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Orice postat de Reverse

  1. Costy imi pare rau ma de eveniment,ti`am zis si la telefon...lasa ca scuteru se repara si bine ca nu ai patit tu ceva mai grav,plateste amenda aia si ai grija in viitor! bafta omule si sa ne revedem pe strazi cu bine
  2. my point exactly , iti doresc multa bafta in continuare
  3. Daca mergi duminica cate 20 de km la terase si pe la everest e si normal sa nu prea te intereseze pretul.Eu personal nu simt decat o diferenta infima de 1% maxim schimbare in mersul motorului (omv 100 sau altceva de 95 atat timp cat benzina este buna de ambele parti nu cu apa sau mizerii).Cineva care face multi km/zi cum este Baiazid si mai sunt multi altii e si normal sa se gandeasca la diferenta de preturi ptr ca la multi km te gandesti ca mai faceai un plin de banii aia si mai puneai de`o excursie pe undeva.Eu fac peste 50 km pe zi (luni-vineri) si foarte multi in weekend si chiar nu ma uit la banii aia pe care`i dau pe benzina (n`am nici un merit eu,doar parintii) dar m`am gandit de destule ori la diferentele de bani si asta la modul in care nu prea ma ajuta cu nimica benzina de 100 fata de aia de 97 ,poate doar ceva in subconstient.ptr ca in mod sigur nu prind cu 30 km/h mai mult cu omv fata de petrom.
  4. eu sunt baiatul cu informarea si sfaturile
  5. Am un prieten care a comandat de pe site de la baiatul din UK,pot vorbii cu el sa va faca legatura sau comandati voi direct edit : cateva poze cu diferite rs`uri,gasiti si de la noi pe aicea din Constanta orasul cu cele mai multe rs`uri si cele mai modificate,tineti`o tot asa baietii
  6. Exhausts Arrow Mild Steel & Carbon Can: £TBA Jim Lomas Mild Steel & Stainless Can: £TBA Jim Lomas Mild Steel & Carbon Fibre Can: £TBA Jim Lomas Stainless Steel and Stainless Steel Can: £TBA Jim Lomas Stainless Steel and Carbon Fibre Can: £TBA Jim Lomas Twin Exit Stainless Steel and Carbon Fibre Can: £TBA Notes: All Prices are delivered to your door via a 24 hour courier within the UK. The advantage of stainless steel systems is that they are rust free so you will not need to remove it and repaint it like mild steel systems. Contact me for more details and pictures. Carbon Fibre Fibre-Lyte Carbon Fibre Yoke Protector: £15.50 Fibre-Lyte Carbon Fibre Instrument Surround: £19.00 Fibre-Lyte Carbon Fibre Filler Cap Cover: £18.00 Notes: All carbon fibre is made using the finest of materials and resins (epoxy resin) and NOT using polyester resins which are flexible, cheaper to make and can crack easily. Screens & Headlamp Covers Mk1 & Mk2 Skidmarx Standard Screen: £35.00 Evo Skidmarx Standard Screen: £35.00 Skidmarx Flip Screen: £35.00 Skidmarx Headlamp Cover: £18.50 Notes: Prices listed are for the following colours: Clear, Light Tint, Dark Tint, Black Tint. For Solid Black, Fluorescent Green, Dark Green, Bright Blue, Violet, Amber, Red & Yellow a £5.00 Surcharge applies. Air Filters CMP Racing Panel Filter: £TBA PiperX Conical Filter: £29.50 Bodywork Fibre Glass Body Work: £TBA Carbon Fibre Bodywork: £TBA Solo Rear Seat Unit: £TBA Carburettors & Inlet Dell’Orto Main Jets: £2.50ea. Dell’Orto Idle Jets: £5.50ea. Dell’Orto VHSB34LD Carburettor: £150.00 V-Force 3 Reed Block With Carbon Fibre Reeds: £125.00 Ignition Systems/Plugs Denso W31ESR-U Standard Plug: £1.75 Denso W31ESR-ZU Platinum Racing Plug: £6.50 Denso IW31 Iridium Racing Plug: £14.00 CMP Racing Programmable Racing CDI: £TBA Transmission & Clutch JT Sprockets 12 Tooth Front Sprocket: £6.00 JT Sprockets 13 Tooth Front Sprocket: £6.00 JT Sprockets 14 Tooth Front Sprocket: £6.00 JT Sprockets 15 Tooth Front Sprocket: £6.00 JT Sprockets 38 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £12.00 JT Sprockets 39 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £12.00 JT Sprockets 40 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £12.00 JT Sprockets 41 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £12.00 Renthal 12 Tooth Front Sprocket: £8.00 Renthal 13 Tooth Front Sprocket: £8.00 Renthal 14 Tooth Front Sprocket: £8.00 Renthal 15 Tooth Front Sprocket: £8.00 Renthal Alloy 38 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £20.00 Renthal Alloy 39 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £20.00 Renthal Alloy 40 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £20.00 Renthal Alloy 41 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £20.00 IRIS Heavy Duty Gold Chain: £48.00 Brakes Galfer Wavey Disc: £170.00 EBC Pro-Lite Disc: £115.00 EBC FA95HH Sintered Front's £15.00 EBC FA47HH Sintered Rear's £14.25 EBC FA95 Standard Kevlar Front's £12.50 EBC FA47 Standard Kevlar Rear's £10.00 Goodridge Stainless Steel Braided Lines With Zinc Fixings: £42.50 Goodridge Stainless Steel Braided Lines With Stainless Fixings: £65.00 Pro-Bolt Bolt Kits Engine Bolt Kit: £19.00 Fairing Bolt Kit: £28.50 Screen Bolt Kit: £7.00 Screen Bolt Kit (Smaller Heads): £12.00 Tank Bolt Kit: £5.00 Anodised Dust Caps: £3.50 (Pair) PRETURILE SUNT ESTIMATIVE +/- 10% O sa pun si poze cu diferite modele,paintjoburi etc...astept si pe altii cu chestii similare
  7. Am facut un topic cu piese si preturile lor ptr orice modificare la Aprilia Rs125...vor fi facute si ptr alte modele separat,informatii utile daca aveti puneti aici nu comentarii inutile venite de la diferiti "rossi" sau "ghost rideri" Exhausts - Arrow Carbon/Kevlar Can: £94.95 - Arrow Mild Steel & Carbon/Kevlar Can: £239.95 - Jim Lomas Mild Steel & Stainless Can: £199.95 - Jim Lomas Mild Steel & Carbon Fibre Can: £224.95 - Jim Lomas Twin Exit Mild Steel & Carbon Fibre Can: £224.95 - Jim Lomas Stainless Steel and Stainless Steel Can: £234.95 - Jim Lomas Stainless Steel and Carbon Fibre Can: £259.95 - Jim Lomas Twin Exit Stainless Steel and Carbon Fibre Can: £289.95 Transmission & Clutch Front Sprockets; - JT Sprockets 14 Tooth Front Sprocket: £6.45 - JT Sprockets 15 Tooth Front Sprocket: £6.45 - JT Sprockets 16 Tooth Front Sprocket: £6.75 - JT Sprockets 17 Tooth Front Sprocket: £6.95 - Renthal 14 Tooth Front Sprocket: £6.45 - Renthal 15 Tooth Front Sprocket: £6.45 - Renthal 16 Tooth Front Sprocket: £9.45 - Renthal 17 Tooth Front Sprocket: £9.45 Rear Sprockets; - JT Sprockets 39 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £14.45 - JT Sprockets 40 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £14.45 - JT Sprockets 41 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £15.95 - JT Sprockets 42 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £15.95 - JT Sprockets 43 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £15.95 - Renthal Alloy 38 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £20.95 - Renthal Alloy 39 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £20.95 - Renthal Alloy 40 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £20.95 - Renthal Alloy 41 Tooth Rear Sprocket: £20.95 Chains; - IRIS Heavy Duty Nickel Chain: £39.95 - IRIS Heavy Duty Gold O-Ring Chain: £45.95 - IRIS Heavy Duty Gold X-Ring Chain: £55.95 - Renthal Gold Non-O-Ring Chain: £35.95 - Renthal Gold O-Ring Chain: £49.95 Clutch Components; - EBC Heavy Duty Clutch Springs: £8.45 - EBC Uprated Clutch Plates: £35.45 Carbon Fibre - Fibre-Lyte Carbon Fibre Yoke Protector: £15.45 - Fibre-Lyte Carbon Fibre Instrument Surround: £19.45 - Fibre-Lyte Carbon Fibre Filler Cap Cover (6 Bolt): £17.95 - Fibre-Lyte Carbon Fibre Filler Cap Cover (5 Bolt): £17.95 - CMP Racing Carbon Fibre Front Mudguard: £82.95 - CMP Racing Carbon Fibre Rear Hugger: £76.95 - CMP Racing Carbon Fibre Heel Plates: £44.95 - CMP Racing Carbon Fibre Chain Guard: £30.95 Notes: All carbon fibre is made using the finest of materials and resins (epoxy resin) and NOT using polyester resins which are flexible, cheaper to make and can crack easily. Brake Components Brake Pads; - EBC FA126HH Sintered Front's £16.95 - EBC FA47HH Sintered Rear's £14.95 - EBC FA126 Standard Kevlar Front's £14.45 - EBC FA47 Standard Kevlar Rear's £10.45 Brake Discs; - EBC Pro-Lite Disc: £134.95 - EBC Pro-Lite Contour (Wave) Disc: £144.95 - EBC Rear Disc: £59.95 - Brembo OE Front Disc: £139.95 - Brembo MQ Gold Front Disc: £194.95 - Galfer Wavey Disc: £174.95 Brake Lines - Goodridge SS Braided Front Line With SS Fixings: £32.95 - Goodridge SS Braided Rear Line With SS Fixings: £32.95 - Goodridge SS Braided Front & Rear Line Kit With SS Fixings: £65.95 Ignition Systems/Plugs Spark Plugs; - Denso W31ESR-U Standard Plug: £2.45 - Denso W31ESR-ZU Platinum Racing Plug: £6.95 - Denso IW31 Iridium Racing Plug: £13.95 - NGK B10EG Standard Plug: £3.45 - NGK B10EGV Platinum Plug: £6.95 - NGK BR10EIX Iridium Plug: £9.45 Racing CDIs; - CMP Programmable Racing CDI: £194.95 - CMP Dual Map Programmable Racing CDI: £254.95 - CMP CDI Re-Programmer: £139.95 Screens & Headlamp Covers 1993-1995 - Skidmarx Standard Screen (93-95): £35.95 - Skidmarx Flip Screen (93-95): £35.95 - Skidmarx Headlamp Cover: £16.45 1995-1998 - Skidmarx Standard Screen: £35.95 - Skidmarx Flip Screen: £35.95 - Skidmarx Double Bubble Screen: £50.95 - Skidmarx Headlamp Cover: £18.45 1999-2004 - Skidmarx Standard Screen: £35.95 - Skidmarx Double Bubble Screen: £49.95 - Skidmarx Headlamp Cover: £18.45 Air Filters; - CMP Racing Panel Filter: £8.45 - PiperX Panel Filter: £18.95 - PiperX Conical Filter: £29.95 - PiperX Power Cone: £39.95 Reeds & Reed Blocks; - Hy-Tech Carbon Fibre Reeds: £19.95 - V-Force 3 Dual Stage Reed Block: £124.95 Carburettors; - CMP Racing 34mm Carb Kit w/ Rotax 34mm Manifold: £174.95 - Dell’Orto PHBH Main Jets: £2.75ea. - Dell’Orto VHSB Main Jets: £2.75ea. - Dell’Orto PHBH Idle Jets: £3.45ea. - Dell’Orto VHSB Idle Jets: £5.95ea. - Dell'Orto VHSB 34mm Carb: £149.95 - Rotax 34mm Manifold: £34.95 Suspension Front Forks; - Ariete Fork Seals: £6.95 - PJ1 Fork Oil 1 Litre (2.5W ~ 15W): £5.95 - CMP Racing Anodising Fork Service: £124.95 Rear Shocks; - Niton Adjustable Rear Shock: £312.95 - Nitron Fully Adjustable Rear Shock With Remote Reservoir: £409.95 - Hyperpro Adjustable Rear Shock: £329.95 - Hyperpro Fully Adjustable Rear Shock With Remote Reservoir: £489.95 Bodywork Solo Rear Seat Unit: £TBA Engine - VHM Head Insert (Standard Piston): £74.95 - VHM Head Insert (Flat Top Piston): £74.95 - Single Ring Flat Top Piston: £49.95 - Mikata 122 Rebuild Kit: £219.95 - Mikata 123 Rebuild Kit: £219.95 - PRO-X Piston & Rings: £59.95 - Small End Bearing: £5.95 - Top End Gasket Set: £19.95 - Full Engine Gasket Set: £34.95 - Main Bearings: £22.95 - Crank Case Seals: £9.95 Pro-Bolt Bolt Kits - Engine Bolt Kit: £22.45 - Fairing Bolt Kit: £34.45 - Screen Bolt Kit: £7.45 - Tank Bolt Kit: £5.45 - Anodised Dust Caps: £3.45 (Pair) Notes: Prices quoted are for 1999 onwards bikes, for earlier models contact me for information and prices. Anodized alloy parts are available in Red / Blue / Green / Gold / Purple / Black & Silver. Accessories - Renthal Grips (Soft/Med/Firm): £6.95 - Aluminium Bar Ends: £TBA - Silkolene Light Gear Box Oil: £TBA - Silkolene Comp 2+: £TBA - Castrol TTS: £TBA - R-Clips: £0.25ea. Dupa cum stiti (sau nu ) cele mai performante evacuari ptr Rs125 sunt cele Jim Lomas ,atasez cateva poze si niste detalii in engleza,cine nu stie limba ghinion These exhausts are pure race bred systems, they weigh one quarter of the weight of the standard RS125 system, not only are they lighter, they are designed to give improvements all through the rev range. These exhausts are non-restrictive and will increase the power output of your bike, as well as unleashing the sound of a real two stroke race bike. Jim Lomas exhausts are available in a range of materials; stainless steel, the stainless expansion chambers do not corrode so will never need to be painted if it gets mucky simply give it a rub with some metal polish, or there’s mild steel, although slightly lighter than the stainless system, they will be prone to rusting like any mild exhaust system. There is also the option of a twin system, this system uses the same expansion chamber design as the single, the main difference is it has two silencers! These systems are only available in stainless steel with carbon fibre silencers.
  8. astea sunt preturile acolo,mai adaugati vreo 20% asa cu adusul aici + ca daca pui kit`ul fara carburator,toba si filtru nu prea faci mare facut eu socoteala cat ar costa ptr rs sa`l fac full full si ajungeam undeva pe la 2000 euro motorul cu carburator,filtru si toba jim lomas,ambreiaj racing,placute de frana racing si inca cateva chestii....
  9. nu nu, o sa`mi iau un Harley de 125
  10. Avantaje gen...reduceri la bilete la teatru aveti acolo la DAC ? Cand ma fac mare vreau sa fiu membru HOG
  11. Aprilia - Yamaha-
  12. silviu facea comparatie cu k6`le lui,normal ca ii se pare ca un rs125 sta pe loc...adica...el ia 160 pe a1a in cateva`u ia 160 pe a cateva minute
  13. hai ca vin eu la tine maine,o rezolvam
  14. cat ma???segmentii doar???calm down,gasesti de la 50mii bucata la 20 euro...
  15. si uite asa am aflat si cine e ghostrider....relaxati`va baieti,calm,calm....
  16. vote for me , cresc salariile,pensiile si legalizez prostitutia
  17. gasesti ma baiatule in germania,dar asta nu inseamna ca o sa fie perfect astea`s afacerile voastre mie de ce nu mi`ai zis ma?
  18. corect franele uitasem,sunt muult mai bune ca la inteles insa ca si rs`ul 2006 are frane foarte bune,incomparabile cu cele din 2005 si anterioare....acuma nu stiu,n`am mers inca pe unul...
  19. Conteaza foarte mult cata grija ai de el ...cazuri in care sa ai mare grija si sa se tot strice sunt rare,cunosc doar unul ,Hammer de pe forum are probleme peste probleme cu al lui,foarte trist!!! in rest conteaza sa pui tot timpu` ulei bun,benzina buna,sa`l incalzesti,sa`i schimbi consumabilele la timp si nu o sa ai probleme (se rup des cablurile de kilometraj,se tocesc discurile de ambreiaj de la plecari in 10mii de ture si mers sportiv si cam atata) un rs pana in 10mii km gasesti si de pe la 1900 euro sa zicem daca ai noroc...mai are viata in el,sau poti sa`l segmentezi care nu costa asa mult (asta daca nu o faci la united motors ) atata imi vine minte,sa completeze si ceilalati care se pricep mai bine si stiu si altele.. bafta
  20. Na, NOS pe Mito 125 ... si e din Romania !!! asa ca nu va mai agitati ca pepsiurile si saritzi cu banii ptr nos
  21. nu se mai fabrica mito in 7 trepte de ~8 ani .nu prea se mai gasesc ,mai ales la noi...good luck with that...
  22. se vede ca n`ai nici o treaba...amortizorul de ghidon nu este reglabil deci este inutil nu ajuta la nimica,furca este marzochi,iar firma mv agusta este propietatea firmei cagiva adica nu e mare smecherie...iti zic sigur ca e aceeashi chestie,cu alt nume si conteaza doar gustul propietarului ...
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