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  1. Feministi 😆

    Pana-n una alta, cat mai au la dispozitie motoarele cu combustie, 10, 20 ani? Imi e mila de Supre, GTR-uri, supercaruri de colectie..


    @robert23mg, l-am redenumit in moto electrice caci era la aria moto si l-am facut pe asta la aria auto.

  2. De pe FB:


    Aprilia Racing and Andrea Dovizioso will be together on the track in Jerez from 12 through 14 April. 

    Andrea will conduct a test on the 2021 RS-GP that will race in the World MotoGP Championship and which, ridden in its début tests by #AleixEspargaró and #LorenzoSavadori, provided good sensations straight away.

    “It was a pleasure to invite Andrea. The days in Jerez will simply be a chance to get to know one another better, also on the track. It will not be a ‘trial matrimony’ but an opportunity to turn some laps together without any binding commitment for the future. We are well aware of all Andrea’s qualities and his contribution will be important, even for just one test.”
    “I was pleased by Aprilia’s interest and when we spoke about the possibility of doing this test, I gladly accepted the invitation to be able to ride a MotoGP bike again and to stay in form, giving the engineers my feedback. I wish to thank Aprilia Racing for this opportunity.”
    #Alpinestars #RedBull #MucOff #AudiZentrumBologna #Penske #MotoGP




  3. Un 600 e mai "permisiv" sa zic asa, e mai usor, e mai manevrabil plus ca mesteci prin mai multe trepte de viteza fata de un 1000 pe circuitele noastre. Eu m-am dat si pe 600 si pe 1000, cu 600 m-am inteles de minune dar cel mai fun a fost cu o Yamaha de 125cc pe circuitul de la Tg. Secuiesc. Sunt multi raceri care prefera 600cc, printre care si Pascota.

    Cati bani bagi intr-una bagi si in aialalta, plus minus.

  4. Daca e servisata corect nu se degradeaza nimic mai repede. Orice 600 e potrivit daca esti incepator in ale circuitului, ca exemple Honda CBR 600 RR, Kawasaki ZX6, Yamaha R6..

    Trebuie sa ai in vedere un combinezon bun, pregatit de tavaleala, un set de carene de circuit ca sa nu te doara sufletul cand dai cu ea de pamant, scarite racing obligatoriu si niste gume de calitate (pot fi si SH, de la baietii care mai vin la circuit). Cu timpul ai sa simti ce iti mai trebuie.

    Poti lua legatura cu Denis aici:

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