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Orice postat de TheFatBob

  1. TheFatBob


    Ghita,a costat cam 800lei total(CI,ITP,talon,asig 6 luni,numere pref)pt un motor adus in 2012 din USA. presupun ca daca e din Ro,costurile-s sub jumatate. mai bine intreaba-i pe ei direct: succes.
  2. TheFatBob

    suicide shifter

    i didnt....lucrurile au mers in alta directie dar, nu e o idee abandonata inca...
  3. TheFatBob

    HD Dyna corner

    FXDX-ul n-a fost sa fie...asa ca am luat un FatBoy 1998
  4. daca intereseaza pe cineva, sporty Hugger 883,an 1992 =2499 lire + transport din UK.
  5. daca intereseaza pe cineva,e de vinzare,undeva in UK.
  6. TheFatBob

    HD Dyna corner

    al tau e din 2000 nu?deci e injectie si vrei sa-i pui carb...bun. te intreb cum merge,ca ma bate gindul sa iau si eu un FXDX.
  7. TheFatBob

    HD Dyna corner

    cum mai merge harlanu?probleme ceva?
  8. TheFatBob

    Furca Springer

    pe aia neagra o mai ai? ia uite-te si la furca de pe motorul asta......
  9. eu nu imi bat capul cu duc la concertele care ma intereseaza,si basta....
  10. TheFatBob

    "free Talk"

    Wizz Air’s low fares arrive on new London-Luton to Sibiu route Published: 14 February 2014 Wizz Air, the largest low-cost airline in Central and Eastern Europe* have announced a new route from London Luton to Sibiu, Romania which will commence on 14th June 2014. The new service will initially operate two times a week. Sibiu is the 6th Romanian airport to be served by Wizz Air from London Luton which underlines the popularity of Wizz Air’s low fares. Tickets for the London Luton to Sibiu flights are already on sale and can be booked on with fares starting from as low as £29.99 (one way, taxes included). WIZZ AIR’S FLIGHTS FROM LONDON LUTON TO SIBIU Starts -14th June Operating Days - Tuesday, Saturday Fares from £29.99 - one way price including taxes -Ends- For more information contact Daniel de Carvalho Wizz Air Group; +41-22-5559889 or London Luton Airport Press Office
  11. TheFatBob

    Emigrare UK

    sa citeasca aici: sau sa navigheze pe tot forum-ul,o sa gaseasca multe info despre UK. succes. Wizz Air’s low fares arrive on new London-Luton to Sibiu route Published: 14 February 2014 Wizz Air, the largest low-cost airline in Central and Eastern Europe* have announced a new route from London Luton to Sibiu, Romania which will commence on 14th June 2014. The new service will initially operate two times a week. Sibiu is the 6th Romanian airport to be served by Wizz Air from London Luton which underlines the popularity of Wizz Air’s low fares. Tickets for the London Luton to Sibiu flights are already on sale and can be booked on with fares starting from as low as £29.99 (one way, taxes included). WIZZ AIR’S FLIGHTS FROM LONDON LUTON TO SIBIU Starts -14th June Operating Days - Tuesday, Saturday Fares from £29.99 - one way price including taxes -Ends- For more information contact Daniel de Carvalho Wizz Air Group; +41-22-5559889 or London Luton Airport Press Office
  12. @alex22_xxx,incearca aici,vezi ce oferte iti fac: succes.
  13. TheFatBob

    CUSTOM PAINTING ce stiti despre tehnica asta?
  14. primul mare eveniment: next: and next:
  15. pt voi,poze din Kernow,de la un dealer RoyalEnfield &Shit!
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