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Orice postat de P T R
Hihi...nu stim sigur, dar stim ca de culoare rosie nu vor fi
incercati sa nu priviti slabitul ca o chestie super complexa, priviti mai simplu toata treaba asta.... mai multa miscare iar regimul alimentar il schimbati treptat.Initial schimbati cina, apoi peste 2 saptamani schimbati si pranzul. La mic dejun e de preferat sa se manance mai consistent ca sa nu aveti apoi dorinta disperata de satietate.Invatati-va sa fiti mai activi,schimbati-va modul de viata.Renuntati la lift, mergeti pe scari chiar si cu bagaje.Mergeti cu bicicleta la plimbare,schimbati mediul daca restul din jur sunt sedentari, energia negativa nu ajuta.Cautati un mediu pozitiv.Lenea e dusmanul vostru, nu mancati niciodata pe saturate,gatiti portii mai mici pentru a nu ajunge sa mancati "tot ce e in farfurie", (dupa cum spunea mama).Efortul fizic nu trebuie facut doar in sala, face-ti si acasa.Exercitii care le preferati,geno, flotari...orice va face sa depuneti un efort in plus.Dimineata o incepeti cu 15 minute de exercitii fizice de baza si niste stretching mediu.E cel mai bine sa va incepeti ziua in modul asta. Incercati, ca nu doare. Bafta
Eu la nutritie nu ma pricep prea bine dar din cate stiu daca manaca fruct seara mai ales daca au trecut macar 2 ore de cand a mancat ultima masa, sau chiar 3 daca a mancat carne, nu are nimic.Atata vreme cat nu mananca multe fructe, sa nu fermenteze si sa baloneze.Unele fructe chiar ingrasa,deci atentie si cu fructele de genu struguri,banane, cat tot ce e dulce ingrasa. Si mai puteti apela si la lista alimentelor interzise in functie de grupa sanguina. http://www.sfatulmedicului.ro/Diete-de-mentinere/dieta-in-functie-de-grupa-sanguina_6022 sper sa va fie de folos... oricum sfatul meu e.. burn more than you take! corect, si asa sigur ai mic dejun, ca te roade stomacul cand te trezesti , si te pui sa mananci bine.ceea ce e foarte important la micul dejun... tre sa fie mare dejun
pentru cine vrea wallpaperuri de calitate am cateva care arata bine. o rezolutie mai demna decat pe motogp.com apropo... cine are poze de calitate si aici ma refer la rezolutii peste 2000x , rog sa le etaleze
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Cele mai spectaculoase dueluri, all time!
topic a răspuns lui P T R în Gixu.ul Competitii Internationale
La multi ani Rossifumi, The Doctor, Goat... etc sau mai pe intelesul nostru... Doctore, sa ne traiesti si asteptam spectacolul oferit de tine si in acest an:) da, sa nu uitam si de ea... speram ca atunci cand creste sa il convinga pe taticu' sa mai concureze pe 2 roti.
se vede ca e iarna... frumnos topic.... continuati
SE VINDE In stare foarte buna , ca noua Geaca Shox din textil Marimea L 200 Ron si Pantaloni Shox Marimea XL nr46 200 Ron In stare buna Geaca piele , dubla, protectii coate, umeri ,coloana si brau.Full protect. Marimea XL 350 Ron Stare impecabila Cizme Dainese Pro Torque Out model 2011 marimea 42 ,300 Ron ( rezervele din de magneziu sunt incluse in pret) Casca Caberg Flower stare foarte buna , cu ochelari , Marimea S 55-56 500 Ron Casca Uvex in stare buna Marimea L nr 60 250 ron Preturile sunt usor negociabile in functie de achizitie. Nr telefon :0748 997 347
SE VINDE In stare foarte buna , ca noua Geaca Shox din textil Marimea L 200 Ron si Pantaloni Shox Marimea XL nr46 200 Ron In stare buna Geaca piele , dubla, protectii coate, umeri ,coloana si brau.Full protect. Marimea XL 350 Ron Stare impecabila Cizme Dainese Pro Torque Out model 2011 marimea 42 ,300 Ron ( rezervele din de magneziu sunt incluse in pret) Casca Caberg Flower stare foarte buna , cu ochelari , Marimea S 55-56 500 Ron Casca Uvex in stare buna Marimea L nr 60 250 ron Preturile sunt usor negociabile in functie de achizitie. Nr telefon :0748 997 347
- 9.841 răspunsuri
- Scarite PC40
- Honda 600 rr
- (și 17 alții)
SE VINDE In stare foarte buna , ca noua Geaca Shox din textil Marimea L 200 Ron si Pantaloni Shox Marimea XL nr46 200 Ron In stare buna Geaca piele , dubla, protectii coate, umeri ,coloana si brau.Full protect. Marimea XL 350 Ron Stare impecabila Cizme Dainese Pro Torque Out model 2011 marimea 42 ,300 Ron ( rezervele din de magneziu sunt incluse in pret) Casca Caberg Flower stare foarte buna , cu ochelari , Marimea S 55-56 500 Ron Casca Uvex in stare buna Marimea L nr 60 250 ron Preturile sunt usor negociabile in functie de achizitie. Nr telefon :0748 997 347
SE VINDE In stare foarte buna , ca noua Geaca Shox din textil Marimea L 200 Ron si Pantaloni Shox Marimea XL nr46 200 Ron In stare buna Geaca piele , dubla, protectii coate, umeri ,coloana si brau.Full protect. Marimea XL 350 Ron Stare impecabila Cizme Dainese Pro Torque Out model 2011 marimea 42 ,300 Ron ( rezervele din de magneziu sunt incluse in pret) Casca Caberg Flower stare foarte buna , cu ochelari , Marimea S 55-56 500 Ron Casca Uvex in stare buna Marimea L nr 60 250 ron Preturile sunt usor negociabile in functie de achizitie. Nr telefon :0748 997 347
- 1.296 răspunsuri
cursa Macau 2012 onboard... bad ass pilots
Sincer nu mai stiu ,dar a fost un timp slab.Nu m-am simtit confortabil pe hungaring asa cum m-am simtit pe Serres de exemplu, plus ca sunt incepator. Pentru mine a fost prima oara pe hungaroring si a 2-a iesire din 2012
stateai pe forum?
si daca tot e gata sezonul pt cei care ies pe circuit , pun un filmulet de azi vara... a 2-a iesire de anul asta hungaroring http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4V_ifXv6q4
Felicitari bucurestene Ai sa vezi ca dupa ce te dai de cateva ori pe track nu o sa iti mai surada sa te dai pe strada ... Pacat ca e gata sezonul asta... sper ca anul care vine sa imi iau si eu ceva motor mai nazdravan.
pune-o cenzurata:))))
Pun sieu ce am pe telefon.art lasa ca am eu cateva cu tine... Ne vedrm si iti dau sticku.sau ti-l da kyp. da
VAND CASCA MOTO (FEMEI) CABERG - 350 LEI. Cumparata cu 700. STARE FOARTE BUNA...PURTATA DE MAXIM 10 ORI. Are si ochelari de soare. Marime S tel 0748 997 347 VAND CASCA UVEX Barbati - 300 lei Marime L tel 0748997347 vand cizme moto DAINESSE PRO TORQ OUT 2011 Purtate un sezon - 300 lei marime 41/42 tel 0748997347 VAND COSTUM MOTO TEXTIL SHOX - 400 lei geaca marime L- 200 lei pantalon marime XL - 200 lei 0748997347
- 1.296 răspunsuri
VAND CASCA MOTO (FEMEI) CABERG - 350 LEI. Cumparata cu 700. STARE FOARTE BUNA...PURTATA DE MAXIM 10 ORI. Are si ochelari de soare. Marime S tel 0748 997 347 VAND CASCA UVEX Barbati - 300 lei Marime L tel 0748997347 vand cizme moto DAINESSE PRO TORQ OUT 2011 Purtate un sezon - 300 lei marime 41/42 tel 0748997347 VAND COSTUM MOTO TEXTIL SHOX - 400 lei geaca marime L- 200 lei pantalon marime XL - 200 lei 0748997347
asa se pare, sau e dat pe fast forward )))
O stire foarte interesanta Casey Stoner’s retirement announcement shook the world and opened a whole new can of worms for the 2013 silly season. Speculation of who is going where is starting to pop up left and right. We’ve heard rumors that Ducati is taking a good hard look at Cal Crutchlow - to replace whom is left up to your imagination. MCN has a story of why Crutchlow could end up in Repsol Honda on its cover. Valentino Rossi could wind up on either a Yamaha factory bike or back to where it all began for him in MotoGP, on a Honda, with Yamaha’s Lin Jarvis and Honda’s Shuhei Nakamoto no longer counting out the Italian, something that would have been impossible for either of them to imagine just a few months ago. Spanish website ‘AS’ has published this interview with Livio Suppo - the man behind Casey Stoner’s arrival in Honda - who now will have find a new top rider to replace his beloved Australian. Here’s the translation of the interview that we hope you’ll find interesting. Mela Chercoles: Will you renew with Pedrosa? Livio Suppo: “We are only beginning to talk now.” MC: In a month, Repsol Honda has gone from holding three titles to navigating in a sea of doubts about the future, and this because of Stoner’s retirement .. LS: I don’t see it in these terms: the immediate future is this year, with two riders who can win races and also the MotoGP world title.” MC: Could Stoner be influenced somewhat by the fact that he will retire end of the year ? LS: No, he wants to win another title, and other races: at Le Mans we didn’t win because Yamaha was better than Honda. Dani has had the same rear grip problems as Casey, but in the dry things would have turned out differently. ” MC: Without Stoner, will Lorenzo will be the strongest rider on the grid in 2013? LS : The last year seems to confirm it, but in 2010 before his Motegi accident Pedrosa was still faster than he was.MC: Will you try to get Lorenzo? LS: It s too early to tell MC: After 2004 separation are Honda’s doors still open to Rossi? At Yamaha we were told that their doors are still open, but your boss, Nakamoto, in Qatar said that [Rossi ] would never race on a Honda again, while at Le Mans he said that anything is possible … LS: When Nakamoto said it wouldn’t be possible he had counted on continuing with Casey and Dani. Casey’s retirement however changes things: Rossi began his career in 500 with Honda, and maybe he could end his career with Honda. It would be a good story. MC:How are your relations with him? LS: We never worked together, but obviously I have tremendous respect for him. It would be crazy not having any. MC: What do you think of his battle with Stoner at Le Mans? LS: It was a good race. The Ducati was strong and Rossi wanted to prove he is still a ‘race animal’. When he smelt the blood he went for it and proved that he’s far from finished . I think his bad results are due in part to the bike in the dry and in part to motivation problems. MC: It would be a great team with Marquez. Amongst other things Ezpeleta seemed a little less rigid the other day regarding the rookie rule… LS: The rookie rule may be interesting from the point of view of certain satellite teams, however, it is expensive for the factory manufacturers. When you have a rider that you like, as with Simoncelli for Honda or Spies for Yamaha, you are obliged to back him for at least a year in a satellite team, investing more money in addition to the factory riders, so you find yourself paying three riders. At a time like this, that rule is a problem. ” MC: Could Stoner’s retirement make it disappear? LS: It’s being said that in 2013 manufacturers can field only four bikes, so I wonder: can a satellite team afford to ruin their relationship with their sponsors just to field a rider for one year? I’m saying this because Marquez is sponsored by Repsol. I hope that there will soon be the opportunity to reason together on this issue and find a solution. MC: Stoner said that Marquez would be his natural successor within the Repsol Honda, but that “stupid rule prevents it” … LS: Casey is Casey. MC: But on this point he seems to have your same opinion. LS: Casey has a lot of talent in his right wrist, but he isn’t diplomatic (laughs). Stoner will be leaving and we’ll see what happens, but we are still at the beginning of the season and we must stay focused on that. Marquez is one of the riders that we interested in for 2013, but we don’t want to put any pressure on young riders: neither he nor Fenati or anyone else. MC: One last question. Stoner is leaving the championship criticizing everything and not thanking anyone … LS: [stoner] has infinite talent, but he’s not a diplomat : he says what he thinks. In this world its easier to live if you the know how to lie, but this isn’t his case. ” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYOOvwaLWxU
http://www.motogp.com/en/AskValentino Interviu Rossi de joi seara.
Mama cat ati mai scris Rossi nu e complet, era daca reusea si cu ducati.Atunci se putea spune ca intradevar are ceva ce restu nu au. Adevarul e ca toti sunt foarte talentati de la Stoner pana la Abraham. E destul de dezamagitor pentru mine ca fan Rossi de 12 ani,sa il vad ca nu face fata provocarii la Ducati.Dar accept situatia si nu imi caut alt pilot preferat, pentru ca nu pot. Ador stilul lui Stoner, brutal si precis. Baletul lui Lorenzo, elegant si sublin. si lista poate continua... Eu poate sunt mai incuiat, ca batranii care povestesc de vremurile lor, ... Eu am descoperit motociclismul cu Rossi,si am crescut in fata televizorului urmarind cursele live de fiecare data, zi sau noapte. Cand ajungi in varf singura varianta e la vale.... Asa si cu el... Acum fie lupta si gaseste solutia sa mai ramana aproape de varf, fie o ia la vale . Mi-ar place sa il vad aproape de varf,sa ii vad pe toti aproape de varf.Sa nu mai fie diferentele astea atat de mari intre motociclete. Ramane de vazut, eu tot tind sa cred ca Ducati + Rossi nu merge.Nu e stilul lui.Nu poti sa canti la trompeta ca la chitara.A facut mutarea gresita iar acum plateste. Sper totusi sa mai ramana in motorsport si la anul. Hai ca e tarziu... Noapte buna.