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Orice postat de Dobrescu
Sa va raspund la toti! Se joaca pe iarba artificiala, e super ok. Se joaca in nocturna, ca sa terminati cu munca pe la 5-6 si ne vedem la 7. Aplaudacii, pardon, copii de mingi sunt bineveniti! Smokey, deja te roade invidia ca esti departe. Woo, asa este. Sunteti baieti de treaba, asa ca trebuie sa v-o tragem! Hehehe... Hai sa va aud, care te bagi in echipa mea? Sa nu va prind la SBZ ca va rup picioare... Dan, stii sa aperi sau doar umpli bine poarta? Cred ca avem un candidat! Echipa este formata din 5 oameni. O sa jucam 10 minute sau 2 goluri.
Chestiile astea sunt delicate, se discuta doar intre patru ochi... suna-ma cand te intorci.
MOTOFOTBAL Pentru a ne mentine in forma pe duara iernii, va invitam la⌠MOTOFOTBAL. Astfel, in fiecare marti si joi vom juca fotbal la baza de langa Sala Polivalenta Orgolii la nivel inalt, genunchiul pe jos la cornere si alte slidere, amatori, piloti, aplaudaci, forumisti, galeriile oficiale⌠toti sunteti asteptati! SBZ.RO versus MOTOCICLISM.RO Capitanii de echipa adica Denis si cu mine vom alege echipele, dar oricine poate sa vina cu echipa lui, cu conditia sa fie moto-forumo-fotbalisti! Hai sa ne adunam cat mai multi ca iese distractie pe cinste!
Uite ce zic aia de la Revista SuperBike despre modelul 2003: Like a post-natal Catherine Zeta Jones, the 2003 Kawasaki ZX-636R has toned up its tummy and ditched the frumpy dresses in favour of the latest in fashions. Eleven kilos has been shed from the previous 636 and it can now boast the title of first Japanese sports 600 to wear radially mounted brakes and upside down forks. It was only ever going to be a matter of time really. Although the GSX-R600 has been the class bully in the past its time has come to an abrupt and emphatic end. The Gixer hasnât so much had to step down as piss off quick before it got its head caved in. This might only be temporary until the 2004 bikes swaggers into town, but for now the new 636R is the king, and itâs now that counts. Within seconds of being on the bike the mind set of riding a 600 had to change in favour of something much bigger as the sensations normally reserved for GSX-R1000s and Turbo Hayabusas kicked in. Although this year's motor is almost brand new, development time could be greatly reduced by designing it around set dimensions from the last year's bike. Mix this in with lighter parts and a revised cylinder head, delivering more power, combined the weight loss over the whole bike turns the whole thing into a fucking missile. First gear mingers off the throttle arenât a problem and even in second gear the front will come up on the clutch from as low as 20mph. All this demonstrates the huge midrange of the engine that simply blows the others away. Even a GSX-R750 would be run close with only five foot-pounds of torque to spare over the lean, mean and possible green ZX. The extra pull also makes road riding a more relaxed affair, since you simply donât have to work the engine as hard to make progress. The engine isnât the only thing to rave about on the 636R. The new radially mounted brakes make even the GSX-R stoppers feel like they were crafted by Pinocchioâs old man. Itâs probably just as well, because when a bike is as fast as this good brakes arenât just a plus theyâre a life preserver. With the ZX splitting the difference between the CBRâs balance and manageable size and the GSX-Râs willingness to hustle it really does just let you get on with setting the bike up for the next corner and powering through. It leans forever and displays incredible agility. The forks on the ZX could do with a little tweaking to slow them down and over aggressive steering input can upset things slightly, which isnât the case on the GSX-R. Mark Davies, a supersport rider who raced the 2003 ZX-6RR version, wanted to take this bike home with him. âWhat can I say about this bike? Itâs the ZX-6RR on speed. This bike is not eligible for Supersport racing because itâs 36cc too big, but wow do those extra 36 cubes make a difference. It feels like a 750, the low-down grunt it gives you and the extra top speed is just fantastic. Second gear wheelies are just a walk in the park. Itâs got the brakes, the front end, the handling and the power. This is by far the best bike in this class for the road, but unfortunately not for the races. But who knows, halfway through the season if Iâm not winning I might just have to wheel one of these babies out. No one would notice would they?â Unlike the 2003 R6, the ZXâs styling is bang up to date. Gone are the analogue clocks, manual fuel tap and sports-touring seat. Itâs still comfy for the rider, just less accommodating for a pillion, but if you want to take a pillion buy a different bike. The new clocks are about as whiz bang as youâre going to find, using a single digital unit with sweeping LCD rev-counter, which isnât as hard to read as it might look. The all-new ZX-636R set our collective pants on fire. In addition to the smouldering remains of our underwear went the 600cc supersport rulebook to boot. This bike does everything better than all the rest. Itâs razor sharp in both looks and handling and has all the trick bits you need to keep up with the Joneses. The ZX-636R has done to the 600 class what the GSX-R1000 did to the superbike filed two years ago. Until the new GSX-R600 turns up next year the ZX is king of the hill Engine 99% Chassis 98% Brakes 97% Styling 96% Overall 98%
Ce inseamna intuitia feminina!!!
Dupa cum v-am zis din momentul in care am vazut ca "majoritatea" a decis: o mare teapa. Cand stabiliti o locatie, incercati sa va ganditi la toate aspectele.
Service United Motors. Simplu.
Eu am fost vineri acolo, pe al 15 si am mancat pizza. Preturile sunt aceleasi, cel putin la bere fara alcool. Vineri pe la 12 noaptea am fost si pe la The Jack, ca sa nu vorbesc in necunoastere de cauza! O mare teapa.
Ma duc si eu acum acolo, sa vad care e traba. Bine ca e ok, restul nu conteaza.
Daca zici ca e asa buna-buna, trebuie sa-i mai dai tu inca 3 euro, doar ca te-ai uitat la ea!!!
Ba comment. Este facut doar ca sa intre cu el in SB. Oricum, Andi zicea ca nu anul asta o sa fie lansat.
Inca odata, LMA COZO!!!
Mare lansare azi, 4 noiembrie 2004 la Buzau. DESMO CLUB MOTOR si-a deschis showroom-ul pentru KTM, DUCATI si MOTO GUZZI. Showroom-ul este foarte mare, sper sa aiba si vanzari pe masura. Pozele o sa vina in curand, prin amabilitatea d-lui Trica. Succes!
Tic-tac doar daca e motor in 2 timpi...
Interesant. Cine este juriul? Cu alte cuvinte, daca la Etrusco nu ne mai putem vedea, NOI propunem restaurantul Senatos, de la intrarea in parcul Stadionului National.
Da, uitasem ca te roade invidia si pe superbele mele scootere!!! Ce treaba are frate productia de betrolu' si productia de ulei? Aia e baza. Ce cusurgii!
Lasa-l pe Soso, ca-l roade invidia ca nu are motor de oras! Remu1, remarca nu are nici o logica. De unde are Japonia materie prima pentru tot ce face?
Sa o stapanesti sanatos. Si uite asa, pas cu pas dispar si comunistele... pacat.
Daca nu ai nimic e ok. Acum o sa belesti ochii la nisip. Cauta topicul meu cu prima cazatura si nisipul. Pentru 50cmc ai nevoie de carnet categoria A1.
Poti face revizia unde vrei tu. Poti sa o faci si pe strada? Ai carte de service? Pentru ca revizia sa fie valabila (din punctul de vedere al acordarii garantiei) trebuie ca service-ul respectiv sa fie autorizat de catre Kawasaki. Astfel, pe cartea ta de service se pun stampile pentru fiecare revizie, pe baza carora Kawasaki, avand incredere ca dealerul sau a facut reviziile corespunzator, acorda garantia.
Lasa ma, ca doar nu scrii cu dedicatie, mai citim si noi! Hai ca sunt curios, sa vad ce zici de motorul tau.
Nu arata rau deloc! De fapt, arata bine, chiar imi place. Pune mai multe poze!
Bravo, sa-l stapanesti sanatos si sa te vedem cu el peste tot la anul, ca de vazut se vede bine...
Raliu hard enduro in Romania
topic a răspuns lui Dobrescu în digitallysaneul Discutii generale enduro si motocross
Pai sa-ti povesteasca Nitescu de de nu au colaborat. Este destul de interesant, si romanesc. -
Lasa ma, ca de fiecare data ma vezi cu sticla in mana ma intrebi daca vreau ceva de baut!!!