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Dan Nastase

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Orice postat de Dan Nastase

  1. ...”Din ce mi-au zis baietii de la service, Givi nu a facut suport de top case pt acest model”... Vedeti mai jos suportul original GIVI pentru seria K si topcase-ul de 42 litri monokey montat la serviceul BMW Monza in 2016: Se monteaza elegant si usor in cateva secunde cu o trusa TORX: La multi kilometri frumosi ! » Post actualizat in 25 Aug 2018 12:41
  2. @ styuk, iaco, Am disponibile la Bucuresti (conform pozei) o sa cu gel si o placa dur-al originala Givi. Styuk, Saua daca a ta e in mintile ei o schimb + 100 euro. Iaco, placa este 100 euro, dar trebuie demontata de pe motor de un minitehnicus dotat cu chei corespunzatoare. Discutii PM.
  3. Salut Lucian! ​1. Priza electrica gen bricheta pt. consumatori suplimentari sau incarcare baterie. Se gaseste si pe E-bay sau Caranda:,0432_&diagId=61_1238 2. Curea alternator:,0432_&diagId=12_1472
  4. Date de identificare: Model:R 1150 RT An(i) fabricatie:2002-04 Tip motor:0419 - cod Serie sasiu:R22 prefix Capacitate cilindrica efectiva/numar cilindrii:1130/2 cmł/numar cilindri Performata motor:70 (95) 7250 kW (DIN PS) 1/min Cuplu maxim:100/5500 Nm/ 1/min Alezaj/cursa piston:101/70,5 mm Fanta inchidere segmenti:Nou=0,1-0,3/0,2-0,4 / Limta de uzura=0,8 mm Joc segment in canal:Nou=1,170-1,190 / Limta de uzura=1,100 mm Joc piston:0,005-0,029 mm Cifra octanica minima benzina:95/4 ROZ/2 o. 4 Benzina fara plumb:da Mentenanta - verificare si reglare Joc supapa admisie:0,15 (la rece) mm Joc supapa evacuare:0,30 (la rece) mm Compresie:8,5-10,0 bar Rata compresie:11,3:1 Sistem de lubrifiere:Carter umed lubrication Presiune ulei:3,5-6,0/- bar/1/min Sistem de franare Grosime minima placute frana fata:1,0 mm Grosime minima placute frana spate:1,0 mm Grosime minima disc frana fata:4,5 mm Grosime minima disc frana spate:4,5 mm Sistem de aprindere Sistem de aprindere :Motronic MA 2.2 with double ignition - tip Rezistenta bobina primara:0,87 Ohm Rezistenta bobina secundara:nu se poate masura Ohm Primary ignition coil resistance:0,36 Ohm Secondary ignition coil resistance :7200 Ohm Ordine aprindere cilindrii:1-2 Sincronizare aprindere - BTDC:0-43/- °KW/1/min Reglaj static avans:0 °KW/mm Bobina de inductie:Kerzenschachtzündspule - tip Secondary ingnition coil:Bobina cu doua iesiri - tip Bujii Bujie:NGK - producator Bujie:BKR7EKC - tip Distanta electrod:0,8 mm Carburatie/injectie Carburatie/injectie:Bosch - producator Carburatie/injectie:Motronic MA 2.4 - tip Turatie relanti:1100ą50 1/min Diametru clapa acceleratie:45 mm Joc cablu acceleratie:0,5 mm Continut CO:1,5ą0,5 Vol.-% Presiunea sistemului:3,0 bar Sistemul electric Lumini far:12/55 H3 Volt/Watt Semnalizare fata:12/21 Volt/Watt Semnalizare spate:12/21 Volt/Watt Lumini stop:12/10 Volt/Watt Lumini stop pe frana:12/21 Volt/Watt Sistem de incarcare Sarcina maxima:50/4000 A/1/min Tensiune incarcare:14/4000 V/1/min Tensiune/capacitate acumulator:12/19 V/Ah Greutate (incl. rezervor plin) Greutate (incl. rezervor plin):279 kg Capacitati fluide Ulei motor:15W/50 SAE Ulei motor:SJ API Ulei motor:MA2 JASO Capacitate ulei motor (cu schimb de filtru ulei):3,75 Litri Capacitate ulei motor (fara schimb de filtru ulei):3,5 Litri Tip lichid frana:DOT 4 - tip Ulei transmisie:90 SAE Ulei transmisie:0,8 Litri Transmisie finala/diferentialGL-5 API Transmisie finala/diferential:90 SAE Transmisie finala/diferential:250 cmł Ulei furca:10 SAE Capacitate ulei furca stanga/dreapta:450/450 ml/cmł Ambreiaj Ambreiaj fluid:DOT 4 Anvelope Anvelopa fata:120/70 ZR 17 - dimensiune Presiune solo/cu pasager:2,2 (32)/2,5 (36) bar (psi) Anvelopa spate:170/60 ZR 17 - dimensiune Presiune solo/cu pasager:2,5 (36)/2,9 (42) bar (psi) Cupluri de strangere Chiulasa:20 Nm - faza 1 Chiulasa:90° - faza 2 Chiulasa:90° - faza 3 Chiulasa:M10x85=40 Nm - faza 4 Chiulasa:M6=9 Nm - faza 5 Lagar ax came capac chiulasa:35 Nm Nm Prezon evacuare:an Zylinderkopf=21 Nm / Verbindungsschelle=45 Nm und Schmiermittel Capac chiulasa:8 Nm Magnetou/volanta:40 Nm+30° Pinion ax came:65 Nm Pinion ambielaj/cutie:10 Nm Bujii:25 Nm Filtru ulei:11 Nm Nm Surub golire ulei:23 Nm Buson golire ulei:32 Nm Nm Buson golire ulei cutie:30 Nm Nm Tensiune lant distributie32 Nm Sonda Lambda:45 Nm and lubricant Suruburi prindere etrier:30 Nm - fata Suruburi prindere etrier:40 Nm - spate Supapa aerisire frana:fata = 7 Nm / spate = 5 Nm Nm Piulite/suruburi ax roata:30 Nm - fata Piulite/suruburi ax roata:strangere initiala=handfest / strangere finala=105 Nm - spate Suruburi prindere ax roata:22 Nm - fata Nota: Informatiile prezentate in aceasta pagina au titlu informativ. Desi facem toate efortuile pentru ca aceste informatii sa fie corecte, inadvertente pot aparea. Ne declinam responsabilitatea pentru orice fel de daune, directe sau indirecte rezultate ca urmare a utilizarii informatiilor de pe acest site. » Post actualizat in 15 Jun 2018 07:22 FIXED! » Post actualizat in 15 Jun 2018 07:37 ”Piulite/suruburi ax roata:strangere initiala=handfest / strangere finala=105 Nm - spate”... Cred ca de aici a plecat ”buba” cu flansa-spate...
  5. Amici nostri italiani, zic asa: Bmw R1150RT INSERISCI Sospensione anterioreTelelever Escursione anteriore135 mm Sospensione posterioreParalever Escursione posteriore135 mm Tipo freno anterioredoppio disco Misura freno anteriore320 mm Tipo freno posterioredisco Misura freno posteriore276 mm Tipo ruoteintegrali Misura cerchio anteriore17 pollici Pneumatico anteriore120/70 ZR17 Misura cerchio posteriore17 pollici Pneumatico posteriore180/60 ZR 17
  6. Mai ai sa cuceresti Magadanul in camion si esti complet. FIXED! » Post actualizat in 17 Jun 2018 10:03 ”Pasiunea si amintirile frumoase sunt cu noi... indiferent de varsta.” » Post actualizat in 19 Jun 2018 08:26
  7. » Post actualizat in 07 Jun 2018 08:43
  8. @ PoliBuc: ... Pentru Motociclisti... pasiunea si amintiriel frumoase sunt cu noi... indiferent de varsta ! La multi kilometri frumosi ! » Post actualizat in 06 Jun 2018 10:01 » Post actualizat in 06 Jun 2018 15:47
  9. ... imi cer scuze ca amintesc aici cuvinte straine: Educatie, Caracter, Bun-simt.. QED ! ...
  10. Trebuie sa imi cer scuze ca amintesc aici cuvinte straine: Educatie, Caracter, Bun-simt... In viata, asa cum sunt unii care invidiaza colectia lui Jay Leno, sunt si altii care isi vor permite doar obiecte de uz comun. Daca, in timp, ele devin dragi inimii lor, acestea devin obiecte de colectie, fie ca sunt CZ-uri sau Doi Iepurasi... Cand amintim de BMW R90S Daytona Orange, evident vorbim de o piesa de colectie. Desi din cei 68 de ani ai mei, 50 ca motociclist au fost modul meu de viata, nu am mers niciodata pe aceasta bijuterie. M-am intalnit cu ele ”pe viu” in Germania, la fratii nostri de la Motorrad... si in varianta Orange si Silver Smoke... Si in SUA la un eveniment BMW di granda, chiar la Daytona, dar, din pacate, doar le-am privit. Am fost in schimb apropitarul unor piese ca cele din fotografie, una fiind un boxer R100CS luata pe roti din Herne si alta din Deggendorf, cu certitudine design Hans Muth. La multi kilometri frumosi !
  11. Orice ”pilot” sau ”bagaj”... are dreptul la filosofia proprie.
  12. Scurt, la obiect... La multi kilometri frumosi !
  13. The 1973 BMW R 90 S BMW commissioned Hans Muth to design the R90S, the flagship of the boxer engine. Whith a sporty two-tone paint job and styling bike, Sylver Smoke & Daytona Orange.
  14. Motociclete BMW 1975, color schemes ”One drawback of the R90S paint scheme is that it is almost impossible to retouch, meaning that damaged bodywork must be replaced, rather than repaired, if the bike’s appearance is to be maintained.” La multi kilometri frumosi !
  15. Single Wire System and CAN bus The BMW Motorrad Single Wire System (SWS) is an innovative, electronic vehicle wiring system for motorcycles. The data exchange is affected by means of CAN bus technology (Controller Area Network) via a single connection (thus the term Single Wire System), although in practice it is designed as a dual channel system. This vehicle electrical system offers a considerably larger range of functions compared to conventional systems in motorcycles, providing a significant reduction in wiring. Other advantages of this intelligent motorcycle electrical system are the weight reduction in the wiring harness, increased functional reliability and full diagnosis capacity. CAN bus in combination with the BMW Motorrad Single Wire System is thus a data network concept which makes do with a single data line. This connects various control units - rather like stops along a bus route (which is where the name "bus" technology comes from) - allowing permanent access to all data in the system. The basic principle of this technology is that all control units, sensors and consumers are linked into a network via a single shared channel designed for all signals, regardless of their later function. This network therefore permanently makes all information available at all times for all the components connected to it. Thus the complex cabling of each individual function is no longer necessary, greatly reducing the potential error sources of conventional vehicle electrical systems. At the same time, the permanent bi-directional data exchange between all control units provides the possibility of simple and extensive diagnosis of the entire system. The whole network makes do without conventional cut-out fuses: in the event of short-circuit or failure, the electronic system switches off the relevant function as a precautionary measure - the error can then be quickly identified when the diagnosis is carried out. In addition, errors are indicated in the multifunction display of the info flatscreen. This is a further bonus point for the high degree of reliability of this entire conception. After twenty years of experience with innovative vehicle electronics, BMW Motorrad has now taken another crucial step towards the future in introducing this motorcycle electrical system.Canbus 101 There has been a lot of discussion about the new Canbus and its implications on the usage of aftermarket equipment. The Canbus system in its fullest implementation could allow for a single communication line and a single power supply to be shared among all components. For example a turn signal could be a module, supplied with power and the data communication would tell it to turn on and off. Additionally all of these modules would not need to be fused as they would monitor current and if a short or other fault occurs, would disable the circuit until the fault was cleared. There could be a module for the headlights, horn, brake lights, etc. The implementation on our motorcycles is the same except that all control “modules” are contained in a single chassis control module called the ZFE. This ZFE has inputs from all switches and controls and outputs to all components. Each brake light switch has its own input as does each switch on the handlebar controls. Sidestand switch, clutch switch, neutral, etc are also input to the ZFE as individual inputs. Each powered component such as horn, lights, windshield, etc. has its own output from the ZFE. The ZFE has the software logic to determine what output occurs based upon one or several inputs. Each output is fault protected and most are fault tolerant as well, meaning that as soon as a fault is corrected an output will resume its normal function without the need for external intervention. We do not need to be afraid of attaching external devices to the Canbus equipped bike, we just need to be careful not to overload any of the ZFEs protected outputs. Any of the outputs can also drive a relay without fear of triggering a ZFE fault. Some of the ZFE outputs such as the one for the taillight, monitor for over as well as undercurrent situations. An undercurrent situation (burned out bulb) in the taillight will cause the ZFE to run the brake light at reduced brightness for safety until the defective bulb is replaced. Under that situation you will see a fault indicated on the instrument panel. As soon as the bulb is replaced the fault will clear and normal function will resume. Any additional lighting for brake lights or taillights should be implemented using relays and most importantly the original bulbs must be left in place or a fault could be triggered. LED taillight replacements must be designed to account for the ZFE monitoring, by employing circuitry that draws enough current to let the ZFE “know” that the bulbs are functioning. For external equipment I would recommend one of two different approaches. For small equipment such as a GPS, radar detector, communication system or satellite radio, there is an auxiliary equipment connector just in front of the battery. It is a three-pin connector consisting of a ground (brown wire), power supply (red with white trace) and speed pulse (blue with green trace). A mating connector with pigtails can be purchased from your dealer using part number 83 30 0 413 585 for around $25. I have successfully used this connection on my K1200s, Michelle’s K1200S and my K1200GT. It drives an Autocom Super Pro AVi intercom system, a Garmin 2720 GPS and a Pioneer INNO XM radio on all three bikes. Since this is a fault protected output no fuses are needed. The Autocom draws less than 150 milliamps, the GPS well under 1 amp and the INNO can draw as much as 1.5 amps when charging its battery. The auxiliary output drives all three items without a problem. An additional feature is that this auxiliary output is a “retained power” output, meaning that it remains active foe a few minutes after the key is turned off. For this reason I would not recommend this output to control a relay for auxiliary lighting. For auxiliary lighting I would recommend a relay driven from the low beam headlight wiring. Using the running light circuit to drive this relay takes it out of the “load shed” group and will allow your auxiliary lighting to remain on while starting the engine. Using the low beam headlight wiring (yellow with white trace) has the advantage of remaining off until the engine is started to prevent unnecessary load on the battery during the high load event when starting the engine. An additional feature is that this allows you to turn your key on to enable the GPS, radio or other accessory without the headlight or auxiliary lighting being on and draining the battery. On the K1200S the wiring to the headlight is easily accessible in behind the cover just to the right of the instruments. On the GT the wiring is in the same place, but lacks the exposed wiring that is on the S. I had to cut through a layer of cloth tape in a harness to expose the yellow/white wire to control the relay for my MotoLights. The actual plug and wiring for the headlights is behind the instrument cluster. There is no reason to fear using this headlight wiring to control a relay, by nature the headlight control line must be robust enough to control between 5 and 10 amps of lighting allowing for one or two 55-watt bulbs. There is a software update to the ZFE when the bike is fitted with a Xenon headlight (not available in the US) so there may be some concern that the ZFE is looking at a minimum current to the headlight circuit to monitor for a burned out headlight bulb. I am not sure how an aftermarket HID add-on will affect the ZFE monitoring.
  16. Nepoate, felicitari pentru obtinerea A-ului, este realizarea primordiala in exercitarea pasiunii moto. Pentru a nu fi scurcircuitat de diverse interferente ”grele” si neplacute in ”construirea” unei vieti frumoase care sa nu devina pe bune ”teroare”, eu cred ca un an-doi sa ”iti faci mana” cu un 500. Asta nu iti exclude formarea personalitatii bazate pe frumusete si rafinament... sau nu iti cere musai inregimentare in tagma cruiseristilor. Daca vom trai... Vom vedea. Pana atunci, repet, nu trebuie sa renunti la calitate sau eleganta, dar nici nu trebuie sa aruci pe himere cu bani multi. Drept pentru care, imi permit sa iti dau un exemplu concret si in consecinta: La multi kilometri frumosi, Succes!
  17. Multumesc pentru ganduri frumoase, senior Nicon. Motocicleta este o Pasiune frumoasa. Spaghetti Western Orchestra A totally unique musical experience - an incredible range of instruments ranging from pipe organ and bassoon to asthma inhalers and cornflakes! Thoroughly entertaining, great music and brilliant rapport with the audience - a wonderful treat, especially for lovers of Ennio Morricone's music.
  18. Dumnezeu sa il odihneasca! Sincere condoleante.
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