
  4. Aici e coltisorul fanilor si fanaticilor VR.Lasati-ne sa fim noi prosti si orbi. Voi sunteti mai destepti si nu va coborati la nivelul nostru. Multumim... La revedere! si ca sa fiu ontopic...
  5. ce "raliu" e la Oradea? <U>asta ? Probikers Bike Marathon Oradea Probikers Bike Marathon va avea loc sâmbătă, 21 aprilie 2012, pe dealurile Oradiei, la eveniment fiind aÂşteptați concurenți din toate zonele țării. Competiția organizată de Asociația Probikers Bihor are ca scop promovarea Âşi încurajarea activităților sportive, mai precis mersul pe bicicletă. Concurenții îÂşi vor pune la încercare abilitățile sportive, pe traseul cu două piste de lungime Âşi dificultate diferite, situate între Oradea Âşi Zona Uileacului. Pentru profesioniÂşti există o pistă de 80 km, iar pentru amatori una de 35 de km. </U>
  6. Nu incerca sa poluezi topicul.Ironia ta denota din nou ca esti un semidoct.Fa tu un topic antirossi si acolo fa bascalie cat vrei.Nu de alta dar cred ca e de prost gust ceea ce faci tu. As prefera sa nu imi raspunzi la ce iti scriu si sa schimbi topicul.
  7. Nu, la Florin Piersic. Audi buys Ducati for €860 million Posted: Wednesday 18 April 2012 by Toni M. <BR clear=all> Numerous financial sources in Europe and the State are already saying that the Audi-Ducati deal is done (Investindustrial’s Andrea Bonomi almost hinted at it) even if there is no official announcement yet. A press release is expected later this afternoon following the Volkswagen shareholders meeting in Hamburg, Germany, that will formally give the okay to the acquisition of the Italian manufacturer for a rumored €860 million ( about $1.12 Billion). With the acquisition of Ducati, VW will add a 12th brand to their already prestigious line-up and chairman of the supervisory board of Volkswagen Group Ferdinand Piech, who has a Ducati, has crowned his dream of owning the Italian marque just a day after celebrating his 75th birthday, even though many aren’t happy of taking over also Ducati’s debts and liabilites which are calculated to be under €200 million. Apparently one of the reasons that the Volkswagen group wanted Ducati is so that they can finally compete against BMW also in the motorcycle market. Nationalistic Italians are angrily complaining that another important piece of the country has fallen into foreign hands and that it is still another sign of declining and uninterested industrial society, and hardcore Ducatisti are currently bawling their eyes out, afraid that their iconic brand will loose its independence and move away from Borgo Panigale, while everyone is conveniently forgetting that Ducati was once owned by the Texas Pacific Group and that Investindustrial, the private equity firm that just sold Ducati, has only advisory offices in Italy, while their headquarters are in Great Britain and Luxemburg.
  8. Din auzite de la cineva care il cunoaste personal,a zis ca Rossi nu e foarte simpatic ca la tv, si la urma urmei e normal,fiind deja sufocat de media si de multi fani fanatici.Ce e prea mult strica si probabil inclusiv a fi foarte popular la un moment dat deranjeaza. La urma urmei, conteaza e ca e om normal si modest,si mai ales cand se simte bine pe motor face spectacol.
  9. Valentino Rossi and Alessio ‘Uccio’ Salucci finished 18th overall in the opening round of the three-hour Blancpain Endurance Series that took place at the historic circuit of Monza on Sunday afternoon. The race was conducted in treacherous and monsonic weather conditions due to mini-cyclone Lucy that hit Italy during the weekend with the safety car entering the race numerous times. In the first hour of the race Rossi was at the wheel and was 9th after qualifying in 10th, but when it was Uccio’s turn to take the wheel he dropped back to 29th after an incident with the #31 Lamborghini also running off track, he managed to return to the race with steering wheel issues. The final hour saw Rossi bring the Ferrari 458 Italia into 18th (ninth in the Pro-Am class) and finish the race one lap and 1.57.8s from Marc VDS Racing team (Bas Leinders, Markus Palttala and Maxime Martin) who took the victory.
  10. Valentino Rossi received the Tapiro d’Oro (the interview will be broadcasted on Striscia la Notizia on Canale 5) at Monza where he’s racing in the Blancpain Endurance Series and the former World Champion decided to personally put a stop to all the speculation and rumors that have been running wild following his comments after the season opener in Qatar. It wasn’t a resigned and broken Rossi, but a combative racer that recieved the Tapiro d’Oro from Valerio Stafelli,, “This is one of most deserved Tapiro’s ever given in history. I’m ‘attapirato’ (a word created for those celebrities that receive the dubious prize) because I’m not competitive nor can I ride at 100%, while the others are faster. I want to win and I’m suffering because I’m so far back, “ said Rossi. There will be no divorce reported Rossi, “I’m staying with Ducati. We’re going to try to better in every single race and we’re not giving up” adding “we’re going to do everything to make the Rossi-Ducati duo work” Probabil sa faca un yamaducatonda, ca altfel ducatiu ducati ramane
  11. Loris Capirossi defends Valentino Rossi Posted: Thursday 12 April 2012 by Toni M. <BR clear=all> Loris Capirossi rode the first Ducati factory bike in 2003 when the Italian manufacturer decided to go racing in MotoGP until the end of 2007 and then did another stint in 2011 with Pramac Ducati before retiring and currently is Bridgestone’s Safety Advisor to Dorna Sports and was just appointed ‘BMW M MotoGP Expert. Six year’s riding Ducati’s, probably makes Capirossi the ultimate expert on the inner working’s of the company and how they think and react, but he is also Valentino Rossi’s friend and the two formed and worked closely together in the rider’s Safety Commission. Following Valentino Rossi’s controversial post-race interview in Qatar, that is still filling up pages and pages of Italian sports magazines and newspapers with talk of divorce and how to solve the thorny problem of sponsors, and when Audi buys Ducati what will they do with Rossi or if Rossi will retire or if he’ll form his own team with opinions from former Italian racers like Giacomo Agostini and Gianni Rolando on GPone and from Mario Lega on who criticizes the former World Champion’s vast ego that got him into Ducati in the first place. Dr.Costa offered his opinion the other day and now so has Capirex, who knows Ducati and Rossi slightly better than most of the people currently talking and seems to be the only one who understands what his former rival/friend is going through. In an interview on, Capirossi was asked if he would have vented like Rossi and what he thought about it, the former rider replied, “Probably I should have done it too, because last year I had problems with my Ducati, but he and I are different but this is probably my problem,” adding “No one can argue Valentino’s talent. He’s a champion and that’s for sure and everyone should bear that in mind before judging him. He’s won nine championship titles and before anyone talks they should win as much as he has. Better yet, everyone should keep their mouths shut. I think that he complained because being the rider that he is it isn’t gratifying that he’s fighting for positions at the back of the grid. I don’t want to blame anyone, let’s be clear on that, not Ducati nor Valentino, because I believe that that they are both working 120%, and that’s the most important thing. Also asked why Hayden has done better than Rossi on the same bike, Capirex said, “They’re just numbers and they don’t count now. Valentino was right behind him went he went off track, and when you go off track you need time to recover and there was no longer time to catch up, because when a bike isn’t competitive you can’t catch up. That said, I’m sure after this season Valentino will be ahead of all other Ducati riders. One race doesn’t make the difference. Situations like these have happened to me too. I know how it works. Unfortunately, we live in a very difficult world. When you don’t get results everyone starts to talk and make judgments. I believe that in Valentino’s case it is envy. He has done so much for motorcycling and if someone can attack him now they are happy. I’m always on rider’s side and will always defend him. He’s a champion and has won a lot. He’s having a difficult time, probably with a non-competitive bike. So guys, try to understand it.” “Valentino is certainly giving his best . He gave a lot of important information to the team, who should follow him. As he said himself, Valentino is not an engineer, but has lots of experience and Ducati should try to follow what he says. A rider always has a lot to teach to a team. “
  12. P   T   R

    Poze Din Iesirile Oradenilor

    Multumesc de urari, fiecare ar trebui sa incerce macar o data sa vada ce inseamna. cat despre next race,ramane de vazut dupa nunta
  14. P   T   R

    Sezonul incepe prost

    fara permis...... natural selection
  15. mersi:) nu merg in vacanta...dar revin cu poze de pe circuit.
  16. Pentru degetel - uite batalie intre 2 egali, cat talent din partea amandouara., dar Rossi aici a fost pur si simplu magic.Superb!!
  17. Eu sper sa ramana alaturi de sportul pe 2 roti si nu cel cu 4. Indiferent cand va renunta la motogp, eu tind sa cred ca nu va pleca pana nu va dovedi ceva in anul respectiv. Eu nu vreau sa il vad neaparat campion mondial, dar vreau sa il vad in frunte facand exact ceea ce ii place si ceea ce il caracterizeaza:sa se joace. Nu sunt fanatic,sunt doar fan Rossi.Dar tot o data respect si ceilalti piloti. Un zambet o lacrima
  18. @9Fingers:Fara sa te superi sau sa te manifesti ulterior ...[ Vorbim de lucruri clare si palpabile, nu de ipoteze si fantezii. 9 (noua ca si nickul tau) Titluri are rossi.Scurt.Ipotezele si scuzele nu merg alaturi,ba ca Furusawa le-a facut,ba ca a luat Rossi steroizi sau ca le-a castigat din prost noroc.. .Faptele vorbesc. 9 titluri sunt 9 titluri nu 2. Maine incepe sesiunea a 2-a de teste de la Sepang.Stoner va fi cel mai rapid.De la locul 2 in jos va fi interesant.
  19. exercitiul e etichetat ca fiind unul pentru piept dar lucreaza si spatele nu il recomand incepatorilor.sunt altele mai eficiente si care nu au un risc atat de ridicat de accidentare.
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