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  • Carnet moto din
    august 2007
  • Motocicleta
    BMW F650 GS
  • Numar Moto
    B 70 FTW

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. In cazul in care este cineva interesat, se vand urmatoarele: GPS Garmin StreetPilot 2720 Intercom Moto Nady 2X
  2. ;) "La multi ani!" fericiti si sanatosi!!!
  3. Salut, In cazul in care cineva este interesat...vand Acerbis Koerta.
  4. In afara de primul schimb ce l-am facut cu 15W40 de la AB, am pus doar Motul 20W50 mineral cu specificatie SG parca, asa cum recomanda BMW. E ok.
  5. Toata lumea-l lauda pe Rabin...doar ca Alex.R vrea sa-si echilibreze rotile, nu sa le centreze
  6. Preturile oficiale primite de la dealer din UK: Hi RemusI can sell you a UK spec bike "road" version for £7149 non ABS, or £7749 ABS or the "XC" version for £7749 non ABS or £8349 ABS. Most new machines come with switchable speedo's now and flat beam headlights which are acceptable in a lot of countries now.RegardsPeterStoneTriumphWestYorkshire In euro, street cu ABS=9179e, XC cu ABS=9893e
  7. Au inceput sa apara din ce in ce mai multe informatii legate de Tiger 800. sustine ca a intrat in posesia preturilor pentru mobre si accesorii: "The Tiger 800 will retail at £7,149 with an additional £600 for the ABS model. The Tiger 800XC will retails for just £600 more than the standard model at £7,749 with an additional £600 for the ABS model" Tradus in euro un 800XC cu ABS ar costa aproximativ 9700 euro. Tot propune si o lista cu accesoriile disponibile pentru ambele variante: Triumph Tiger 800/Tiger 800XC accessories list Two-box pannier set £499.99 Top box £249.99 Sliding carriage kit £99.99 Top box back rest pad £44.99 Pannier inner bags (pair) £89.99 Pannier/top box inner bag £59.99 Tank bag harness £39.99 City tank bag £89.99 Adventure tank bag £109.99 City tail pack £69.99 Adventure tail pack £129.99 Waterproof roll bag £69.99 Arrow slip-on exhaust (E-marked) £499.99 Anodised rear brake reservoir £44.99 Tapered black handlebar £79.99 Heated handlebar grips £149.99 Adjustable clutch lever £23.49 Machined lever kit - standard £139.99 Machined lever kit - short £139.99 Paddock stand bobbins £20.99 Hand guards* £71.99 High level front mudguard* £69.99 Front mudguard extension kit £24.99 Rear mudguard extension kit £29.99 Headlight protector £39.99 Sump guard £129.99 Aluminium radiator guard £59.99 Adjustable high screen £119.99 Adjustable screen mechanism £39.99 Low rider gel seat £129.99 Rider gel seat £129.99 Pillion gel seat £99.99 Centre stand £149.99 Engine protection bars £169.99 Swing arm pivot cover £12.99 Rubber tank pad £24.99 Alloy led indicators £49.99 Led indicator relay kit £14.99 Alarm £269.99 D-lock £109.99 GPS mounting kit £49.99 Auxiliary power socket £20.00 Adventure fog light £229.99 All weather cover £89.99 Paint protection kit £59.99 Tyre pressure monitoring system* £119.99 Rear paddock stand £99.99 Front paddock stand £99.99 34PS restrictor kit £31.99 * indicates for Tiger 800 only Read more: Legat de presupusul consum al noului model se pare ca Triumph pretinde ca poti face 250 mile intre doua alimentari cu benzina.
  8. Da, am vazut. Treaba cu forumul spaniol era doar o presupunere aparuta inainte de lansarea oficiala.
  9. Am un prieten cu Sprint ST, are reviziile la 10K Km...In conditiile astea nu m-ar deranja sa ma duc la Budapesta odata la 10K km si sa-i fac revizia. Drumu pana acolo este bun si frumos . Pe topicul detinatorilor de Triumph un baiat a scris "Pentru piese pentru orice model Triumph si pentru Triumph-uri noi cu garantie, revizii si service in Bucuresti puteti sa apelati la mine. Totul este underground deocamdata intrucat Triumph nu are nici un interes in piata romaneasca si asta nu cred ca se va schimba curand dar cel putin pot tine garantia la ele fara a necesita drumuri pana la Budapesta sau Viena." Oricum, astept in continuare cu interes pretul si primele informatii legate de consum.
  10. Au aparut informatiile oficiale pe Nimic insa in legatura cu pretul oficial. Pe apare ca ar avea suspensia fata reglabila, pe triumphadventure nu scrie ca ar avea
  11. Nu stiu cat sunt de reale cele de mai jos...sursa Tiger 800. Available from December 2010 (after the NEC). Price around £7000, ABS as a £600 option. Colours : Crystal White (as found on the Thruxton SE and Tiger1050), Phantom Black (as found on Tiger 1050 and Speedmaster), Venom Yellow (all new colour exclusive to Tiger 800). Steel Trellis Frame Showa 43mm USD forks. 19" cast front wheel. Ignition key controlled immobiliser system. Height adjustable seat with 20mm range of adjustability. Adjustable handlebars. Seat height 810-830mm. Wet weight 210kg. 95 ps (98bhp aprox'). Tiger 800 XC. Available from late December/early January. Price around £7600, ABS as a £600 option. Colours : Crystal White, Phantom Black, Intense Orange (as found on Tiger 1050, Speed Triple, also known as blazing orange) Showa 45mm USD forks with 220mm of travel. 21" Wire spoked wheels. Seat height 845-865mm (seat is again adjustable). Hand Guards. Radiator Guards. Wider bars than tarmac version. Other features as per Tarmac version. Mesaj completat MCN Ride
  12. Je? Nu... Si apropo de service la Tiger 800, uite ce zice unu pe "Tiger 800 does not require servicing. Tiger 800 services you."
  13. Vlad, asa cum am zis in topic, alternativa la BMW, daca pretul va fi suficient de mult sub cel de F800
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