RIDE TO LIVE Postat Decembrie 10, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 10, 2007 Salut! Deschid acest new topic pentru posesori si nu numai. Suntem cativa in momentul de fata, vom fii din ce in ce mai multi. Avem suportul HD, avem reprezentatnta, HOG, Specialisti si funi.... Free Discutions! Stie cineva, pretul de transport din USA si toate maruntisurile ce se aduna pina la sosirea-n tara, unui Harley? Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
TomCat Postat Decembrie 10, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 10, 2007 Funi? Ce-s aia? Funii? Pai sunt cei care vor fii din ce in ce mai multi acu' cind avem reprezentatnta, HOG si toate cele... Eh, greseli de tastare, tutulor ni se intimpla Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 11, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 11, 2007 Funi? Ce-s aia? funi FANI..... mea culpa --- Mesaj completat în 11 Dec 2007 11:54 ------------- Funii? Pai sunt cei care vor fii din ce in ce mai multi acu' cind avem reprezentatnta, HOG si toate cele... Eh, greseli de tastare, tutulor ni se intimpla pacat ca nu le-am busit pe toate ( cuvintele)...macar eram de un maxim cacao --- Mesaj completat în 11 Dec 2007 11:57 ------------- Funii? Pai sunt cei care vor fii din ce in ce mai multi acu' cind avem reprezentatnta, HOG si toate cele... Eh, greseli de tastare, tutulor ni se intimpla p.s. Tomcat - merci de obedientza... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Altair Postat Decembrie 11, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 11, 2007 funi FANI..... mea culpa <small>--- Mesaj completat în 11 Dec 2007 11:54 -------------</small><br/> pacat ca nu le-am busit pe toate ( cuvintele)...macar eram de un maxim cacao <small>--- Mesaj completat în 11 Dec 2007 11:57 -------------</small><br/> p.s. Tomcat - merci de obedientza... Na c-ai dres-o! Nu putem decat sa speram ca pe motor esti mai dibaci decat pe taste Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 12, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 12, 2007 Na c-ai dres-o! Nu putem decat sa speram ca pe motor esti mai dibaci decat pe taste se intampla sa mai si gresesti, nu? se intampla sa fie persoane obediente...termen explicat in DEX. cred ca in trafic o sa fiu atent la scris.... . ma gandeam ca asa de usor este de intzepat si cum ne bucuram ca altzii gresesc si asa fain ne simtzim ca le-o dam peste bot. cam atat. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Altair Postat Decembrie 12, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 12, 2007 se intampla sa mai si gresesti, nu? se intampla sa fie persoane obediente...termen explicat in DEX. cred ca in trafic o sa fiu atent la scris.... . ma gandeam ca asa de usor este de intzepat si cum ne bucuram ca altzii gresesc si asa fain ne simtzim ca le-o dam peste bot. cam atat. nu e vorba de dat peste bot, chiar nu sunt din cei care vaneaza greseli ortografice, la tine insa se vede ca limba romana e o provocare inca, de aceea e mai bine sa citesti mai mult si sa scrii mai putin. Obedienta inseamna supunere, docilitate, colegul Tomcat manifesta doar intelegere sau simpatie. Pune si tu o poza cu tine si V-Rodul ca sa ne patrunda si pe noi spiritul HOG un pic Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 nu e vorba de dat peste bot, chiar nu sunt din cei care vaneaza greseli ortografice, la tine insa se vede ca limba romana e o provocare inca, de aceea e mai bine sa citesti mai mult si sa scrii mai putin. Obedienta inseamna supunere, docilitate, colegul Tomcat manifesta doar intelegere sau simpatie. Pune si tu o poza cu tine si V-Rodul ca sa ne patrunda si pe noi spiritul HOG un pic Foarte adevarat ce spui legat de sensul cuvantului Obedient. Recunosc ca i-am confundat sensul din punct de vedere gramatical. Apreciez corecturile si multumesc pentru ca m-ai luminat. Neuronul meu interpreta <obedienta> ca si <indurare>...ceea ce este eronat si apreciind persoanele culte multumesc inca o data pentru indreptare. Asa cum scriam la un moment dat prin forum, noi ca Romani suntem tentatzi sa ne satisfacem frustrarile prin sistemul "i-am tras-o de nu s-a vazut " si " l-am pus eu la punct..." Deasemenea, constat ca daca se greseste din incultura sau neatentie un cuvant, exista resurse umane pricepute care analizeaza caracterul si cultura celui in cauza, prezentatnd sub pretextul bunavointzei lipsa crasa de cultura dupa cum reiese si din paragraful <la tine insa se vede ca limba romana e o provocare inca, de aceea e mai bine sa citesti mai mult si sa scrii mai putin>. O poza cu mine si v-rod-ul crezi ca este de ajuns sa te patrunda spiritul HOG? Pe mine nu m-a patruns niciun spirit HOG, ci bucuria ca am avut posibilitatea dupa 32 de ani sa-mi permit o motocicleta pe care mi-am dorit-o. Am mai constatat ca subiectul unui topic atat in acest forum cat si in altele nu poate fii urmarit si dezvoltat din cauza de analize sintactico-mofologice, noantze subtiri si fine de ironie docta, experienta ce nu poate fii impartasita decat cu colegii de bere, atitudine rebela si bupera in anumite cazuri. In consecinta, ma voi extrage din aceasta comunitate pastrand un respect deosebit celor ce urmaresc si lanseaza subiecte logice si interesante, celor ce sfatuiesc cum sa-ti pazesti pielea in trafic, cum sa resepcti pentru a fii respectat, cum sa te bucuri de motocicleta ta indiferent de model, an , culoare sau alte caracteristici tehnice. Voi sustine ideiile AMR si voi contribui acolo unde este cazul pentru promovarea normalitatzii in trafic si respectarea motociclistilor si a drepturilor acestora. NOTA Ceea ce am scris mai sus este o cugetare pur personala si nu doreste sa faca atingere nimanui sub nicio forma atat prin intzeles cat si prin contzinut. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
XIII Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Foarte adevarat ce spui legat de sensul cuvantului Obedient. Recunosc ca i-am confundat sensul din punct de vedere gramatical. Apreciez corecturile si multumesc pentru ca m-ai luminat. Neuronul meu interpreta <obedienta> ca si <indurare>...ceea ce este eronat si apreciind persoanele culte multumesc inca o data pentru indreptare. Asa cum scriam la un moment dat prin forum, noi ca Romani suntem tentatzi sa ne satisfacem frustrarile prin sistemul "i-am tras-o de nu s-a vazut " si " l-am pus eu la punct..." Deasemenea, constat ca daca se greseste din incultura sau neatentie un cuvant, exista resurse umane pricepute care analizeaza caracterul si cultura celui in cauza, prezentatnd sub pretextul bunavointzei lipsa crasa de cultura dupa cum reiese si din paragraful <la tine insa se vede ca limba romana e o provocare inca, de aceea e mai bine sa citesti mai mult si sa scrii mai putin>. O poza cu mine si v-rod-ul crezi ca este de ajuns sa te patrunda spiritul HOG? Pe mine nu m-a patruns niciun spirit HOG, ci bucuria ca am avut posibilitatea dupa 32 de ani sa-mi permit o motocicleta pe care mi-am dorit-o. Am mai constatat ca subiectul unui topic atat in acest forum cat si in altele nu poate fii urmarit si dezvoltat din cauza de analize sintactico-mofologice, noantze subtiri si fine de ironie docta, experienta ce nu poate fii impartasita decat cu colegii de bere, atitudine rebela si bupera in anumite cazuri. In consecinta, ma voi extrage din aceasta comunitate pastrand un respect deosebit celor ce urmaresc si lanseaza subiecte logice si interesante, celor ce sfatuiesc cum sa-ti pazesti pielea in trafic, cum sa resepcti pentru a fii respectat, cum sa te bucuri de motocicleta ta indiferent de model, an , culoare sau alte caracteristici tehnice. Voi sustine ideiile AMR si voi contribui acolo unde este cazul pentru promovarea normalitatzii in trafic si respectarea motociclistilor si a drepturilor acestora. NOTA Ceea ce am scris mai sus este o cugetare pur personala si nu doreste sa faca atingere nimanui sub nicio forma atat prin intzeles cat si prin contzinut. Sint bulversat, cel putin... Chestia cu "spiritul HOG" e cea mai tare. Hai, lamureste-ma si pe mine cum vine aia. Pliiiiizzzz! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Sint bulversat, cel putin... Chestia cu "spiritul HOG" e cea mai tare. Hai, lamureste-ma si pe mine cum vine aia. Pliiiiizzzz! In ce sens esti bulversat si ce lamuriri doresti legat de care spirit HOG?????????? Vezi si tu pe www.hog.com sau www.hogromania.com mai mult de atat ce pot pentru ca sa spun? Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
XIII Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 In ce sens esti bulversat si ce lamuriri doresti legat de care spirit HOG?????????? Vezi si tu pe www.hog.com sau www.hogromania.com mai mult de atat ce pot pentru ca sa spun? Ceva gen "o cugetare pur personala", dude! Ar fi de ajutor...10x. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Ceva gen "o cugetare pur personala", dude! Ar fi de ajutor...10x. Ceea ce am scris reprezinta un punct de vedere personal. Prin ce am scris nu doresc sa ofensez pe nimeni. Scopul meu in acest loc nu este acela de agasa persoanele participante la subiectele in discutie ci de a impartasi experiente, idei..etc despre Harley Davidson. PUNCT! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
XIII Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 (editat) I feel you... da' chestia cu HOG spirit, cum e? De cit spirit e nevoie, ca sa fi reclama ambulanta, pt. tovarasii din Milwaukee? Io-s mai de la tara...intelegi? Editat Decembrie 13, 2007 de XIII Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 I feel you... I am glad .... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
XIII Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 I am glad .... ...da' chestia cu HOG spirit, cum e? De cit spirit e nevoie, ca sa fi reclama ambulanta, pt. tovarasii din Milwaukee? Io-s mai de la tara...intelegi? Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 www.hogromania.com Impresii? Cam asa incepe un Topic fain si cum se continua vedetzi si singuri..... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
XIII Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 (editat) Dude, e forum. Tot felul de subiecte, tot felul de pareri, tot felul de puncte de vedere, tot felul de intrebari... Macar un raspuns, capat si eu? Toti, HOG-istii, cunoscuti de mine, se eschiveaza, cind e vorba de raspunsuri, la niste intrebari. De ce? Editat Decembrie 13, 2007 de XIII Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 ...da' chestia cu HOG spirit, cum e? De cit spirit e nevoie, ca sa fi reclama ambulanta, pt. tovarasii din Milwaukee? Io-s mai de la tara...intelegi? Am prins ideea! Mai greu ce-i drept fiindca nu prea citesc si ma atac des.... Asta cu reclama ambulanta pentru HD...nu cred ca e nevoie ca posesorii de HD sa faca reclama unor produse de acest gen. Motoarele isi fac reclama singure. Mi-ar placea sa le fac reclama ce-i drept si m-ar onora. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
XIII Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Am prins ideea! Mai greu ce-i drept fiindca nu prea citesc si ma atac des.... Asta cu reclama ambulanta pentru HD...nu cred ca e nevoie ca posesorii de HD sa faca reclama unor produse de acest gen. Motoarele isi fac reclama singure. Mi-ar placea sa le fac reclama ce-i drept si m-ar onora. Aham... ... ... strange. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Aham... ... ... strange. profund... mai stiu si eu: ala bala portocala...pic si poc.... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
XIII Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 OK...OK...gata cu intrebari neplacute. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 OK...OK...gata cu intrebari neplacute. In Romanica din cate am intzeles a fost lansat HOGRomania cu ceva ani in urma. La momentul actual Clubul nu poate inca sa se dezvolte avand nevoie de girul HOG USA fiindca de anul asta dupa cum ai aflat HD are un distribuitor oficial. In momentul in care ai cumparat un Motor HD, poti deveni membru HOG contra unei taxe anuale. Nimeni nu te obliga sa intri in HOG daca ti-ai luat un Harley. Practic HOG este o comunitate a posesorilor de Harley. Harley Owners Group, asa cum scria si Marcel ( de la Harley ) nu-ti ofera cine stie ce privilegii... Primesti niste insemne HOG, niste materiale publicitare si sunt unele magazine HD in lume care ofera 10% discount membrilor. Ar fii tare daca HOG Romania s-ar dezvolta, ar incepe sa organizeze evenimente, parade, intalniri. Probabil se va intampla si asta dupa un timp. In orice caz nu am cunoscut multzi HOG-i, dar cei pe care i-am intalnit sunt niste persoane deosebite, legati de bucuria de a calarii bolizii HD. Pace! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
XIII Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Asta stie toata lumea, dar merci, oricum, de efort. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
V-ROD Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Asta stie toata lumea, dar merci, oricum, de efort. --- Mesaj completat în 13 Dec 2007 13:29 -------------Iote ce zice HOG-u de la mama lui: Preamble The Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G.) is an organisation founded and sponsored by Harley-Davidson® Motor Company. The group was established to offer motorcycling benefits and services to Harley-Davidson enthusiasts throughout the world, and to develop a close relationship between the Harley-Davidson rider, the Harley-Davidson dealer and Harley-Davidson Motor Company. The opportunity to start an independent chapter affiliated with the Harley Owners Group is offered to bring members together for the common interest of promoting motorcycling activities. The goal of each chapter is to generate an increased level of enthusiasm for riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles. The chapter shall be a family-oriented and a nonpolitical organisation. Article I – Purpose The purpose of the local chapter shall be to promote responsible motorcycling activities for Harley Owners Group members by conducting chapter activities and encouraging participation in other H.O.G. events. Chapter activities and operations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with a familyoriented, nonpolitical philosophy. Article II – Sponsorship Each chapter must be sponsored by an authorised Harley-Davidson dealer. The decision to sponsor a chapter shall be undertaken solely at the dealer's discretion. An authorised Harley-Davidson dealer may sponsor only one H.O.G. chapter. The Sponsoring Dealer shall have authority to require that the sponsored chapter conducts its operations and activities in accordance with the Sponsoring Dealer's standards. The Sponsoring Dealer shall require the chapter to operate and conduct activities in accordance with this charter and H.O.G. operating policies. The Sponsoring Dealer shall have authority over, and approval rights regarding, the content of all chapter publications. The Sponsoring Dealer shall have authority over any and all matters pertaining to chapter membership. The Sponsoring Dealer may establish chapter dues, which dues shall be used solely to pay or defray the cost of chapter administration. For those chapters that are incorporated as a not-for-profit association, please read this section in conjunction with your chapter's by-laws. Article III – Application and Term of Relationship Chapter affiliation with H.O.G. shall be for a one-year term and shall be subject to annual application and acceptance by H.O.G. Article IV – Name and Affiliation The Harley Owners Group, a division of Harley-Davidson Motor Company, is the governing body for all H.O.G. chapters. Each chapter affiliated with the Harley Owners Group shall be a separate and independent organisation providing services to its chapter members on a "not-for-profit" basis. Each affiliated chapter must adhere to this Charter and to H.O.G. Operating Policies. Affiliated chapters shall be named after the respective city or locale of the Sponsoring Dealer. H.O.G. shall have the right to approve chapter names. Should H.O.G. determine, in its sole discretion, that a chapter is not adhering to this Charter, H.O.G. may rescind its recognition of the chapter as a H.O.G. affiliated organisation. Dealers may likewise rescind sponsorship of their chapter at any time, at which time the chapter's H.O.G. affiliation shall also cease. Article V – Officers Affiliated chapters shall have the following primary officers: Director, Assistant Director, Treasurer, Secretary and Sponsoring Director. Other discretionary officers may be appointed as needed. The sponsoring dealer assumes the position of the Sponsoring Director. He may assume any, or all, other officer position(s) including their respective responsibilities and may remove any officer from office in the dealer’s sole discretion. The Sponsoring Dealer may determine how chapter officers are selected and the length of their terms in office. For chapters that are incorporated, please consult your chapter's by-laws on appointment and removal of officers. The Sponsoring Dealer has the authority to require the chapter to perform to the Sponsoring Dealer's standards and is to assure H.O.G. that the chapter abides by this Charter and the Operating Policies. The duties and responsibilities of the primary chapter officers shall be as follows: Director: The Director shall uphold this Charter and the chapter by-laws, conduct chapter meetings and coordinate chapter officer responsibilities. Assistant Director: The Assistant Director shall assist the Director in carrying out the Director's duties. The Assistant Director shall also be responsible for promoting membership, membership orientation, membership retention, and keeping the chapter members informed of H.O.G. programs. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of chapter funds, reporting the financial transactions to the membership on a monthly basis, submitting an annual financial report to H.O.G., compliance with all revenue recording and reporting requirements and for submitting the Chapter Reimbursement Application along with required documentation. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for the administrative needs of the chapter, keeping the minutes of chapter annual business meetings and general meetings, oversees the position of membership officer if it exists, ensuring that all chapter members are current H.O.G. members, having on file a signed copy of the Annual Chapter Membership Enrollment Form and Release of each member as signed on an annual basis, and submitting to H.O.G. the H.O.G. Chapter Charter Application and any other reports as required by H.O.G. Further, the Secretary shall ensure that all insurance requirements are met (including participant signatures to required release forms), and that all annual filings with local authorities are done. The Secretary shall ensure preparation of injury report forms, timely submission of injury report forms to the appropriate insurance company and shall be responsible for the maintenance and storage of release forms and injury reports. The duties and responsibilities of the discretionary (optional) chapter officers shall be: Activities Officer: The Activities Officer shall be responsible for the administration of chapter events. Ladies of Harley Officer: The LOH Officer shall be responsible for encouraging women members to take an active part in chapter activities. Road Captain: The Road Captain(s) shall be responsible for assisting in the planning of routes for chapter rides and keeping the Chapter informed of all H.O.G. programs. Editor: The Editor shall be responsible for assembling and organizing written, oral (broadcast) and electronic material for chapter publications, e.g., newsletters, press releases. All chapter publications, whether written, oral (broadcast) or electronic, shall be subject to approval by the Sponsoring Dealer prior to publication. Safety Officer: The Safety Officer shall be responsible for providing chapter members with information relating to the availability of rider training. Photographer: The Photographer shall be responsible for obtaining and organizing chapter photographs for use in chapter publications and chapter history albums. Historian: The Historian shall be responsible for the preparation and maintenance of a written account of the history of the chapter, to include officer positions, chapter activities and membership levels. Membership Officer: The Membership Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that all chapter members are current H.O.G. members, having on file a signed copy of the Annual Chapter Membership Enrollment Form & Release of each member as signed on an annual basis; maintains chapter membership report, providing quarterly updates to the H.O.G. office or maintaining on the Chapter Business site of www.members.hog.com. Webmaster: The Webmaster shall be responsible for assembling and organizing material for the Chapter Website and seeking approval from the Sponsoring Dealer prior to publication. Article VI – Membership All Harley Owners Group members may join any affiliated chapter. An expired membership in H.O.G. automatically terminates local chapter membership and any associated memberships. It shall be the responsibility of each local chapter to ensure that chapter members are current H.O.G. members and to maintain on file in the chapter records a signed copy of the annual Chapter Membership Enrollment Form and Release of each chapter member. It shall be the responsibility of any person applying for, or renewing, membership in a local chapter to provide proof of his or her international membership as a condition of eligibility for membership. The Sponsoring Dealer may suspend or terminate a person's membership in the sponsored chapter if the Sponsoring Dealer, in the Sponsoring Dealer's sole discretion, determines that a member's conduct is undesirable or contrary to the Sponsoring Dealer's interests. For chapters that are incorporated, please consult your chapter's by-laws that have a specific section on removal of members. Article VII – Dues Chapters are to be not-for-profit organisations. The Sponsoring Dealer may establish chapter dues to be utilised solely to pay or defray the cost of chapter administration. For the chapters that are incorporated, please consult your by-laws that have a section on dues. Chapters may conduct legitimate fund-raising activities to assist in paying or defraying chapter operating expenses or to raise funds for charitable purposes. All such fund-raising activity shall be subject to approval by the Sponsoring Dealer. Article VIII – Activities Chapter events and activities are the sole responsibility of the local chapter. These events and activities may include any family-oriented, safe activities that promote a positive image of the sport of motorcycling and that appeal to the chapter membership. Article IX – Chapter Publications All material published by the chapter must include the official chapter name and number. All chapter publications, whether written, oral (broadcast), or electronic must be approved by the Sponsoring Dealer. If, at any time, H.O.G. determines in its sole discretion that a chapter publication is incompatible with the family-oriented, nonpolitical philosophies and/or objectives of H.O.G., the chapter recognition as a H.O.G. affiliated organisation may be terminated. A copy of all chapter publications of any type must be sent to the H.O.G. office. Article X – Trademark License The trademarks H.O.G.®, HOG® , HARLEY OWNERS GROUP®, L.O.H.®, LADIES OF HARLEY® and the following H.O.G. logos (the "H.O.G. Trademarks") are among the many trademarks of Harley-Davidson Motor Company. These H.O.G. Trademarks may not be altered in any way and cannot be used in combination with any other words or graphics. The issuance or renewal of this Annual Charter For H.O.G. Chapters shall constitute a limited license to use the H.O.G. Trademarks for the term of this Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters. In the future each chapter in Europe will enter into a genuine trademark license agreement with H.O.G. separate from the Annual Charter. The Chartered H.O.G. Chapter's license to use the H.O.G. Trademark is limited to use in conjunction with the official chapter name and use in conjunction with material relating to chapter activities. The current H.O.G. eagle logo shall be displayed only with the official chapter name, which official chapter name shall be displayed above the H.O.G. eagle logo and within the official H.O.G. chapter chevron as depicted below. Chapters must obtain approval from H.O.G. prior to using H.O.G. Trademarks on any material other than chapter publications. T shirts, pins and all other items are only to be produced by authorised licensees of Harley-Davidson Motor Company and shall likewise be subject to prior approval by H.O.G. Chapter use of the H.O.G. Trademarks may continue only so long as this Annual Charter or the H.O.G. trademark license is in effect between H.O.G. and the chartered chapter and the chapter operates in accordance with this Annual Charter and H.O.G. Operating Policies. H.O.G. may, at its sole discretion, terminate the chapter's limited license to use the H.O.G. Trademarks at any time upon thirty (30) days' notice in writing, and the chapter will immediately terminate all use of the marks when the notice becomes effective. The chapter shall provide such assistance as may reasonably be requested by Harley-Davidson Europe to protect the H.O.G. Trademarks in the locality of the chapter's operations. Article XI – By-Laws This Charter shall be adopted and serve as operating policy for H.O.G. chapters and must be available to all chapter members. For chapters that are incorporated the chapter by-laws supplement this Charter and H.O.G. Operating Policies. The sponsoring dealer and the H.O.G. office must approve chapter by-laws prior to publication or implementation. Once adopted, a copy of the chapter by-laws must be furnished to the Sponsoring Dealer and H.O.G. office and must be available to all chapter members. In case of discrepancy, the chapter by-laws prevail. Article XII – Amendments H.O.G. may amend this Charter at any time at its sole discretion based upon H.O.G.'s review of chapter developments and needs or because of conflicts with any applicable national or local laws. Article XIII – Disbursement of Funds In the event of dissolution or final liquidation of the Chapter, all of the remaining funds and property of the Chapter shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities and obligations of the Chapter and for necessary expenses thereof, be distributed to such organisation or organisations as are organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes and which qualify as a charitable organisation under the relevant country laws. In no event shall any of such assets or property be distributed to any director, officer or private individual. Article XIV – Disclaimer While the chapter may be affiliated with H.O.G., it remains a separate, independent entity responsible for its actions. All Harley Owners Group members and their guest(s) participate voluntarily and at their own risk in H.O.G. and H.O.G. chapter activities. The Sponsoring Dealer, H.O.G. and Harley-Davidson Motor Company, its subsidiaries and distributors and local chapter officers are and shall be released and held harmless by the member/guest for any injury or loss to the member/guest or to his or her property which may result from participation in H.O.G. and H.O.G. chapter activities. This means that each and every member of the local chapter and their guest(s) have no ground for legal action against the Sponsoring Dealer, H.O.G., Harley-Davidson Motor Company, its distributors and its subsidiaries, the local chapters and their respective agents and employees for any injury resulting to them or their property. Article XV – National and Local Laws If any part of this Charter should be invalid for any reason whatsoever under any national or local laws having jurisdiction over the subject matter of this Charter, then that part shall be considered deleted from this Charter and the rest of this Charter shall remain valid and in full force and effect. Article XVI – Operating Policies Operating Policies The Sponsoring Dealer shall inform the appropriate H.O.G. Manager of the Sponsoring Dealer's intent to cancel or terminate sponsorship fifteen days prior to providing the chapter with written notice of termination or recision of sponsorship. Such notice shall be afforded by telephone or facsimile transmission. The Sponsoring Dealer shall provide the chapter with written notice that sponsorship is terminated or rescinded, setting forth the reasons for termination or cancellation. Said notice shall be effective fifteen days subsequent to date of delivery of the notice. A copy of the Sponsoring Dealer's written notice to the chapter membership shall be sent to the H.O.G. Manager. Any subsequent application for charter by a group proposed to be sponsored by the former Sponsoring Dealer shall not be considered for acceptance for a minimum period of three months following the Sponsoring Dealer's termination or recision of the dealer's sponsorship of the former chartered chapter. Chapter Activities: Chapter should specify whether events are 'open', 'closed' or 'members only'. Closed events are those chapter events that are open to chapter members and one guest per member. Member events are events that are open only to H.O.G. members. Open events are those chapter events that are open to chapter members, international H.O.G. members and other guests as desired. Membership: In order to suspend or revoke a membership in the chapter, the Sponsoring Dealer must do the following: Notify the member in writing of the cancellation of his/her chapter membership. Give the reason for the cancellation in clear, concise terms. Refund the member's chapter dues for the year. Send a copy of the cancellation letter to the H.O.G. Manager. D. For chapters that are incorporated, please consult your chapter's by-laws that have a special section on suspension and cancellation of membership. Newsletters: Newsletters can consist of any printed material informing the membership of activities, i.e. postcards, flyers, multi-page publications, etc. Activities listed in the newsletter must indicate whether it is an open event, H.O.G. member event or closed event. Chapter Status: Any chapter which fails to conduct any events or fails to publish any newsletters, may have their chapter recognition as a H.O.G. affiliated organisation rescinded. Dues: Annual chapter membership dues may not exceed 50 Euros. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
roadking Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Dude, e forum. Tot felul de subiecte, tot felul de pareri, tot felul de puncte de vedere, tot felul de intrebari... Macar un raspuns, capat si eu? Toti, HOG-istii, cunoscuti de mine, se eschiveaza, cind e vorba de raspunsuri, la niste intrebari. De ce? Io ma gandeam ca decat nimic sau prea mult(1%) mai bine hog. Ce parere ai? Unde te pozitionezi tu?? Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
XIII Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Share Postat Decembrie 13, 2007 Io ma gandeam ca decat nimic sau prea mult(1%) mai bine hog. Ce parere ai? Unde te pozitionezi tu?? Ceva mai la nord de Polul sud, cind treci codrii de arama, o faci la stinga si, dupa 9 mari si 9 tari, ma vezi pozitionat in balcon, la o tigara. Si asa, tragind din tigara si uitindu-ma in zare, peste 9 mari si 9 tari, la dreapta peste codrii de arama, catre Polul sud, mai exclam, uneori: "Sa-mi bag una, ce departe m-am pozitionat!" Si ma mai gindeam ca, decit nimic, 1%, sau HOG (ptiu, drace!), mai bine Fifty Nine Club. If you know what I mean... Cheereoh, fellas! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
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