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Benzina Eco, E10


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Pai cred ca e aceeasi treaba ca si cu bio-diesel-ul. se zice ca produsele astea bio ar afecta furtunele (chiar daca sunt cele care rezista la benzina). A si in plus e mai ieftina decat benzina/motorina si de aici daca ar spune cu surle si trambite ca merge perfect cine ar avea de pierdut? :wacko:

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ba yamaha recomanda asa ceva.

la mine in manbual scrie exact cu ce tip de alcool merge mobra.


PS: 90% din autovehiculele din Brazilia merg fie cu biodiesel, fie cu alcool.

e mai ieftin si dupa tine miroase fie a bucuatarie, fie a distilerie... nu a apocalipsa. :wink:

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  ..IcemaN.. a spus:
ba yamaha recomanda asa ceva.

la mine in manbual scrie exact cu ce tip de alcool merge mobra.


PS: 90% din autovehiculele din Brazilia merg fie cu biodiesel, fie cu alcool.

e mai ieftin si dupa tine miroase fie a bucuatarie, fie a distilerie... nu a apocalipsa. :wink:


dazed-7.gif link


fiecare face ce stie mai bine cu mobra sa :wink:

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  vrajitorul din oz a spus:




Nu yamaha. In general producatorii de autovehicule :wink:.

La noi, in motorina este obligatoriu sa se gaseasca biodiese, parca 3%, procent care urmeaza sa mai creasca din cate am inteles.

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In State e benzina cu etanol din cate stiu, in Europa nu exista compozitia asta.

In manualul utilizatorului de V-Strom se recomanda o benzina cu cifra octanica mai mare de 91 si concentratie de etanol de maxim 10%.

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eu ma gandesc ca din moment ce producatorul nu recomanda folosirea benzinei e10, trebuie sa aibe niste motive intemeiate, nu cred ca yamaha isi permite sa dea comunicate de presa "la misto", presupun ca sunt documentate - eu nu ma pricep la "tehnologia" benzinei de aceea am intrebat pe forum poate sunt specialisti care ne pot da mai multe detalii



daca e greu sa se citeasca linkurile postate pun un citat din ele :wink: :

unul din articole, sunt mai multe surse

Here in the United States, the use of E10 (10 percent ethanol, 90 percent gasoline) is already widespread, and, generally speaking, all cars, trucks and motorcycles currently sold in the U.S. have been running fine using this fuel. Things are apparently a bit different in France, though, where the use of E10 is just now beginning to become common. According to reports, at least one major manufacturer is currently advising its customers to avoid E10 until further testing is complete.


Yamaha's French Technical Service is reportedly accelerating durability testing in an attempt to validate that its vehicles are compatible with E10. In the meantime, the group is informing its customers that oxidation inside the gas tank and swelling or degradation of rubber components that come in contact with the fuel are potential problems. These are well-known issues, and none of them are all that difficult to overcome, so we're assuming Yamaha will get the issue taken care of ASAP.


@Chivu - poate ca eram obosit si ma insel, dar sambata in slatina cred ca am bagat de la rompetrol - 95 cu ceva eco ?!?!?

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E10: you're using it right now


It's not widely known but a lot of petrol companies now blend up to 10% ethanol into their petrol products without really admitting to it, much less advertising the fact. If you've noticed your car runs somewhat less than the advertised gas mileage, that's part of the reason. Most of the gasoline in California is currently 5.7% ethanol (2% oxygen). Ethanol is blended into petrol for a variety of reasons including


* as an oxygenate to reduce CO and HC emissions

* an octane booster

* to provide volume in place of MTBE


There's nothing wrong or underhanded about this, it's just a cost effective means to legitimate ends. So if the EPA tells you you should be getting 20mpg city and you're only getting 18mpg, even driving with a feather right foot, it's not you, it's the petrol companies. 10% ethanol blend will rob you of about 5% gas mileage, and EPA figures assume a pure non-ethanol petrol. Apart from the emissions regulations, money is a factor in ethanol blending - more product that is cheaper to produce but sold for the same price. You can bet your bottom dollar (or euro) that the European refineries are doing exactly the same thing.

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  ..IcemaN.. a spus:
90% din autovehiculele din Brazilia merg fie cu biodiesel, fie cu alcool.

asa e, dar stiam ca au mici modificari (cele cu etanol). niste garnituri si probabil si alte piese pe ici-colo din cauza ca etanolul este mai acid. smecheri brazilienii oricum. si au si femei frumoase...

dar asta cu etanolul nu e ceva foarte nou... am vazut eu in filme cum baga whiskey la avion si mergea :wink:

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