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Postări postat de KINGS


    la fel de bine pot sa citeasca si sa creada ca se poate merge prin sahara cu ea :)


    nu-l cunosc, nu stiu ce-a facut si pe unde merge asa ca dupa ce vad ca amesteca preturi de showroom cu preturi sh nici nu-l iau in seama :D

    Si totui, textul de la sfarsit

    e definitoriu :


    But if you want value and fun ... and no Cache' ... Get a nice used DL650 V-Strom and never look back. Probably cost you around $5000 to $7000 USD. The Wee Strom is a 100,000 mile machine that will do ALL you ask of it without a lot of expensive additions ... and it will never break down ... or get stolen! (must be a reason why Motoradd magazine awarded the V-strom the Alpenfurher prize twice)



  2. Are you considering ONLY KTM? What other bikes have you ridden? For the use you've described, it leans more towards a bigger, roomier bike, pillion capable, and still able to commute and go off road.


    Get the 990 if you can spend over $15,000 ... then add another $2000 in extras and add ons ... which the bike needs. The 990 is big, tall and heavy. I'd do a test ride, with your wife ... see how it goes. Former experienced dirt bike riders love the 990. Re-Entry riders? I'm not so sure.


    The 690 does not seem to fit with what you want. It's also a bit unreliable ... read the ride reports and threads here to learn about myriad problems afflicting these machines. Great to ride ... Hell to own and maintain.


    If status and Brand are important for you ... then by all means go with something Euro. BMW, KTM, Ducati ... all make bikes that could suit you. But if you want something practical, cheap and easy to maintain: Think Japanese.


    If you have $13K plus, the Triumph Tiger 800XC is an excellent bike by all current reports.


    But if you want value and fun ... and no Cache' ... Get a nice used DL650 V-Strom and never look back. Probably cost you around $5000 to $7000 USD. The Wee Strom is a 100,000 mile machine that will do ALL you ask of it without a lot of expensive additions ... and it will never break down ... or get stolen! (must be a reason why Motoradd magazine awarded the V-strom the Alpenfurher prize twice)


    Are you considering ONLY KTM? What other bikes have you ridden? For the use you've described, it leans more towards a bigger, roomier bike, pillion capable, and still able to commute and go off road.

    Get the 990 if you can spend over $15,000 ... then add another $2000 in extras and add ons ... which the bike needs. The 990 is big, tall and heavy. I'd do a test ride, with your wife ... see how it goes. Former experienced dirt bike riders love the 990. Re-Entry riders? I'm not so sure.

    The 690 does not seem to fit with what you want. It's also a bit unreliable ... read the ride reports and threads here to learn about myriad problems afflicting these machines. Great to ride ... Hell to own and maintain.

    If status and Brand are important for you ... then by all means go with something Euro. BMW, KTM, Ducati ... all make bikes that could suit you. But if you want something practical, cheap and easy to maintain: Think Japanese.

    If you have $13K plus, the Triumph Tiger 800XC is an excellent bike by all current reports.

    But if you want value and fun ... and no Cache' ... Get a nice used DL650 V-Strom and never look back. Probably cost you around $5000 to $7000 USD. The Wee Strom is a 100,000 mile machine that will do ALL you ask of it without a lot of expensive additions ... and it will never break down ... or get stolen! (must be a reason why Motoradd magazine awarded the V-strom the Alpenfurher prize twice)

    Citat din :


  3. Cititi si mirati-va :


    Cititi si indicatiile 1) si 2)


    Deci ce inseamna 229 kg si ce inseamna 256 kg ?


    Scrie la V Strom "including oil,gas,etc" pentru 220 kg sau nu ? :


    Oare diferenta nu e de 36kg ?

  4. Initial am zis sa caut pe site-urile oficiale desi nici astea nu sunt chiar corecte, adica sunt mai mult un wish weight. Dar cum 12GS non lc nu se mai produce nu am gasit specs la BMW. Asa ca am luat si eu primul link gasit de gogu.

    Si am gasit asa Suzy : 220

    beemer : 229 :

    Evident ca la bemer pe site-ul in cauza se da si dry si wet iar la suzy doar wet. Dar 180 kg there dreams. F650GS Dakar are 178~179 asa ca redevenim seriosi.

    Daca nu va place Bikez spuneti un site care e mai capabil.


    1200 GS are 229 kg fara NICI UN FLUID !

    V Strom 650 are aprox. 220 kg cu toate fluidele ( inclusiv "gas" si asta inseamna vreo 20-22 kg !! )


    Asta scrie acolo......

  5. Mai mult ca sigur e si o chestie de buget in aprinsa controversa , pe langa diferenta de cilindree/lant - cardan/dotari. Probabil ca socoteala : un V Strom SH bine pus la punct ( 3500 eur - 5000 eur ) fata de un 1200 GS/GSA SH bine pus la punct ( 11.000 eur - 12.500 eur ), care genereaza aprox.7.500 eur diferenta, ii determina pe multi sa aleaga V Strom (sau altele).

    Teoria se aplica si la pretul de nou.


    - diferenta poate e lipsa la buget si atunci asta e ................, nu e nici o rusine.

    - diferenta e prioritizata pe altceva: casa, familie ,alte hoby-uri,alte nevoi pe termen scurt, mediu si lung, etc

    - diferenta se poate traduce in cateva(si nu putine !!!) ture foarte faine in care V Stromul (sau altele) iti e suficient ca sa te simti bine, implinit.

  6. pin-lock sa fie . Desi nu sunt sigur ca voi pastra casca actuala . E un Nolan N43 Air care permite Pin-lock dar care cam vajaie.... E adevarat ca nu prea am experienta cu castile si asta e confortabila . Dar am vazut si Acerbis Active sau Caberg Konda / Trip care imi fac cu ochiul .



    Poate consideri si asta :



    Sincer, numai experiente pozitive cu ea atat dpdv al "vajaitului" cat si antifog.

  7. @Adrian , da, e 2007, inmatriculata in oct . 2007 de catre primul proprietar . Cauciucurile au DOT din 10. 2006 , de unde trag concluzia ca sunt cele originale . Motocicleta avea 26.900 km cand am cumparat-o .



    Am ridicat suportul parbrizului in pozitia superioara . N-am castigat mare lucru in atenuarea turbulenteleor ( cred ) dar nici nu am mers cu viteze mari avand in vedere conditiile . Deci chestiunea cu parbrizul ramane in studiu , deschisa .




  8. Acum e vremea sa mai vorbesti odata cu Mosul si de ce nu u Iepurasul :

    Handguards, Crashbar, Cric central, Sidecase-uri,Topcase, Tankbag, Parbriz serios, Ungator automat lant( la capitolul asta precis starnesc iarasi furtuni pro / contra :) ) , GPS + GPS holder ( daca consideri ca e cazul) , incalzire Oxford / Saito sau alta ( daca consideri ca e cazul) , etc.

    Ai timp berechet sa stabilesti cand si daca e cazul bineinteles.

    Sa-l stapanesti intreg si sanatos.

  9. Nu tai nimic,in schimb vom vorbi la momentul potrivit despre o conversie tubeless....Zici ca e fiabila treaba???

    Pe vreme rea folosesc altceva.Cum ar fi:

    No,no,no....Alea sunt de bicicleta.Are baiatu" si arcurile necesare.In schimb cred ca voi avea probleme cu gaborii datorita locarii placii de inmatriculare....Si cu asta basta!!!!E topic V Strom.....totusi.

    Tocmai de aceea spuneam.. "in stilul acelor sei".Bineinteles ca nu de bicicleta.

    Tot respectul pentru munca ta. Cand te exprimi omeneste devii chiar un tip fain,de treaba.

    Spor la bobberit :)

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