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Orice postat de RENEGADE

  1. Asta ma intreb si eu. Merci Luigi ca ai pus topicul la loc. Disparuse...
  2. Am o fotografie pentru el! Merci!


    Gabi: vezi ca iti pun anutul si e un forum 4x4. E ok?
  4. Vorbeste cu "katran" aici pe site ca face el asa ceva la masina. /index.php?/topic/27510-accesorii-home-made/page-38


    A iesit frumos. Pe mine ma batea gandul de o instalatie eoliana VAWT. Daca cauti pe net o sa vezi despre ce vorbesc. Inca studiez problema. Mai e vorba de niste lagare din magnet de neomidiu pe care trebuie sa-i gasesc si apoi incorporati in baza turbine. E putin mai complicat dar nu imposibil.


    Vorbim luni la schimb. Vezi ca e un Nightster la vanzare. Se preteaza la customizare destul de frumos. Chiar si bobber.

    New Star on the Horizon

    Un cafe-racer hibrid cred. Ceva deosebit oricum.


    Pai si cu Intruderul ce ai facut? L-ai dat? Era k lumea ca se preteaza la customizare mult de tot. In textolit poti sa lucrezi cu aparatul ala?
  9. @windfucker: scuze daca te-am deranjat dar scopul nu era sa atac ceva la postul tau ci sa separ cele doua idei. @HD: te-ai gandit sa-i intrebi pe cei de la HD de ce le-au separat? Poate o sa primesti un raspuns.
  10. Eu faceam referire la remarca lui windfucker care zicea de motorul sau EVO de 1340cmc, care tip de motor nu a fost montat niciodata pe vreun Sportster. Pe Sportster era un alt motor EVO dar de 883cmc apoi de 1100cmc si ulterior de 1200cmc. Cat despre motoarele Big Twin EVO fata de EVO Sportster, eu zic ca desi unii vor sa spuna ca sunt acelasi lucru eu zic ca nu e chiar asa. Motorul de Sportster nu este Big Twin. Inca... In primul rand cadrul de Sp. nu se potriveste cu un Big Twin. Apoi transmisia si asa mai departe. Am pus varianta de la Wiki in engleza ca e mai usor decat sa explicam traducerea. Evo Sport. The quasi-unit construction of the Harley-Davidson Sportster, which has been part and parcel with the highly successful model line since its inception, was retained with the Evolution engine upgrade in 1986, resulting in a unique valve train configuration. Unlike almost any other engine in production today, the Sportster Evolution uses one cam per engine overhead valve, resulting in four individual, single-lobe, gear-driven camshafts. The cam lobes are thus all located one behind another, and pushrods are arrayed in parallel fashion as a result. This allows each lifter and pushrod to deflect from the cam lobes perpendicular to the lobe plane. This configuration is friendly to radical, high-output cams, making the Sportster Evolution a natural choice for the once Harley Davidson owned line of Buell Motorcycle Company sportbikes from 1986 up to 2003. The Sportster Evolution engine has remained largely unchanged from 1986 to 2006, though changes to the transmission, final drive and motor mounts have necessitated changes to the Sportster Evolution case. Construction is almost entirely the same between 883 cc and 1,200 cc versions; the chief difference between the two is a much smaller bore on the 883 cc, along with slightly different heads. Conversions from 883 cc to 1,200 cc are relatively inexpensive and commonplace,[3] and cheaper than the price premium to go from a 883 to 1,200 engine on a new bike.[4] Carburetors were standard on Sportster engines until 2007, when they were replaced by the Delphi Electronic Sequential-Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI) system. EVO Big Twin: The Evolution Big Twin saw a fifteen-year run in Harley-Davidson's "big bikes," in the Dyna, Softail, FXR, and Touring frames, and is basically a newer style top end and stroker flywheel assembly upon the slightly modified shovelhead case. The Big Twin utilizes a single, four-lobe, gear-driven camshaft located just above the crankshaft axis. While this simplifies camshaft replacement, it complicates the Big Twin valve train with tappet/lifters & pushrods that each deflect from the camshaft at wildly different angles. The Big Twin pushrods have a distinct helical appearance because the vertical plane formed by each cylinder's rockers (front-to-back) is exactly perpendicular to the vertical plane formed by the cam lobes (left-to-right). The need for one lifter & pushrod set to reach all the way out to the most outboard cam lobe gives rise to the Big Twin's tell-tale offset lifter assemblies, where the forward lifter assembly is located slightly farther out and rotated to enable the valve gear to make the reach. The Big Twin has been accompanied by a number of different primary drives and transmissions, both on production Harley-Davidson motorcycles and in custom applications. The aftermarket selection of accessories for these closely related systems is wide, as it is for the engine itself. The Evolution Big Twin motor is, for now, the last of the line of single cam, overhead valve motors tracing their lineage back to the ground breaking Knucklehead design penned by founder Bill Harley. In its 1994 to 2000 (FXR4) final configuration, with rockerbox and base gasket leaks fixed, it proved to be a robust, durable, and versatile power plant for all of the Big Twin platforms. It is also the largest aftermarket supported Harley Davidson design, to date.
  11. Motoarele EVO nu au fost niciodata montate pe Sportstere. Asa ca daca vrei sa stii cum functioneaza pompa de ulei la Sportster, lasa deoparte EVO-ul. E altceva. Aici gasesti ceva date tehnice comparate dupa anul de fabricatie. Nu stiu daca te ajuta dar e ceva in plus. Bafta! PS: Daca te descurci cu engleza iti sugerez un cont pe si sa intrebi acolo. Sunt mult mai multi "deshtepti" decat aici.
  12. @goodkat: Dupa ce ai cititi zeci de posturi aici la acest topic nu ai inteles ca la HD nu este totul despre "cat prinde" si cat de repede? Nu vezi ca esti pe langa cu tot felul de comparatii idioate? Aici se discuta despre Sportstere, nu se fac comparatii. Alea si le face fiecare acasa dupa ce citeste ce poate si ce gaseste. Asa ca opreste-te sa ne convingi aici pe acest topic despre cat de bune sunt japonezele. Mergi la topicul japonezelor. Acum ai inteles? Si nu ne mai tot induce raspunsurile tale. Lasa-ne pe noi sa alegem. Avem acest drept.
  13. Inca o sugestie daca imi permiteti: Nu mai dati raspuns cu "Quote" daca nu trebuie. Aveti mai jos in pagina optiunea "Reply to this topic". Sau daca dati cu "Quote" stergeti citatul ca se ingroasa prea mult topicul aiurea. Sarbatori fericite!
  14. De ce nu incercati inainte de a cumpara piese de Harley sa intrebati la HD Bucuresti. La consumabile au si in stoc produse. Stiu ca fugiti ca sunt scumpe dar daca puneti toate pro si/sau contra cam tot acolo ajungeti. Eu cel putin am o vorba: sunt prea sarac sa cumpar lucruri proaste. Cu atat mai mult ca piesele de schimb ar fi destul de costisitoare nu incercati combinari. E pacat de motor si de banii si nervii vostrii. Bafta! Mai e varianta Ebay sau Amazon dar e bine sa aveti codul de produs altfel riscati sa cumparati bull-shituri. Eu asa procedez. Exista site-uri pe net unde poti afla codul de produs dupa model si anul de fabricatie. Sau forumuri ( unde cu putina bunavointa si limba englez oricine se poate descurca.
  15. Pana la primavara poti sa-l aranjezi cum vrei. Ride hard!

    F L H

    Cel de pe Tocma e tzeapa. E undeva in Anglia parca si iti baga un mesaj de mai ca-ti vine sa plangi. Fiti atenti: Hello, The bike is registered in Romania, I worked there 9 months. I am the second owner of the bike, all the service books and original papers comes with the bike. At this time the bike is in my custody and used in Edinburgh/UK. I can arrange a transport to your country using a shipping company service for delivery. They work fast and they are using safety and a guarantee service. The name of the company is CARGOES LTD ( ) and they have a warehouse in Durham/UK. For shipping they will use a machine trailer and will not late more than 3-4 days. They will ask you for the money proof before starting the shipping procedure. You will have to confirm your payment by bank account to them and your money will be kept in a protection account until you make a decision ( keep it or not ). You will have 5 days to inspect it. If you like it you just sign the papers and they send the money in my account. There is also a refund policy included, in case that you do not agree with the bike condition. They just refund your money back by the same way ( bank account ). In this way there will be avoided any kind of problem which comes from the buyer such as from the seller! The costs of the transport will be 500 EUR but we can pay it on behalf so the total price will be 3500 EUR. I need the following info from you to start the deal: Full name: Street: Zip code/City: Country: Mobile phone no#: You will receive a tracking number which allows you to check the transport any time on their web page. Thank you ! Hello, The bike is registered in Romania, I worked there 9 months. I am the second owner of the bike, all the service books and original papers comes with the bike. At this time the bike is in my custody and used in Edinburgh/UK. I can arrange a transport to your country using a shipping company service for delivery. They work fast and they are using safety and a guarantee service. The name of the company is CARGOES LTD ( ) and they have a warehouse in Durham/UK. For shipping they will use a machine trailer and will not late more than 3-4 days. They will ask you for the money proof before starting the shipping procedure. You will have to confirm your payment by bank account to them and your money will be kept in a protection account until you make a decision ( keep it or not ). You will have 5 days to inspect it. If you like it you just sign the papers and they send the money in my account. There is also a refund policy included, in case that you do not agree with the bike condition. They just refund your money back by the same way ( bank account ). In this way there will be avoided any kind of problem which comes from the buyer such as from the seller! The costs of the transport will be 500 EUR but we can pay it on behalf so the total price will be 3500 EUR. I need the following info from you to start the deal: Full name: Street: Zip code/City: Country: Mobile phone no#: You will receive a tracking number which allows you to check the transport any time on their web page. Thank you ! No comment! Am vrut sa-i cer VIN-ul sa verific dar am zis ca nu are cazul sa mai lungesc discutia.

    F L H

    Nu inteleg cine vinde ce? Vinde cineva un FLHR? Cat, unde? What's all about?
  18. Chiar imi vine sa cred ca multi nu pricep mare lucru din ce se scrie aici. Faptul ca se poate face cross sau acrobatii sau commuitng sau se merge la drum lung cu Sportsterul nu inseamna ca acest model este cel mai tare la fiecare din categoriile mentionate. Normal ca nu se compara cu un Cross specializat de 80 de kile sau cu un FLHTCUI la drum lung sau cu un alt model preparat pentru acrobatii. Dar ce se doreste a se exprima si intelege este ca se poate face cate putin din fiecare cu acest model. Adica este destul de versatil sa faci cate ceva din fiecare. Repet nu inseamna ca este modelul perfect pentru fiecare din acele activitati. Este doar o varianta posibila.
  19. Nu mai fiti asa de pricinosi uni pe aici. Ce tot analizati posturile in loc sa va axati pe subiectul in sine! Sportsterul s-a nascut pe pistele de lemn la inceputul secolului trecut si a evoluat pana la un moment dat ca motocicleta de curse. Apoi incet a devenit ce este astazi. Ce este astazi? Depinde ce vrei sa faci cu ea nu ce scrie in carti ca ar fi. Daca vrei commuting sau sa faci plimbari lungi atunci asta este. Poate fi si cruiser si touring, naked sau cafe-racer, orice. Si atunci ce cacao tot vorbim aici?
  20. /index.php?/topic/681877-yamaha-xv-1600-a-wild-star/ /index.php?/topic/681810-ymaha-xvz-royal-star-1300/
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